Abortions - The Truth - The Killing of Unborn Children

Powerman said:
What do you mean I don't know that? New York City has benefited from great reductions in crime because of the mass amount of abortions they have there. It has definately helped things out there

You're JOKING, right???????????

Anyone else want to handle this? Its toooo easy, heck, if my 8 year old wasnt in school, I would allow her to explain the absolutely bogus nature of what you stated above.

Seriously, you dont really belleive this do you?
Powerman said:
What do you mean I don't know that? New York City has benefited from great reductions in crime because of the mass amount of abortions they have there. It has definitely helped things out there. .

This is unbelievable, considering this is coming from mr "only science can give us the truth"
R U saying that there were NO OTHER VARIABLES in the entirity of NY CITY during that time of crime reductions? That you had an entire controlled enviorment, where you took half of NY CITY and allowed abortions, and the other half you didnt allow them, and EVERYTHING ELSE that could possibly affect crime was absolutely 100% UNCHANGED in both settings? DID YOU DO THAT? Otherwise your statement isnt worth toilet paper.
Either you are really disengenous or really stupid. I will leave the choice to you. If you even begin to believe your own statement above, then you have no business forming opinions. Its ridiculous. Besides, you are the one HEAVILY proposing the only way to truth is through the scientific means, now you are willing to chance killing millions of babies based on a non scientific conclusion.
Besides, I also proved your idea faulty because if the fert egg is a human being, then whether or not abortion is a net positive or not is irrelevant.

Powerman said:
And I'm not advocating any of the other nonsense you are talking about. Neither is anyone else who is pro choice. However I am a proponent of active euthanasia.

You know, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand my analogy. If your REASON why its ok to abort babies is that its a positive net gain to society, AND YOU FAIL TO ADRESS WHETHER OR NOT THE FETUS IS A HUMAN OR NOT, then your "reason"/logic should apply equally to all groups of humans.

Basically, it all boils down to this. If the fetus/fert. egg is not a human being, then all arguements against abortion become null and void, but if the fetus/fert egg IS a human being, then ALL arguements FOR abortion are NULL AND VOID.

The only debate is when does it become a human being.
Science, biology, a clear line delination, human psychology (women who lose that fert egg-if they become aware of it-are often very distraught, not distraught as those a mass of fat was removed from their thigh)
are all on our side. We have demonstrated that the various ways a human beings individuality is determined, is already established at the very moment of fertilization.

INDIVIDUAL DNA used in court and biology to identify INDIVIDUALS
SEPERATE BLOOD TYPE used in court and biology to identify INDIVIDUALS
SEPERATE RESPIRATION CYCLE. Humans can be biologically individualized by their respiration (metabolism) cycle. At the moment of conception, the new individual has a totally clear and seperate respiration system.

Please, name me ONE item that is used to identify individuals on a UNIVERSAL level, in other words, something that can be used to identify EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, and it can be used to seperately identify the fert egg. You cant use things like retina scans or fingerprints, some people dont have eyes or hands.

DNA, blood type, respiration, all existent the moment of conception.

and dont try to pull that lame crap that its just a part of the mother, that it is dependent upon her, so therefore its a part of her. If you use that logic, then a person on a life support system isnt a person, there are only a part of that which supports them with life supporting fluids, which means they are only a part of the machine.
Said1 said:
Neato. All I have to do is pull the string attached to the little bell with my mouth and all my needs are met. I'd say that's better than being a sea monkey.

I dunno, I would have to ask the sea monkey. ;)
You know, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand my analogy. If your REASON why its ok to abort babies is that its a positive net gain to society, AND YOU FAIL TO ADRESS WHETHER OR NOT THE FETUS IS A HUMAN OR NOT, then your "reason"/logic should apply equally to all groups of humans.

I don't think tha a fetus is a human in the same way that I don't think an egg is a chicken. When you go to a restaurant for breakfast do you ask for aborted chickens or do you ask for eggs?
LuvRPgrl said:
You're JOKING, right???????????

Anyone else want to handle this? Its toooo easy, heck, if my 8 year old wasnt in school, I would allow her to explain the absolutely bogus nature of what you stated above.

Seriously, you dont really belleive this do you?

Of course I believe it. Becuase it's true. Crime rates have gone down substantially in NYC because of abortion. Why don't you look it up if you don't believe me.
Powerman said:
I don't think tha a fetus is a human in the same way that I don't think an egg is a chicken. When you go to a restaurant for breakfast do you ask for aborted chickens or do you ask for eggs?

Those eggs haven't been fertilized, dude. No potentially viable embryo exists within the egg.
Said1 said:
Those eggs haven't been fertilized, dude. No potentially viable embryo exists within the egg.

OK maybe you can explain to me the intricacies of how chickens hatch. The chicken lays the eggs and then what happens. I didn't realize there was some post egg laying fertilization process that took place after this.
Powerman said:
OK maybe you can explain to me the intricacies of how chickens hatch. The chicken lays the eggs and then what happens. I didn't realize there was some post egg laying fertilization process that took place after this.

You're sad.
Powerman said:
OK maybe you can explain to me the intricacies of how chickens hatch. The chicken lays the eggs and then what happens. I didn't realize there was some post egg laying fertilization process that took place after this.

as said said...these eggs weren't fertilized...eggs that go to the market and restaurants are the ones that have not been fertilized...except maybe in Indonesia where they prefer fertilized eggs...the eggs that are fertilized are raised to produce "More" chicks...dah! :eek:
archangel said:
as said said...these eggs weren't fertilized...eggs that go to the market and restaurants are the ones that have not been fertilized...except maybe in Indonesia where they prefer fertilized eggs...the eggs that are fertilized are raised to produce "More" chicks...dah! :eek:

Stupid? I said I didn't know that's why I was asking. No reason to be an asshole. Now how do they tell which ones or fertilized and which ones aren't? Or is there some fertilization process that occurs after the eggs are laid?

And if you're going to call someone stupid you might not want to say stupid shit like marijuana causes more fatal accidents than alcohol.
Powerman said:
Stupid? I said I didn't know that's why I was asking. No reason to be an asshole. Now how do they tell which ones or fertilized and which ones aren't? Or is there some fertilization process that occurs after the eggs are laid?

And if you're going to call someone stupid you might not want to say stupid shit like marijuana causes more fatal accidents than alcohol.

I will make it very simple for you..one 'simple' way is to keep the hens separate from the 'cocks'...if they become mixed ya can run the eggs through a light to observe what is inside...did I really have to explain this to you?

maybe ya use way too much MJ...just said this cause ya went back to a earlier posting on the subject!
archangel said:
I will make it very simple for you..one 'simple' way is to keep the hens separate from the 'cocks'...if they become mixed ya can run the eggs through a light to observe what is inside...did I really have to explain this to you?

maybe ya use way too much MJ...just said this cause ya went back to a earlier posting on the subject!

Yeah I'm not really all that familiar with farming and dealing with chickens.

And I don't use MJ. I was just pointing out that your statement on the issue earlier was probably one of the most ridiculously false claims I've ever seen in my life.
And just so you know, the same applies to caviar.

I thought I'd mention that due to your sudden interest in animal mating rituals. :D
Said1 said:
And just so you know, the same applies to caviar.

I thought I'd mention that due to your sudden interest in animal mating rituals. :D

Hah thanks. And what is up with the creepy avatar and murder spelled backwards nonsense? You aren't flipping out on me up there are you?
Powerman said:
Hah thanks. And what is up with the creepy avatar and murder spelled backwards nonsense? You aren't flipping out on me up there are you?

Is that you God? It's me Margaret. I knew you'd answer me!!!
Said1 said:
Is that you God? It's me Margaret. I knew you'd answer me!!!

I'm not going to answer that. I think half the people on this board would declare a jihad on me if I claimed to be God.
Powerman said:
I'm not going to answer that. I think half the people on this board would declare a jihad on me if I claimed to be God.

There's terrorists posting here? Do the mods know?
Said1 said:
There's terrorists posting here? Do the mods know?

Hmm what about that confidence guy that always uses super large text? He seems like he could be one.
Powerman said:
Hmm what about that confidence guy that always uses super large text? He seems like he could be one.

LOL. He is what would be a "peaceful Jihadis". What a freak that guy is! :cuckoo:

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