Abortion Rights Advocates Get Allies As Satanic Temple Joins Your Cause


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Well, it looks like the baby butcher crowd is getting a boost as the Satanic Temple out of Salem, MA has announced plans to sponsor satanic ritual infanticide in "clinics" they want to open to the public in New Mexico with plans to go into other states.
NM- I wonder if Alec Baldwin is involved?

Nothing says you're on the right side quite like having actual Satan worshippers backing your desire to murder your own children for religious purposes.
I wonder if they will have an alter set up in the clinic so the tiny & innocent sacrificial victims can be displayed for all to see?
You know, as a virtue signal... or whatever.

I know when I take a side I always make sure the Satanists are all on board because everyone knows if Satan worshippers don't back you it just proves what a real POS you are.

Well, it looks like the baby butcher crowd is getting a boost as the Satanic Temple out of Salem, MA has announced plans to sponsor satanic ritual infanticide in "clinics" they want to open to the public in New Mexico with plans to go into other states.
NM- I wonder if Alec Baldwin is involved?

Nothing says you're on the right side quite like having actual Satan worshippers backing your desire to murder your own children for religious purposes.
I wonder if they will have an alter set up in the clinic so the tiny & innocent sacrificial victims can be displayed for all to see?
You know, as a virtue signal... or whatever.

I know when I take a side I always make sure the Satanists are all on board because everyone knows if Satan worshippers don't back you it just proves what a real POS you are.

Very little difference between people who believe in god and satan. Think of all the bible thumpers who picket outside abortion clinics. Hypocrites. 1/4th of them have had abortions themselves. Maybe higher than that. It's why they picket. Guilt. Mind ya own business. Oh and Hail Satan.
Well, it looks like the baby butcher crowd is getting a boost as the Satanic Temple out of Salem, MA has announced plans to sponsor satanic ritual infanticide in "clinics" they want to open to the public in New Mexico with plans to go into other states.
NM- I wonder if Alec Baldwin is involved?

Nothing says you're on the right side quite like having actual Satan worshippers backing your desire to murder your own children for religious purposes.
I wonder if they will have an alter set up in the clinic so the tiny & innocent sacrificial victims can be displayed for all to see?
You know, as a virtue signal... or whatever.

I know when I take a side I always make sure the Satanists are all on board because everyone knows if Satan worshippers don't back you it just proves what a real POS you are.

What is better is your God kills 99% of all humans and still gets worshipped as a loving peaceful God.. :auiqs.jpg:
Very little difference between people who believe in god and satan. Think of all the bible thumpers who picket outside abortion clinics. Hypocrites. 1/4th of them have had abortions themselves. Maybe higher than that. It's why they picket. Guilt. Mind ya own business. Oh and Hail Satan.

Figures you don't understand Christianity, which includes forgiveness, unless you are a Calvinist.

And throwing out numbers like 1/4 without backup shows your lack of integrity.

Most "Satanists" are actually just asshole atheists who made their "religion" up just to tweak believers.
Then he killed a bunch of innocent kids in Egypt to get the Jews released, this God has a bloodlust for humans.
You know the day I probably realized there was no god was the day I convinced myself there was no monster under my bed, no ghost watching me when I'm alone in the dark. No boogie man. No monster chasing me in the wood. I didn't connect these things with god at the time but it's the same concept. It's all nonsense.

And when you point out all these creepy stupid stories from the bible, it amazes me so many intelligent people swallow the stories. Or they don't see how they are no different than Jews, who don't believe the jesus stories. Muslims, who don't believe he was the son of god. So Jews, atheists and Muslims all call bullshit on the Jesus stories.

Oh and us atheists, christians and jews call bullshit on the Muslim story.

Christians can't call bs on the Jewish story because it's their origin story.

Mormon's have a different angle. Christianity lost it's connection to god long ago during the dark ages. So yes Jesus happened. But the Catholic Church has no connection to god since then. God revisited in 1800 and Joseph Smith is the new Jesus. Follow him.
Figures you don't understand Christianity, which includes forgiveness, unless you are a Calvinist.

And throwing out numbers like 1/4 without backup shows your lack of integrity.

Most "Satanists" are actually just asshole atheists who made their "religion" up just to tweak believers.

Oh I understand Christianity. Religion is the greatest story ever told. George Carlin.

It's more than 1/4th.

Yes I agree with your 3rd comment. Hail Satan!
You know the day I probably realized there was no god was the day I convinced myself there was no monster under my bed, no ghost watching me when I'm alone in the dark. No boogie man. No monster chasing me in the wood. I didn't connect these things with god at the time but it's the same concept. It's all nonsense.

And when you point out all these creepy stupid stories from the bible, it amazes me so many intelligent people swallow the stories. Or they don't see how they are no different than Jews, who don't believe the jesus stories. Muslims, who don't believe he was the son of god. So Jews, atheists and Muslims all call bullshit on the Jesus stories.

Oh and us atheists, christians and jews call bullshit on the Muslim story.

Christians can't call bs on the Jewish story because it's their origin story.

Mormon's have a different angle. Christianity lost it's connection to god long ago during the dark ages. So yes Jesus happened. But the Catholic Church has no connection to god since then. God revisited in 1800 and Joseph Smith is the new Jesus. Follow him.

You replaced god with yourself, which explains the condescending asshattery of most Atheists such as yourself.
Oh I understand Christianity. Religion is the greatest story ever told. George Carlin.

It's more than 1/4th.

Yes I agree with your 3rd comment. Hail Satan!

Asshole atheist gonna asshole.

And the funniest thing is if you are right your only reward is oblivion.

At least if the Christians are right they are going to be able to gloat about it.
Satanists are churlish atheist trolls with no actual beliefs, not a religion. Giving them the time of day is a sign of absolute stupidity.

They have a belief usually, the narcissistic belief in themselves as the center of existence.
Asshole atheist gonna asshole.

And the funniest thing is if you are right your only reward is oblivion.

At least if the Christians are right they are going to be able to gloat about it.
If Christians are right about what? That a heaven exists? OR, that the only way to get in is through Christ?

I am open minded to the first one. The second? No fucking way.
Well you talk about god as if we agree he exists. That's the asshattery of theists.

I'm agnostic, a lapsed Catholic at best. What I lack is the hubris of people like you.

And at least Theists can believe in something bigger than themselves.
If Christians are right about what? That a heaven exists? OR, that the only way to get in is through Christ?

I am open minded to the first one. The second? No fucking way.

Then you aren't actually an atheist, you just play one to get cheap rises out of believers.
I'm agnostic, a lapsed Catholic at best. What I lack is the hubris of people like you.

And at least Theists can believe in something bigger than themselves.
I can believe in something bigger than myself. The Universe. And god I hope there is a god and heaven. Wouldn't that be great? I hope I get in. But that's not going to get me to join a cult or religion when I don't believe their stories.

I'm Greek Orthodox. I go to church and pray to a higher power. It's not Christ, Mohammad or Joseph Smith. Or Abraham. Or Moses. That's all bullshit.

Is Hubris good? LOL
I can believe in something bigger than myself. The Universe. And god I hope there is a god and heaven. Wouldn't that be great? I hope I get in. But that's not going to get me to join a cult or religion when I don't believe their stories.

I'm Greek Orthodox. I go to church and pray to a higher power. It's not Christ, Mohammad or Joseph Smith. Or Abraham. Or Moses. That's all bullshit.

Is Hubris good? LOL

Then you aren't really Greek Orthodox, you just play one on TV.

No, Hubris isn't good.
Then you aren't actually an atheist, you just play one to get cheap rises out of believers.
I'm an agnostic atheist. There is a spectrum. You aren't as religious as an hissedic jew and I'm not as religious as you. I talk to christians who are pro choice. Get my point?

Agnostic atheist is the best position to have because who knows if there is a god? You'd have to be a god yourself to know for sure. Unless you seen him. And I haven't seen him. Don't tell me you have. I laugh at that. So I'm atheist when it comes to organized religions. I call BULLSHIT. Enough to wager my mortal soul because according to them if I don't believe I'm going to hell.

And not all Christians say I'm going to hell. Hence the spectrum I was talking about.
Then you aren't really Greek Orthodox, you just play one on TV.

No, Hubris isn't good.
There are Jews who don't believe in God but they still consider themselves Jewish because it's not just a religion it's a culture.

And trust me, many guys at your church are there because the wife makes them. They're just playing a role too. To get pussy.

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