Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

No. I just accept that children are a potential consequence of sexual activity, no matter how many of the numerous options one uses to try and prevent pregnancy.

I can honestly say I’ve never had sex with a woman I wasn’t prepared to marry and raise a child with. That’s how I was brought up.

Misery is the intent of human life. The Soul cannot be tested without trouble, misery, and pain.

That (rape) is the one circumstance under which I believe abortion to be an appropriate OPTION, and should be available to the woman… so long as she’s willing to assist in the prosecution of her assailant.

So you don’t believe in the “life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Constitution?

I have never been pregnant outside of marriage nor have I ever sought an abortion. My “surprise” will celebrate his 49th birthday this summer.

But I also had 2 miscarriages, the first one was incomplete. It was well after 6 weeks. They had to do a D&C to stop the bleeding.

It has always fascinated me how you pro-abortion people deliberately overlook the fact a human being is being terminated.

There is no one in the world who is “pro abortion“. No one.

You keep ignoring the facts. 75% of the women getting abortions live below or just above the poverty line. 60% are married or in a committed relationship and already have children. 1/2 were using birth control the months they got pregnant.

Follow-up studies on women who’ve attempted to get an abortion and we’re unable to do so, show that five years later virtually all of them were much worse off both financially and emotionally. None of these women or their children were thriving. Even those who gave the babies up for adoption were in worse shape than they had been when they got pregnant.

I want kids to have a chance in life. I want them to be loved and wanted. Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, higher dropout rates. They suffer more abuse as children. They don’t grow up to be happy, high functioning people.

It’s no accident that 20 years after Rowe v Wade became law, the crime rate in the USA dropped by 10% in one year. That’s the highest yearly drop in crime since they started keeping statistics.

Forcing women to give birth to children, they can’t afford to bear or raise isn’t saving innocent lives. It’s condemning them.
So you don’t believe in the “life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Constitution?

I have never been pregnant outside of marriage nor have I ever sought an abortion. My “surprise” will celebrate his 49th birthday this summer.

But I also had 2 miscarriages, the first one was incomplete. It was well after 6 weeks. They had to do a D&C to stop the bleeding.

There is no one in the world who is “pro abortion“. No one.

You keep ignoring the facts. 75% of the women getting abortions live below or just above the poverty line. 60% are married or in a committed relationship and already have children. 1/2 were using birth control the months they got pregnant.

Follow-up studies on women who’ve attempted to get an abortion and we’re unable to do so, show that five years later virtually all of them were much worse off both financially and emotionally. None of these women or their children were thriving. Even those who gave the babies up for adoption were in worse shape than they had been when they got pregnant.

I want kids to have a chance in life. I want them to be loved and wanted. Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, higher dropout rates. They suffer more abuse as children. They don’t grow up to be happy, high functioning people.

It’s no accident that 20 years after Rowe v Wade became law, the crime rate in the USA dropped by 10% in one year. That’s the highest yearly drop in crime since they started keeping statistics.

Forcing women to give birth to children, they can’t afford to bear or raise isn’t saving innocent lives. It’s condemning them.
youre the one that doesnt believe in life liberty and pursuit of happiness when you murder innocent children for convenience,,
So you don’t believe in the “life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Constitution?

I have never been pregnant outside of marriage nor have I ever sought an abortion. My “surprise” will celebrate his 49th birthday this summer.

But I also had 2 miscarriages, the first one was incomplete. It was well after 6 weeks. They had to do a D&C to stop the bleeding.

There is no one in the world who is “pro abortion“. No one.

You keep ignoring the facts. 75% of the women getting abortions live below or just above the poverty line. 60% are married or in a committed relationship and already have children. 1/2 were using birth control the months they got pregnant.

Follow-up studies on women who’ve attempted to get an abortion and we’re unable to do so, show that five years later virtually all of them were much worse off both financially and emotionally. None of these women or their children were thriving. Even those who gave the babies up for adoption were in worse shape than they had been when they got pregnant.

I want kids to have a chance in life. I want them to be loved and wanted. Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, higher dropout rates. They suffer more abuse as children. They don’t grow up to be happy, high functioning people.

It’s no accident that 20 years after Rowe v Wade became law, the crime rate in the USA dropped by 10% in one year. That’s the highest yearly drop in crime since they started keeping statistics.

Forcing women to give birth to children, they can’t afford to bear or raise isn’t saving innocent lives. It’s condemning them.
I've been thinking a lot over the last several months about the abortion topic and was wondering about a possible compromise. From what I understand, there can be a fairly safe pharmaceutically induced abortion up to about 12 weeks, which is around the time frame that most of Europe accepts abortions. Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway. I would personally be very opposed to an abortive medical procedure that isn't pharmaceutical at any time unless the mother or the child are having life threatening complications. Rape and incest pregnancies would have to be aborted within that 12 week period. So, that leaves me asking the following main questions to both sides:

1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

2. Directed at the right: Assuming that my compromise would be enacted and made into law, would you then accept pharmaceutically induced abortions during those first 12 weeks, something that really isn't too much different than miscarriages?

No compromise is possible because it is always a personal and private decision.
Actual child birth is always at least 10 times more risky and painful than an abortion, and if something happens, like a relationship breaks up, a person becomes homeless, etc., they must retain total and complete control over the choice.

Those who pretend to call it "murder" are obviously lying, because when one has an abortion, they are still going to have the same number of children eventually, just slightly delayed.
So there is no "murder".
There is no reduction of life.
No compromise is possible because it is always a personal and private decision.
Actual child birth is always at least 10 times more risky and painful than an abortion, and if something happens, like a relationship breaks up, a person becomes homeless, etc., they must retain total and complete control over the choice.

Those who pretend to call it "murder" are obviously lying, because when one has an abortion, they are still going to have the same number of children eventually, just slightly delayed.
So there is no "murder".
There is no reduction of life.
sounds like you have a little guilt there bud,,,

killing another human being for no reason is murder,,
12 weeks, 12 minutes or 12 seconds after the egg is implanted it's still killing a child.

Soon as the egg is fertilized and implants then it's a child because if you just leave it alone (barring any unforeseen circumstances) a baby will come out of the woman in 9 months.

Just because it's a very tiny blob doesn't mean it isn't a child. It's just the very beginning of a 17 to 19 year growing period to becoming an adult.

So if you abort a child even 1 day after the egg implants you're still ending the life of what will grow into a fetus that will be born and be a baby.

I don't say that out because of any religion or political stance, it's just a fact. Whether you abort it at 3 minutes or 3 months you're still ending a child's life and that's all there is to it. A baby is no less a baby at 3 days than it is at 3 months or 3 years, it's all just a process of growing more and more.

So if someone can rationalize killing a baby at 2 months then they should be able to rationalize killing one at 2 years because it's the same thing, murdering a child. But people seem to think just because it doesn't say googoo then it is somehow not a life.

There is nothing wrong with terminating a child if it is not optimal for some reason.
If at 2 years you realize the child has serious problems that will never be correctable, then you terminate.
It is wrong not to.
Resources are limited.
There is nothing wrong with terminating a child if it is not optimal for some reason.
If at 2 years you realize the child has serious problems that will never be correctable, then you terminate.
It is wrong not to.
Resources are limited.
you are one sick fucked in the head mother fucker,,,

resources are not limited,,
There is nothing wrong with terminating a child if it is not optimal for some reason.
If at 2 years you realize the child has serious problems that will never be correctable, then you terminate.
It is wrong not to.
Resources are limited.

See here folks, this is how stupid shit gets when people start feeling compelled to convince themselves that they actually believe the most ridiculous shit, because it's the only way they get their social validation brownie points.

Well, as I have said many times, the Republican party would gain a lot of ground if they just banned abortions after the first trimester.

2/3 of Americans are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

But the GOP is all about hate and brutality these days. There is no compassion to be found anywhere.
What about compassion for fetal life? Democrats don't seem to give a crap about that.

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