
I'm sure there are SOME women who would view their unborn child as a "tumor." How sad is that? Though I don't want to dictate to women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies, I still find it disgusting how the "abortionistas" try to push the idea that a fetus is the equivalent to a "tumor." That is dehumanizing a potential human being. That is a rotten side to take.
The point being each individual is at liberty to decide for himself, without interference from the state, just as it should be.

yes, and that would be HER self. Lol. Men aren't the ones getting abortions, are they? :D
Just because I believe in the rights of the individual to choose for herself when it comes to carrying and delivering a baby, that certainly doesn't mean I have to like or agree with abortion . . . and I do not (except under certain extenuating circumstances). However, it is absolutely the decision of the person who would serve as incubator and mom. To desensitize people to it is wrong. To dehumanize the unborn is wrong too. You only need to use the facts.
Nothing you have posted, Mr. I Pee Freely, has negated the biological FACTS that differentiate a fetus from a tumor. Lol. You are just a hateful human being.
Idiot, when they are in the incinerator the both smell the same, roasting flesh.

Again, that has nothing to do with the biological differences. I think it is clear who is the idiot, and it's not me. :D
Idiot, they are just two blobs of dead cells. Yes or No ?

No. Pregnancy is a physiologic state. Cancer is a pathologic state.
bollocks, both blobs are pathologic
I encourage all far leftist to abort your children! You'll see a nice big smile on my face. ;)
I encourage all far leftist to abort your children! You'll see a nice big smile on my face. ;)

don't be gross Matthew-----abortion is a serious issue and no woman ENJOYS
them. My own mother had a "therapeutic" abortion----way back circa 1955.
The child would have been her sixth and she was not well-----so the doc wangled
a special waiver. She never got over it------age 95 she still talks about her
dead baby. I have interviewed many women regarding their medical histories----
which includes history of induced abortion. No one is DELIGHTED over a history
of having undergone the procedure. Abortion seems to be uses as a kind of
casual birth control over there----in Russia. I was horrified several times
by women who told me -----FIVE---or even SIX!!! ----HOWEVER----I am still
Pro choice. Things happen in the lives of people that make having a child---
a tragedy in itself. My answer to abortion is------teach girls to avoid the necessity---
but do not remove the right.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
Yes Jewish law, read my signature line.
But BOTH are accepted and treated as lives correct?
Nope, I would argue that the translation to "life" is incorrect and that it should be "existence", hence it only becomes life when it's head exits the vagina and breaths independently.
I tried to avoid religion but okay. What do YOU call it in the womb and what does God call it in the womb?

early on it is called an embryo----later on a fetus. Why do you ask?-----
An interesting aspect of reality for those who consider every embryo a "baby"---
is that over half of the embyos that "happen" ---actually die before the
impregnated lady even knows she is harboring an embryo-------the clinical manifestation is----generally NOTHING----sometimes a slightly delayed menses
that month. Long ago------doctors used to treat "delayed menses"----with a
diagnostic D & C (dilatation and curettage ----scrapping the womb---in actual
fact----often an early abortion)

Is this mess of crap supposed to be meaningful and relevant?

1) The words "embryo" and "fetus" are not in any way opposite or exclusionary of "baby". Please do not use them as though they are.
2) What the hell does the fact that embryos die have to do with whether or not they're babies? EVERYONE dies, and that doesn't exclude THEM from being considered living human beings. In fact, the two actually go together.
3) I wasn't aware that life was predicated on other people's awareness of it. Until this moment, I wasn't aware that YOU existed. Does that mean you weren't alive until I became aware of you? Or that if you had died before I ever became aware of you, that you were therefore never alive at all?
4) Do you always consider the healthcare techniques employed in earlier, less-educated and technologically-advanced time periods to be definitive proof of something, or just when it suits your agenda?
Yes Jewish law, read my signature line.
But BOTH are accepted and treated as lives correct?
Nope, I would argue that the translation to "life" is incorrect and that it should be "existence", hence it only becomes life when it's head exits the vagina and breaths independently.
I tried to avoid religion but okay. What do YOU call it in the womb and what does God call it in the womb?

early on it is called an embryo----later on a fetus. Why do you ask?-----
An interesting aspect of reality for those who consider every embryo a "baby"---
is that over half of the embyos that "happen" ---actually die before the
impregnated lady even knows she is harboring an embryo-------the clinical manifestation is----generally NOTHING----sometimes a slightly delayed menses
that month. Long ago------doctors used to treat "delayed menses"----with a
diagnostic D & C (dilatation and curettage ----scrapping the womb---in actual
fact----often an early abortion)

Is this mess of crap supposed to be meaningful and relevant?

1) The words "embryo" and "fetus" are not in any way opposite or exclusionary of "baby". Please do not use them as though they are.
2) What the hell does the fact that embryos die have to do with whether or not they're babies? EVERYONE dies, and that doesn't exclude THEM from being considered living human beings. In fact, the two actually go together.
3) I wasn't aware that life was predicated on other people's awareness of it. Until this moment, I wasn't aware that YOU existed. Does that mean you weren't alive until I became aware of you? Or that if you had died before I ever became aware of you, that you were therefore never alive at all?
4) Do you always consider the healthcare techniques employed in earlier, less-educated and technologically-advanced time periods to be definitive proof of something, or just when it suits your agenda?

You are hysterical-----your post makes no sense
I encourage all far leftist to abort your children! You'll see a nice big smile on my face. ;)

don't be gross Matthew-----abortion is a serious issue and no woman ENJOYS
them. My own mother had a "therapeutic" abortion----way back circa 1955.
The child would have been her sixth and she was not well-----so the doc wangled
a special waiver. She never got over it------age 95 she still talks about her
dead baby. I have interviewed many women regarding their medical histories----
which includes history of induced abortion. No one is DELIGHTED over a history
of having undergone the procedure. Abortion seems to be uses as a kind of
casual birth control over there----in Russia. I was horrified several times
by women who told me -----FIVE---or even SIX!!! ----HOWEVER----I am still
Pro choice. Things happen in the lives of people that make having a child---
a tragedy in itself. My answer to abortion is------teach girls to avoid the necessity---
but do not remove the right.

They have the right, and always have had it. We don't need Planned Parenthood abbatoirs to give abortions. Women can get them from their doctors when they need them, just as they always have.
But BOTH are accepted and treated as lives correct?
Nope, I would argue that the translation to "life" is incorrect and that it should be "existence", hence it only becomes life when it's head exits the vagina and breaths independently.
I tried to avoid religion but okay. What do YOU call it in the womb and what does God call it in the womb?

early on it is called an embryo----later on a fetus. Why do you ask?-----
An interesting aspect of reality for those who consider every embryo a "baby"---
is that over half of the embyos that "happen" ---actually die before the
impregnated lady even knows she is harboring an embryo-------the clinical manifestation is----generally NOTHING----sometimes a slightly delayed menses
that month. Long ago------doctors used to treat "delayed menses"----with a
diagnostic D & C (dilatation and curettage ----scrapping the womb---in actual
fact----often an early abortion)

Is this mess of crap supposed to be meaningful and relevant?

1) The words "embryo" and "fetus" are not in any way opposite or exclusionary of "baby". Please do not use them as though they are.
2) What the hell does the fact that embryos die have to do with whether or not they're babies? EVERYONE dies, and that doesn't exclude THEM from being considered living human beings. In fact, the two actually go together.
3) I wasn't aware that life was predicated on other people's awareness of it. Until this moment, I wasn't aware that YOU existed. Does that mean you weren't alive until I became aware of you? Or that if you had died before I ever became aware of you, that you were therefore never alive at all?
4) Do you always consider the healthcare techniques employed in earlier, less-educated and technologically-advanced time periods to be definitive proof of something, or just when it suits your agenda?

You are hysterical-----your post makes no sense

It makes perfect sense.
I encourage all far leftist to abort your children! You'll see a nice big smile on my face. ;)

don't be gross Matthew-----abortion is a serious issue and no woman ENJOYS
them. My own mother had a "therapeutic" abortion----way back circa 1955.
The child would have been her sixth and she was not well-----so the doc wangled
a special waiver. She never got over it------age 95 she still talks about her
dead baby. I have interviewed many women regarding their medical histories----
which includes history of induced abortion. No one is DELIGHTED over a history
of having undergone the procedure. Abortion seems to be uses as a kind of
casual birth control over there----in Russia. I was horrified several times
by women who told me -----FIVE---or even SIX!!! ----HOWEVER----I am still
Pro choice. Things happen in the lives of people that make having a child---
a tragedy in itself. My answer to abortion is------teach girls to avoid the necessity---
but do not remove the right.

They have the right, and always have had it. We don't need Planned Parenthood abbatoirs to give abortions. Women can get them from their doctors when they need them, just as they always have.

you must be very young-----abortion was a crime-----in fact a felony----pre Roe v. Wade. Lots of doctors-----even today PREFER to not do them because of the
stigma of being called an ABORTIONIST. Your comment "they have the right and
always have had it"-----is extremely UNINFORMED.
Nope, I would argue that the translation to "life" is incorrect and that it should be "existence", hence it only becomes life when it's head exits the vagina and breaths independently.
I tried to avoid religion but okay. What do YOU call it in the womb and what does God call it in the womb?

early on it is called an embryo----later on a fetus. Why do you ask?-----
An interesting aspect of reality for those who consider every embryo a "baby"---
is that over half of the embyos that "happen" ---actually die before the
impregnated lady even knows she is harboring an embryo-------the clinical manifestation is----generally NOTHING----sometimes a slightly delayed menses
that month. Long ago------doctors used to treat "delayed menses"----with a
diagnostic D & C (dilatation and curettage ----scrapping the womb---in actual
fact----often an early abortion)

Is this mess of crap supposed to be meaningful and relevant?

1) The words "embryo" and "fetus" are not in any way opposite or exclusionary of "baby". Please do not use them as though they are.
2) What the hell does the fact that embryos die have to do with whether or not they're babies? EVERYONE dies, and that doesn't exclude THEM from being considered living human beings. In fact, the two actually go together.
3) I wasn't aware that life was predicated on other people's awareness of it. Until this moment, I wasn't aware that YOU existed. Does that mean you weren't alive until I became aware of you? Or that if you had died before I ever became aware of you, that you were therefore never alive at all?
4) Do you always consider the healthcare techniques employed in earlier, less-educated and technologically-advanced time periods to be definitive proof of something, or just when it suits your agenda?

You are hysterical-----your post makes no sense

It makes perfect sense.

no it doesn't in fact, the bitch cecilie is vulgar and insulting. I wonder what the filthy bitch imagines is ----MY AGENDA.
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
I don't give a rats ass if its human.

Again, when you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.

When those who have wombs quit demanding the rest of us support what comes out of theirs when they can't do it, I'll stop saying anything about.
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
I don't give a rats ass if its human.

Again, when you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.

When those who have wombs quit demanding the rest of us support what comes out of theirs when they can't do it, I'll stop saying anything about.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.

A woman's right to privacy has nothing to do with your unwarranted opposition to public assistance.
The only reason liberals continue to deny the vote to the unborn is they fear those voters might get up a referendum to outlaw abortion.
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
I don't give a rats ass if its human.

Again, when you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.

When those who have wombs quit demanding the rest of us support what comes out of theirs when they can't do it, I'll stop saying anything about.
Takes two to tango, sparky.
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
Nothing in the Bill of Rights authorizes you to seek to disadvantage a woman simply because she has a uterus.

“It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.”

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 1992
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
I don't give a rats ass if its human.

Again, when you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.

When those who have wombs quit demanding the rest of us support what comes out of theirs when they can't do it, I'll stop saying anything about.
Takes two to tango, sparky.

Then let the male that was part of the tango take care of his kids. When those of us that didn't dance with her are forced to do it, tells me that he isn't. Go after him instead of those of us not dancing with her.
When you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.
Nothing in the bill of RIGHT requires a man to grow a womb to be equal. Can you PROVE that "collection of cells" can be anything BUT human? Just three wee links compared to the MILLIONS of human births I can show.
I don't give a rats ass if its human.

Again, when you grow a womb, then you can bitch about it.

When those who have wombs quit demanding the rest of us support what comes out of theirs when they can't do it, I'll stop saying anything about.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.

A woman's right to privacy has nothing to do with your unwarranted opposition to public assistance.

It absolutely does. If her private choice involves a demand for public money, it's no longer private. I'm willing to give her the choice and let her keep it private as long as I get the same choice to not have to feed her damn kids.

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