ABORTION: GOP Sen. McTurtle working up votes on 20-week Abortion BAN. FFS! What a waste of time.

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
McConnell tees up vote on 20-week abortion ban
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is turning the Senate toward a fight over abortion next week.

McConnell moved to bring up a 20-week abortion ban, paving the way for a procedural vote expected on Monday.

"Now Congress has an opportunity to take a step forward. ... I'm pleased to have filed cloture on this bill to protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain. ... And I look forward to voting for it early next week," McConnell said.

The legislation, from GOP Sen.
Lindsey Graham
(S.C.), would make it illegal for any person to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possible penalty of five years in prison, fines or both.

Republicans will need 60 votes to overcome a procedural hurdle before they can take up the bill.
McConnell tees up vote on 20-week abortion ban

:lmao: Another distraction from the Mueller Investigating.

McTurtle should forgo the 60 Vote
Rule on this on. :party: !!!!!!
Women should always have access to all medical needs they want.
An Abortion should be legal at any point for any reason to a female.

Q: If the MORON Red States gets their BAN. The Blue states will still
be doing Abortions. And some Red States & Purples still, as well.
If they over return ROE, the same thang will happen.

What is the up side here? If Red States BAN all Abortions
at the federal level. Are these Red States going to rally after,
to stop NY or CA- 'Blue States' etc. From providing Red States
need Abortion Service.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.
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20 weeks is plenty of time, abortions are seldom taken lightly even by those who get them. Less and less people are getting abortions.
20 weeks is plenty of time, abortions are seldom taken lightly even by those who get them. Less and less people are getting abortions.
True. If it's taken you 5 months to decide whether or not to get an abortion, then that baby's probably the least of your problems.
20 weeks is plenty of time, abortions are seldom taken lightly even by those who get them. Less and less people are getting abortions.
True. If it's taken you 5 months to decide whether or not to get an abortion, then that baby's probably the least of your problems.

Missy..cartridges happen after 20-weeks. Many need abortion service to finish godly work.
Some want abortions after 20-weeks as the goo is a Downer mass, or is brain dead still baking.
And for many other reasons. For me, NO GOO Sack is coming out my wife
if I have a choice, your wife or the GOO sack? Wifey comes first. Or BORN Daughters life.

btw: The lord' plans all Abortions and Miscarriages.
Before any conception loads are shot in the hole..
Yep! The lord' planned this as well. From Rape to medically inserted.
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Hell we should encourage more abortions among the leftists not less! Less liberals the better.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?,
where are the 8-9 other votes?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

SO IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! Just BS. Another distraction from the Mueller Investigating.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?, where are the 8-9 others?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

Some democrats are pro life. Manchin I would think maybe Jones from Alabama....who knows who else might be...I don't vote for democraps so don't follow their detailed beliefs just enough to know I won't vote for them.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?, where are the 8-9 others?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

Some democrats are pro life. Manchin I would think maybe Jones from Alabama....who knows who else might be...I don't vote for democraps so don't follow their detailed beliefs just enough to know I won't vote for them.

Good Luck...

Hmm??? Btw.

In the Sept. 27 MSNBC interview, host Chuck Todd asked Jones about abortion.

Jones said he's a "firm believer that a woman should have to freedom to choose what happens to her own body" and that he opposed a ban on abortions after the 20th week of gestation, which is a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and now under consideration in the Senate.

Alabama law allows abortions to be performed as late as 22 weeks into a pregnancy.

"I'm not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman's right and her freedom to choose,"
Doug Jones speaks on abortion issue, wants 'to be clear' on where he stands
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?, where are the 8-9 others?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

Some democrats are pro life. Manchin I would think maybe Jones from Alabama....who knows who else might be...I don't vote for democraps so don't follow their detailed beliefs just enough to know I won't vote for them.

Good Luck...

Hmm??? Btw.

In the Sept. 27 MSNBC interview, host Chuck Todd asked Jones about abortion.

Jones said he's a "firm believer that a woman should have to freedom to choose what happens to her own body" and that he opposed a ban on abortions after the 20th week of gestation, which is a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and now under consideration in the Senate.

Alabama law allows abortions to be performed as late as 22 weeks into a pregnancy.

"I'm not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman's right and her freedom to choose,"
Doug Jones speaks on abortion issue, wants 'to be clear' on where he stands
Ah just assumed since he was from Alabama he didn't care for murdering babies...well he better enjoy his short time in the senate....
It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?, where are the 8-9 others?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

Some democrats are pro life. Manchin I would think maybe Jones from Alabama....who knows who else might be...I don't vote for democraps so don't follow their detailed beliefs just enough to know I won't vote for them.

Good Luck...

Hmm??? Btw.

In the Sept. 27 MSNBC interview, host Chuck Todd asked Jones about abortion.

Jones said he's a "firm believer that a woman should have to freedom to choose what happens to her own body" and that he opposed a ban on abortions after the 20th week of gestation, which is a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and now under consideration in the Senate.

Alabama law allows abortions to be performed as late as 22 weeks into a pregnancy.

"I'm not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman's right and her freedom to choose,"
Doug Jones speaks on abortion issue, wants 'to be clear' on where he stands
Ah just assumed since he was from Alabama he didn't care for murdering babies...well he better enjoy his short time in the senate....

You assume most ever thang I read in your posts. Why?
Are you the old teagagger, flying as a 2017 DOPer now?
Just totally uniformed as you post. Why? For what propose?
every State governs their own abortion week limit...

some States already have a 12 week cut off and a 16 week cut off, 20 week cut off etc.... there are something like 8 or 9 states only, that do not have any restrictions at all on the week of pregnancy limit for abortion and most of those are conservative States like Mississippi, or libertarian states like New Hampshire....

Abortion Restrictions in States
But the Republicans always scream and cry that they're fucking sick and tired of big government interferring in Americans' private lives.

They wouldn't be hypocrites, would they...?
Hell we should encourage more abortions among the leftists not less! Less liberals the better.

Oh I am sure many right wingers get abortions as well, they just fly to another country and do not get on the radar.
It's not a waste of time you stupid fuck. He's doing what the people who elected him want him to do. that's never a waste of time.

It is a waste of time!
PATRIOTIC America Blue States
will always be dong ABORTIONS!
It's JUST THE WAY IT IS, and will be!

82% of Americans will allow an Abortion to be done.
Only about 18% are full against all abortions.
So to BAN All Abortions, is to stoke these extreme
religious morons for votes.

btw: If 82% will allow an Abortion to be done.
In this 82%, THEY Will KILL the GOO SACKS, for a few reasons to all,
any reasons. If you don't pop out the OVEN. We can't make a birth
certificate with a foot print etc...
If this is about life, Then no one in the 82% should allow abortion
for any reason. So it's not about the life of the GOO!

SOOooo.. Why the BAN for these 18% of Morons who can't deal
with the reality, others are not religious ignorant gullible MORONS!.

Irrelevant. It isn't a waste of time if your representative is doing what the voters want.

This only takes a recount of new senators for 2017 on.
The current last vote count is LESS 2 now, so 50 or 51?,
where are the 8-9 other votes?. HAHA!.
This count requies no recounting. They don't have the votes.

SO IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! Just BS. Another distraction from the Mueller Investigating.

You don’t get it do you? No, you’re way too stupid to talk to.

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