

Jul 23, 2014
That people who are for the abortions,were u born? For sure, yes!
To my mind, abortion is the same as murder. For the latest statistics, The US is the 4th country for the amount of abortion.

Otherwise, let`s imagine the situation, that abortion become illegal. So, the result can be dangerous, too. It cause the appearance of illegal medical centers, that could help a young mothers to get rid of her baby. If we search some examples in history, we can find the cases of the death of young girls caused by unprofessional abortion and girls who would never have babies at all. :(

Abortion should be restricted. There should be a list of reasons that can allow women to make it. Moreover, a girl give a medical center the facts that can prove that she`s a poor student, have no work, no boy, something like that…


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That people who are for the abortions,were u born? For sure, yes!
To my mind, abortion is the same as murder. For the latest statistics, The US is the 4th country for the amount of abortion.

Otherwise, let`s imagine the situation, that abortion become illegal. So, the result can be dangerous, too. It cause the appearance of illegal medical centers, that could help a young mothers to get rid of her baby. If we search some examples in history, we can find the cases of the death of young girls caused by unprofessional abortion and girls who would never have babies at all. :(

Abortion should be restricted. There should be a list of reasons that can allow women to make it. Moreover, a girl give a medical center the facts that can prove that she`s a poor student, have no work, no boy, something like that…

"Legal" abortion is just as dangerous as it would be illegally.

There s Nothing Safe About Legal Abortion
Safe And Legal
Legal Abortion is Not Safe Archives - Life Legal Defense Foundation
In Florida Legislature Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions Mail Online
Planned Parenthood Opposes Bill Protecting Babies Born After Botched Abortions LifeNews.com
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.

The conservatives don't care about that, though.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.

The conservatives don't care about that, though.
And I don't care about who's in what party.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.

The conservatives don't care about that, though.
And I don't care about who's in what party.

Only thing they care about is setting women's rights back 100 years.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.

The conservatives don't care about that, though.
And I don't care about who's in what party.

Only thing they care about is setting women's rights back 100 years.
I wouldn't know. I'm not active in any party. I just go with my gut.
That people who are for the abortions,were u born? For sure, yes!
To my mind, abortion is the same as murder. For the latest statistics, The US is the 4th country for the amount of abortion.

Otherwise, let`s imagine the situation, that abortion become illegal. So, the result can be dangerous, too. It cause the appearance of illegal medical centers, that could help a young mothers to get rid of her baby. If we search some examples in history, we can find the cases of the death of young girls caused by unprofessional abortion and girls who would never have babies at all. :(

Abortion should be restricted. There should be a list of reasons that can allow women to make it. Moreover, a girl give a medical center the facts that can prove that she`s a poor student, have no work, no boy, something like that…
And you're entitled to 'your mind,' provided you understand that you're wrong.

As a fact of Constitutional law abortion is not 'murder,' it's ignorant nonsense to maintain otherwise, as to do so is to confuse criminal law and procedural due process (murder), with that of civil law and substantive due process (privacy rights).

If you believe abortion is 'wrong' then don't have one, but you may not seek to codify your subjective and errant beliefs thus enhancing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
That people who are for the abortions,were u born? For sure, yes!
To my mind, abortion is the same as murder. For the latest statistics, The US is the 4th country for the amount of abortion.

Otherwise, let`s imagine the situation, that abortion become illegal. So, the result can be dangerous, too. It cause the appearance of illegal medical centers, that could help a young mothers to get rid of her baby. If we search some examples in history, we can find the cases of the death of young girls caused by unprofessional abortion and girls who would never have babies at all. :(

Abortion should be restricted. There should be a list of reasons that can allow women to make it. Moreover, a girl give a medical center the facts that can prove that she`s a poor student, have no work, no boy, something like that…

Abortion isn't equal to murder. 'Murder' is a legal distinction for an unlawful slaying of another human being. Abortion, because right now it's legal, is instead just 'baby-killing.'

I'm against baby-killing but in the case of rape (forcing a rape victim to go through 9 months of pregnancy carrying her attacker's child isn't fair,) or if carrying the baby represents a health threat to the mother.

If you wanna have an impact on this sort of thing, terminology is important. It's easier to support "abortion" than "baby killing." ;)
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.

All the opinions and laws aside, this is really the bottom line.

Ask any man if he would allow the government to dictate to him, force him to reproduce against his will and the answer would be a short and loud NO. And yet, its mostly men who believe they have the right to control women's right and choice of reproduction.
Apparently most of you have NOT read the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212).....a law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

The only WAIVER to this law is abortion.... a decision that is counter to everything that is JUST, ETHICAL, and MORAL to a civilized man! Just goes to show that MURDER, is a POLITICAL TOOL used by the left to have such as brainless Noomi going along with it, being SHE is MORE IMPORTANT than any other person!

Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.

All the opinions and laws aside, this is really the bottom line.

Ask any man if he would allow the government to dictate to him, force him to reproduce against his will and the answer would be a short and loud NO. And yet, its mostly men who believe they have the right to control women's right and choice of reproduction.

Oh, and then force those men support the children they're forced to produce and see what they have to say.

Hell, many divorced men don't even support the kids they were in favor of having.
Apparently most of you have NOT read the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212).....a law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

The only WAIVER to this law is abortion.... a decision that is counter to everything that is JUST, ETHICAL, and MORAL to a civilized man! Just goes to show that MURDER, is a POLITICAL TOOL used by the left to have such as brainless Noomi going along with it, being SHE is MORE IMPORTANT than any other person!
Abortion is not subject to this measure because, again, it's not 'murder.'

A woman is at liberty to decide whether to have a child or not, absent interference by the state.

An outside actor committing a crime against a pregnant woman is subject to prosecution because the woman's right to decide was taken from her by the criminal suspect, having nothing to do with the embryo/fetus, as prior to birth the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

But thank you once again for demonstrating the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, as well as the authoritarian nature of conservatives, the right's contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and the desire of most conservatives to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Apparently most of you have NOT read the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212).....a law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

The only WAIVER to this law is abortion.... a decision that is counter to everything that is JUST, ETHICAL, and MORAL to a civilized man! Just goes to show that MURDER, is a POLITICAL TOOL used by the left to have such as brainless Noomi going along with it, being SHE is MORE IMPORTANT than any other person!
Abortion is not subject to this measure because, again, it's not 'murder.'

A woman is at liberty to decide whether to have a child or not, absent interference by the state.

An outside actor committing a crime against a pregnant woman is subject to prosecution because the woman's right to decide was taken from her by the criminal suspect, having nothing to do with the embryo/fetus, as prior to birth the embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

But thank you once again for demonstrating the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, as well as the authoritarian nature of conservatives, the right's contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and the desire of most conservatives to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The law is absurd! As are you shyster. You apparently lack what much of civilized man knows....right ethically from wrong!
Killing a human being that has not been born yet is legal in this country.

What a twisted world we live in.
Women should always have the right to make their own decisions as to whether they wish to remain pregnant. No man has the right to deny her that.
I believe in the right to life but I don't impose my beliefs on to others.
I was just saying abortion is no safer being legal as it would be illegal.
There will always be botched abortions.

The conservatives don't care about that, though.
And I don't care about who's in what party.

Only thing they care about is setting women's rights back 100 years.

That's a lie.

I'm a conservative & I'm a woman....and I would vote against legalizing it. The only time I think it should be legal is in the case of rape or incest..or if the woman has an illness that a pregnancy could kill her. I still disagree with it then, but I do have empathy for these reason. Other than that, it's just murder.
Here's a thought. Everybody mind their fucking business and we'd have so many less conflicts in the world.
Killing a human being that has not been born yet is legal in this country.

What a twisted world we live in.

One cannot kill what does not exist.

One can call it whatever one wants to call it. Nothing changes the fact that its no one's business except the owner of the body.
Killing a human being that has not been born yet is legal in this country.

What a twisted world we live in.

One cannot kill what does not exist.

One can call it whatever one wants to call it. Nothing changes the fact that its no one's business except the owner of the body.

If the pre-born human did not exist there would be no need to abort it.

It is everyone's business to end the killing of the unborn human beings ... especially the ones being killed ... er, terminated ...er, having their life snuffed out. To turn a blind eye to it (under the guise of 'choice') is cowardess.

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