About mandates:

Lets see here: These liberal wankers that didn't want voter ID because it was racist, NOW suddenly want you to have proof of vaccination even though a large number of BLACKS don't want vaccination. Lets take another tact: vaccinated people can still contract and spread Covid anyway, and Covid19 is 99% survivable. Why all this ruckus over what is basicaly something the Human race has dealt with for thousands of years? Covid IS NOT the black death, why this over reaction?
Worse group to get vaccinated are White Republicans ...

Vaccine is not perfect but either is a seatbelt but just look at the correlation of states vaccine rate v covid cases/hospitalisations/deaths....

The proof is pretty conclusive...

I have explained to you before you are highly misinformed and suggested you educate yourself

Worse group to get vaccinated are White Republicans ...

Vaccine is not perfect but either is a seatbelt but just look at the correlation of states vaccine rate v covid cases/hospitalisations/deaths....

The proof is pretty conclusive...

I have explained to you before you are highly misinformed and suggested you educate yourself

View attachment 529099

Piss on you you scared little twit.

There is so much misinformation out there it’s hard to believe anything. There are a few things we know for certain that might shed some light on this subject.

We do know the vaccines are offered by entities with a long history of criminality, billions in fines, full governmental immunity, no long term safety studies, huge profit motive, with control of government, media, and healthcare.

This is irrefutable and should effect anyone’s decision whether to vax or not.
You know the most popular vaccine in US was developed in Germany using German Taxpayers money... Another popular one world wide was UK...

If the 'entities' were trying to do something they are doing a bad job... AZ vaccine is sold as non profit...

Gipper, just look at the obvious data and then understand that trying to keep a secret with this amount of people is impossible... I mean they have studied this and it is mathematically close to impossible... It is nuts to say this was some how organised... Just think logically...

I will tell you if you want to get a lot more money and restrict a lot more freedom, terrorism is far more effective.. Way less planning and way less people to keep a secret... And NO, 911 wasn't an inside job..

How do I know this... Cause I have worked in large organisations and incompetence is far more frequent than corruption..
However, the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains may come too rapidly for current vaccine developments to alleviate the health, economic and social consequences of the pandemic.

This is an intellectually dishonest way of saying that the virus dies so quickly that they have no time to study it and therefore cannot create new vaccines to sell.

But intellectually dishonest people gonna be intellectually dishonest.

In fact, I was just reading a report about that very phenomenon the other day. I'll have to try to dig it up.
Conservatives used to believe that the state shouldn’t be dictating to local authorities about decisions local authorities or individuals should be making.

But that changed when conservatives threw all their principles out the window, and their their intellectual framework became nothing more than “owning the libs.”
When did free-markets change? Who threw what principles away when that happened?

You should be careful knocking conservatives. You just might run into one. Then the whole shit show you're putting on is gonna come crashing down.

I imagine you likey have a vested interest in mandating your own supply and demand scenario at the barrel of a government gun.

But fascists gonna be fascists.

It's amazing what the thought of catching a few falling crumbs from the master's table will do to a feller's principles.
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Piss on you you scared little twit.

Small problem...

US doesn't use Astra Zenica Vaccine...

mRNA vaccines are totally synthetic..

NEXT Objection...
Anyway. In so far as "About Mandates", mandates are what control freaks and opportunitists employ when they know the constitution and the legislative process will not permit them to do what they are doing.

Until people stand up against this, it will continue.

A lot of people arbitraril toss the term 'patriotism' around these days. It's been twisted by the uninformed to mean you cheer for everythign your government does.

This is not what it means.

Patriotism means standing up and disagreeing with your government when it's wrong.

This ain't Canada, boys.
Small problem...

US doesn't use Astra Zenica Vaccine...

mRNA vaccines are totally synthetic..

NEXT Objection...

You run with that kid. Do more research.
It's "possible" that you're actually an alien lizard creature...and about as likely
Worse group to get vaccinated are White Republicans ...

Vaccine is not perfect but either is a seatbelt but just look at the correlation of states vaccine rate v covid cases/hospitalisations/deaths....

The proof is pretty conclusive...

I have explained to you before you are highly misinformed and suggested you educate yourself

View attachment 529099
The internet has really mucked things up. The factscape on the internet is like a desert, presenting mirages that are according to whatever algorithm you are atuned to, it tells you anything you want to hear. Facts are really hard to verify anymore! Anecdotal evidence, I'm going there....I've known people that got Covid19. Then received the vaccine, then got Covid19 AGAIN. Again, anecdotally I've NEVER known ANYONE that caught Covid19 and actually died. In fact, I'm told by many that they barely had any symptoms or "IT" was like the flu. I don't trust the CDC or the internet wed sites like SNOPES after the "information" they spew turns out to be just more misinformation. This isn't certain death or anything like the flu outbreak of 1918, or the Bubonic plague of the middle ages.
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations. If you are masked and vaccinated you still might spread the virus anyway. Now certain groups are worried about "misinformation". I am lost here. Explain how questioning the CDC about this is bad. Since the CDC is the biggest source of misinformation ever. Fool me once, guys. Like that.
You need to stop thinking and do as you're told!

1) Worship the Golden Mask.

2) Worship the Golden Vax.

3) Vote Democrat - early and often.

That is all.
You know the most popular vaccine in US was developed in Germany using German Taxpayers money... Another popular one world wide was UK...

If the 'entities' were trying to do something they are doing a bad job... AZ vaccine is sold as non profit...

Gipper, just look at the obvious data and then understand that trying to keep a secret with this amount of people is impossible... I mean they have studied this and it is mathematically close to impossible... It is nuts to say this was some how organised... Just think logically...

I will tell you if you want to get a lot more money and restrict a lot more freedom, terrorism is far more effective.. Way less planning and way less people to keep a secret... And NO, 911 wasn't an inside job..

How do I know this... Cause I have worked in large organisations and incompetence is far more frequent than corruption..
I can’t agree. I’m looking at the whole picture and you are focusing on a small section.
The internet has really mucked things up. The factscape on the internet is like a desert, presenting mirages that are according to whatever algorithm you are atuned to, it tells you anything you want to hear. Facts are really hard to verify anymore! Anecdotal evidence, I'm going there....I've known people that got Covid19. Then received the vaccine, then got Covid19 AGAIN. Again, anecdotally I've NEVER known ANYONE that caught Covid19 and actually died. In fact, I'm told by many that they barely had any symptoms or "IT" was like the flu. I don't trust the CDC or the internet wed sites like SNOPES after the "information" they spew turns out to be just more misinformation. This isn't certain death or anything like the flu outbreak of 1918, or the Bubonic plague of the middle ages.
The fact that you can't tell fact from fiction speaks to YOUR ignorance.

Yes this is very much like the Spanish Flu of 1918
The fact that you can't tell fact from fiction speaks to YOUR ignorance.

Yes this is very much like the Spanish Flu of 1918
Your kidding right. 50 million died worldwide from the Spanish flu. If you factor in the increased population today, the death figures for COVID 19 would have to be enormous to match the Spanish Flu of 1918. You know this right?

Do you get all your news from corporate tv news outlets?
Your kidding right. 50 million died worldwide from the Spanish flu. If you factor in the increased population today, the death figures for COVID 19 would have to be enormous to match the Spanish Flu of 1918. You know this right?

Do you get all your news from corporate tv news outlets?
5 million dead and counting. WITH modern medical care and with countries like India dramatically undercounting.

Yes...this is very much like 1918
5 million dead and counting. WITH modern medical care and with countries like India dramatically undercounting.

Yes...this is very much like 1918
No. Not even close, but I know you’ve been propagandized by the msm to believe.

The Spanish Flu ran for about two years and killed up to 50 million, when world population was about 2 billion. Today we have about 8 billion people with supposedly 4.5 million deaths from Covid-19, which has run just shy of two years.

Apparently you flunked arithmetic.

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