Abortions - The Truth - The Killing of Unborn Children

Powerman said:
Of course I believe it. Becuase it's true. Crime rates have gone down substantially in NYC because of abortion. Why don't you look it up if you don't believe me.

Look it up? You made the claim, how about a link or proof?

And you didnt respond to my questions about your deductions. Were there no other factors occuring in NY during this time that could have caused the decrease in crime? Did crime rates in NY go up at anytime when abortion was increasing?

Just because you keep repeating yourself, doesnt make it true.

But I will say, your statement is one of the silliest things I have ever heard.
LuvRPgrl said:
Look it up? You made the claim, how about a link or proof?

And you didnt respond to my questions about your deductions. Were there no other factors occuring in NY during this time that could have caused the decrease in crime? Did crime rates in NY go up at anytime when abortion was increasing?

Just because you keep repeating yourself, doesnt make it true.

But I will say, your statement is one of the silliest things I have ever heard.

Yes it's one of the silliest things you've ever heard. Maybe you need to just seriously step back and take a neutral approach to life because your beliefs and partisan views blind you to the truth. Instead of saying it's ridiculous how about you do some of your own research. But since I have literally zero confidence that you want to know the truth let me post a few links that you might enjoy reading.




Since you love your logical deductions so much chew on this idea. People who have abortions don't want kids. Unwanted kids tend to have poor childhoods. Unwanted kids with poor childhoods have a much greater chance of growing up to be criminals than anyone else. 18 years after abortion was legalized crime starts to decrease everywhere that abortion is legal. That's because a lot of would be criminals are being aborted. It's very simple to follow. Or is it still one of the silliest things you've ever heard? :blah2:
rtwngAvngr said:
Poverty causes crime. Let's kill the poor. THat's a modest proposal.

Poverty doesn't cause crime. In fact during the great depression crime rates were very low. If anything causes crime it's bad family situations. There might be a lot of that among poor people but being poor in and of itself does not cause one to be a criminal for the most part.
Powerman said:
Poverty doesn't cause crime. In fact during the great depression crime rates were very low. If anything causes crime it's bad family situations. There might be a lot of that among poor people but being poor in and of itself does not cause one to be a criminal for the most part.

I don't really believe that either. I do question if preemptive murder is a good way to fight crime though.
ANd we could achieve racial balance by machine gunning big groups of white people. SOmetimes the solution is more sinister than the problem.
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't really believe that either. I do question if preemptive murder is a good way to fight crime though.

Well I suppose if you think it's murder then it probably wouldn't be a good idea. I don't consider abortion murder personally. Although I do find it to be immoral. But that's me and that's why I'll never be involved with an abortion. If other people want to do it then I say go ahead. I'd probably look down on them either way so they can't win in my book. Irresponsible people shouldn't be having kids. Then again they probably shouldn't be having abortions either. So what can ya do.
rtwngAvngr said:
ANd we could achieve racial balance by machine gunning big groups of white people. SOmetimes the solution is more sinister than the problem.

Yeah but there is no upside to achieving racial balance. Reducing crime is a good thing. You can't possibly sell me on the idea that racial balance is somehow a good thing.
Powerman said:
Yeah but there is no upside to achieving racial balance. Reducing crime is a good thing. You can't possibly sell me on the idea that racial balance is somehow a good thing.

You're missing the point. Sometimes the road to achieving a "good thing" is monstrous, horrible and immoral.
rtwngAvngr said:
You're missing the point. Sometimes the road to achieving a "good thing" is monstrous, horrible and immoral.

Yeah. Like the Holocaust.
rtwngAvngr said:
Powerman believes in final solutions.

I thought most neocons did too?

Powerman said:
No not really. I wouldn't support anything like the holocaust. Abortion I can deal with. Genocide no way.

You support preemptive mass murder of KNOWN INNOCENTS to reduce crime. It'd be funny if it weren't so terrifying.
Powerman said:
No not really. I wouldn't support anything like the holocaust. Abortion I can deal with. Genocide no way.

Abortion IS genocide, but on a smaller scale.
Said1 said:
Abortion IS genocide, but on a smaller scale.

Not really. Genocide is targeted to take out a certain group of people. Ethnic cleansing pretty much. Abortion has nothing to do with that.
Powerman said:
Not really. Genocide is targeted to take out a certain group of people. Ethnic cleansing pretty much. Abortion has nothing to do with that.

Yes, the word genocide has been used to descibe the extermination of ethnically identifyable people. It still applies in the case of abortion, because abortion does target a speicific group - the unborn.
Powerman, weren't you just touting it as a tool to eliminate people who become poor? ISn't that a certain group? The future-poor?

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