Abortion isn't mentioned in the bible, you say here are 79 verses suggesting otherwise

Abortion Isn’t Mentioned in the Bible, You Say? Here are 79 Verses Suggesting Otherwise

OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

This is how the church where fake Christians lead the clueless to all the wrong waters making them right they aren't any different than your fkd up fake ass pro american loons. They aren't pro anything it's called being a democratic douche....
They just didn’t use the word abortion. Here let me teach you something:

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”

See, they’re saying babies and pregnant women. Killing a pregnant woman is exactly the same as an abortion.

Hosea 13:16 God promises to dash to pieces the infants of Samaria and the “their women with child shall be ripped up”.
Here we have God commanding abortion.

There are many examples where God orders the death of pregnant women and babies.

Thing is, if Republicans really cared about babies, they would make it so that a woman’s life wasn’t ruined if she had an unplanned pregnancy. Instead of trying to punish her and the kid for existing.

Publicans are proven to the world just what awful people they are.

Abortion Isn’t Mentioned in the Bible, You Say? Here are 79 Verses Suggesting Otherwise

OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

This is how the church where fake Christians lead the clueless to all the wrong waters making them right they aren't any different than your fkd up fake ass pro american loons. They aren't pro anything it's called being a democratic douche....
They just didn’t use the word abortion. Here let me teach you something:

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”

See, they’re saying babies and pregnant women. Killing a pregnant woman is exactly the same as an abortion.

Hosea 13:16 God promises to dash to pieces the infants of Samaria and the “their women with child shall be ripped up”.
Here we have God commanding abortion.

There are many examples where God orders the death of pregnant women and babies.

Thing is, if Republicans really cared about babies, they would make it so that a woman’s life wasn’t ruined if she had an unplanned pregnancy. Instead of trying to punish her and the kid for existing.

Publicans are proven to the world just what awful people they are.


When are you going to read the entire Bible instead of cherry picking like a child?
Abortion Isn’t Mentioned in the Bible, You Say? Here are 79 Verses Suggesting Otherwise

OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

This is how the church where fake Christians lead the clueless to all the wrong waters making them right they aren't any different than your fkd up fake ass pro american loons. They aren't pro anything it's called being a democratic douche....
They just didn’t use the word abortion. Here let me teach you something:

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”

See, they’re saying babies and pregnant women. Killing a pregnant woman is exactly the same as an abortion.

Hosea 13:16 God promises to dash to pieces the infants of Samaria and the “their women with child shall be ripped up”.
Here we have God commanding abortion.

There are many examples where God orders the death of pregnant women and babies.

Thing is, if Republicans really cared about babies, they would make it so that a woman’s life wasn’t ruined if she had an unplanned pregnancy. Instead of trying to punish her and the kid for existing.

Publicans are proven to the world just what awful people they are.


Lol @ the idea Derp could teach anyone anything.
Abortion Isn’t Mentioned in the Bible, You Say? Here are 79 Verses Suggesting Otherwise

OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

This is how the church where fake Christians lead the clueless to all the wrong waters making them right they aren't any different than your fkd up fake ass pro american loons. They aren't pro anything it's called being a democratic douche....
They just didn’t use the word abortion. Here let me teach you something:

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”

See, they’re saying babies and pregnant women. Killing a pregnant woman is exactly the same as an abortion.

Hosea 13:16 God promises to dash to pieces the infants of Samaria and the “their women with child shall be ripped up”.
Here we have God commanding abortion.

There are many examples where God orders the death of pregnant women and babies.

Thing is, if Republicans really cared about babies, they would make it so that a woman’s life wasn’t ruined if she had an unplanned pregnancy. Instead of trying to punish her and the kid for existing.

Publicans are proven to the world just what awful people they are.


When are you going to read the entire Bible instead of cherry picking like a child?
We had to read the Bible when I was going to Catholic school. It was required. The Bible was written by primitive bronze age people who didn’t know to wash after wiping.


Looking at their terrible anti-Jesus policies, Republicans can no longer claim to be the party of God. These are some terrible and awful people.
Abortion Isn’t Mentioned in the Bible, You Say? Here are 79 Verses Suggesting Otherwise

OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

This is how the church where fake Christians lead the clueless to all the wrong waters making them right they aren't any different than your fkd up fake ass pro american loons. They aren't pro anything it's called being a democratic douche....
Abortion isn't mentioned in the Constitution.
Maybe not but when it was back in the day, old West law, I imagine if you kicked a sevent month old broad in the guts and she lost the baby the hanging judge would probably say you murdered a baby and move accordingly. Had it been a white oligarch ( which the forefathers were) you'da gotten hung. Had it been a poor farm boys wife the "evil" clan" would have passed sentence....maybe on the judge too.
Man. The good ol days.
He stole my calves and my horse.... so I shot him dead and burned his house down .

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