Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Your number is off

53% of Americans say they would definitely not vote for a candidate who would appoint judges to the Supreme Court who would limit or overturn Roe.
And 71% of Americans favor keeping Roe intact
They don't believe it's murder. If they believed that they wouldn't all be getting abortions when they got knocked up at inconvenient times in their lives.

Half of the women who say they are pro life are going to be sorry. In fact many of them have had abortions. And would do it again if they had the CHOICE. Weird they want the choice taken away from them. What's that say about women?
They don't believe it is murder because the Demons from Hell you worship whisper in your ears and tell you that it isn't murder and you go spread your BLOODY GOSPEL of "CHOICE" to Hell and back and indoctrinate our children in it, grooming them for abortion, like your groom them to be sex objects for your Homo-Pedo-Alphabet friends who are trying to turn America into Sodom & Gomorrah. Not only are you murdering babies, you are taking other souls to Hell with you.

Godless and Lawless is what you want? Hell has No Law, and God isn't there. Complete Chaos and Misery, and everyone there gets their just reward and eternal torment. Enjoy. Sounds like a LibTard Utopia, only it's a DemNazi Nightmare.
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Good, beats murdering innocent people.
They should make sterilization mandatory to illegal immigrants and DemNazi DemTards.

Save the planet and quit exhaling CO2 if you believe in the lie of abortion as well as the lie of The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg.
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55% of women voted for Buden.

At least 60% of women think abortion should be legal everywhere.

Roe v wade gets overturned.

Will this result in the short term in:

1) More women voting republican

2) no change

3) Fewer women voting republican

Gee, this is a tough one. Gonna need my abacus...
Nah, liar. Switch them out for brown muslim babies and you do little dances watching them die on your TV. Switch them out for little brown Mexican babies,, and you drool with glee at seeing them in cages.The orange pile of shit is your God now, and you follow his lead.
I have No God but Jesus. However, you will be thrown in to the pit of despair with your god, Satan, and with no ethics, morality, nor kindness, mercy or love, or God for that matter in Hell, you will get the Dystopia you deserve. Welcome to Libtardia where the flames are not quenched and torment and suffering do not end, and lawlessness and cruelty are the only law FOREVER.
And 71% of Americans favor keeping Roe intact
So. like 7 out of 10 Left Tard whores (can't call them women) would like to kill their babies so they can stuff their diseased holes with cucumbers all day without consequence?

Not only can you not define what a woman is, you can't define what life is.

And we should listen to a morally disabled, mentally and spiritually ill moron like you lecture us about ethics, life and gender?
Fanatics of both parties are the big problem because it is stupid to eliminate abortion 100% or to have 100% abortions on demand, they don't solve the problem compromise is the way to go here.

Better to fully allow abortions to at least the first 13 weeks (end of first Trimester) some say that is too short maybe a few more weeks longer but I think exceptions can be made for the few women who still manage not to notice they are pregnant by 13 weeks this way it is a clean separation from second trimester.

No abortions for second and third trimesters EXCEPT for Rape incest and health of the mother.

Partial birth abortions should be Murder in first degree.

This should satisfy most people except the religious fanatics and far right conservatives and far left liberals.

Birth control should be fully legal and even funded for the poor to help prevent unwanted pregnancies you can't deny the need for mating but shouldn't have to suffer for having unplanned pregnancies.

Compromise is the OBVIOUS solution, but political extremists are preventing it from happening which I consider disgusting and why this country is breaking down.
I have No God but Jesus. However, you will be thrown in to the pit of despair with your god, Satan, and with no ethics, morality, nor kindness, mercy or love, or God for that matter in Hell, you will get the Dystopia you deserve. Welcome to Libtardia where the flames are not quenched and torment and suffering do not end, and lawlessness and cruelty are the only law FOREVER.
None of that is going to happen, you delusional freak. But thank you for showing your true colors. You and I both know you would eat a baby to get a seat at the orange pile of shit's table. Or if you thought it punched your ticket to the forever Jesus dummy festival. So take your immoral bullshit walking, freak.
So you weren't a virgin on your wedding night. That's what I thought. Your moral compass is off heathen.
Solving the Genocide of Abortion is Easy.

Have all leftist quit breathing out CO2 to save the planet, and let the rest of us populate the planet with people who have a brain instead of morons that sabotage their own existence through sanctioned murder of innocents.
None of that is going to happen, you delusional freak. But thank you for showing your true colors. You and I both know you would eat a baby to get a seat at the orange pile of shit's table. Or if you thought it punched your ticket to the forever Jesus dummy festival. So take your immoral bullshit walking, freak.
I tell you this, God will prepare a banquet for me in Heaven while you look up from Hell begging me for a drop of water to cool your parched tongue, but we will not see you or hear of you. You will go to where your heart is, and that is in Hell.

Your god, Satan is a delusional loser who will drag the whole lot of your delusional losers to Hell with him.

A created being cannot defeat The Creator who made not only him, but created the very laws of physics which operate The Universe.

Foolish Mortals

Stop murdering America's Future.

Stop making your women whores.

Stop treating them like your personal prostitutes.

End your war on women, on life, and on God and repent before your fate in Hell is sealed.
Some will. Most won't. Like, big majority.
You know what I love? On USMB, for years, Republicans have told me Republicans would never

1. Ban Abortion. I'm just trying to scare women into voting Democratic is what cons said. I knew they were lying. They knew they were lying. But the women who vote for Trump didn't believe they'd ever try to ban abortion. Do they believe now? We will find out in November.

2. Republicans have also denied they want to end social security. Don't forget, they are liars.

OMG Michigan is a very BLUE state usually and abortion would be banned here? WOW! See why you don't vote for Republicans on any level? Don't think it matters when you vote in State House and Senate Republicans? Oh it matters. Even more actually!

Most Alabama voters don’t support their state’s exemption-free abortion ban​

Even Alabamians don’t agree with banning abortion in cases of rape or incest, a previously unreleased poll shows.

If Red states don't turn Blue, elections in red states are rigged.

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