About 10 Days Left Of Global Warming.Oh No!,What Will Liberals Bitch About For Six Months Now?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue::omg: All you have to do is take a look at your ten day forecast, pretty much anywhere in the USA and Eastern Europe it's just going to slowly get colder and colder.
This is just so sad for all of those activists who never stop complaining and try to convince us that the north pole is melting and we are in the hottest year of our generation.
Well, soon it will be November, the average temps in the USA will hover around the usual 45/35. But not in Florida/Lower Texas where it says around 75/80.
So what will be the excuse this time? " It's just a pause", although the entire nation is experiencing multiple polar vortex's, record cold and snow, we are still in a "Global Warming Pattern" as we speak! {Yah, let's hear them try to convince us that come Jan/Feb. 2016}. :poke:
well, when winter weather starts up in three weeks, they will just complain that Ben Carson isnt really black for the next six months.
No, see, global warming causes the cold weather. And not only is Ben Carson not black but he has a basic grasp of science which means of course, that he is a dangerous right wing extremist.
Do you have any clue how anomalous warm this year has been globally?

When this year is plotted on the charts, you'll be the ones making excuses. The global climate models are suddenly going to start looking a lot better, and your lie that we have been in a cooling trend will go out the window.

Crow while you can, dumbasses. Global warming is real.
Do you have any clue how anomalous warm this year has been globally?

When this year is plotted on the charts, you'll be the ones making excuses. The global climate models are suddenly going to start looking a lot better, and your lie that we have been in a cooling trend will go out the window.

Crow while you can, dumbasses. Global warming is real.
Uh huh. Keep fiddling with those models till they suddenly start looking a lot better. Keep leaving the cooling trends out of the charts, then it'll be warmer. You'll see!
Well yeah you bigoted racist....of course if you include October through March it's not gonna show the Earth being destroyed by redneck pickup trucks. But see....if you just use data from June through August...see...it's real hot. And white truck drivers are causing it you see? See?
The warming cultists will just say that if it wasn't for warming, it would be much colder.

Naw Naw naw. You racist white Republicans always do this.

It's warming you guys gawd!! See....you gotta factor in...the cows...and the ice. And see...you take the chart...and you divide it by the decimal point from the Norway study...and..and..and...factor in the wind from the storms. But you have to add the CO2 gas potential and assume that the Y quotient and X variable of Arctic polar bear fur is...ummm....is multiplied by the temperature of Monroe, Louisiana.

And then you'll see its global warming yall. Gawd...stop being racist.
why is it that the leftists are in a panty uproar in July/August when its 90 all over the country, {so? its summer!!!} then say,,,seee! its global warming that is causing all of this 90 degree heat in all 57 states! then come November,,,they go into hiding, or use their stolen tax dollars to take a six month vacation in Florida.
obama actually said that the destructive hurricanes in Florida this year and last year were caused by global warming.
so when Hillary falls down a spiral staircase.....Hmm? Global Warming?

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