About the prospects of an eventual verdict in Trump NYC case


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

This is not a “Is he guilty or innocent” type of case

There are 23 charges to decide
After months of trial, the jurors will want to go home and will be willing to make deals.

There are deals to be made
I will give you the most serious charges if you will give the others
It would be astounding if Trump were NOT convicted of something. The prosecutor is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the jury pool is a joke...all of which explain why the case was brought where it was, when it was. ALL that is intended is that Democrats be able to call Trump a "convicted felon" during the Summer General Election campaign. The overturn of the conviction is a foregone conclusion.

It is the same as when they were orgazzing over being able to call him "twice impeached!"

The Left is evil. And as I have said in this forum before, the worst part is not the corrupt politicians, it is the people who post in places like this who are fine with the bastardization of the criminal justice system.

A pox on all your houses.
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
Quite an imagination. You should go into fiction writing in our Writing Forum.
Did the Trump lawyers run out of objection? Not that I am aware.
Both sides, decided they would take their chances with these, after they and the judge read the questionnaires, investigate backgrounds, media post and question them. It is a jury, much like any other and will hear the evidence, decide on the validity and rule "Not Guilty or Guilty", charge by charge on the merits of the evidence as presented or refuted by both sides.
The Left is evil.
We don't think you're evil.

We just think you're kind of a moron, someone who is mentally weak and easily terrified. You have no mental defenses against the media brainwashing that your masters orchestrated.

You can't be saved. Your brainwashing is permanent. No matter what happens, no matter what the facts are, you'll spin things to match the alternate reality that you live in now. All we can do now is minimize the harm that you do.
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
I bet all your neighbors are just like you. At least the one that talks to you.
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
Who the heck are you writing to or for?

This is so bizarre, it belongs in the Taunting Arena under Rubber Room. The OP is an attack on what you seem to see as people who are liberal. You advocate a juror stand up against evidence others see as compelling? Why? You have a forgone conclusion and a preset decision that Mr. Trump is innocent of all criminal charges. All this without seeing any evidence?

I've gone on record stating it is enough for the turd known as Trump to face justice. I'm okay with whatever the jury decides. Why? It's how it works. I believe in the American system of justice. I believe in America. You obviously -- don't.

keeper post liability case
Quite an imagination. You should go into fiction writing in our Writing Forum.
Did the Trump lawyers run out of objection? Not that I am aware.
Both sides, decided they would take their chances with these, after they and the judge read the questionnaires, investigate backgrounds, media post and question them. It is a jury, much like any other and will hear the evidence, decide on the validity and rule "Not Guilty or Guilty", charge by charge on the merits of the evidence as presented or refuted by both sides.

HE could team up with Crazy Mary. I remember well her bizarre op-eds. :auiqs.jpg:
It would be astounding if Trump were NOT convicted of something. The prosecutor is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the jury pool is a joke...all of which explain why the case was brought where it was, when it was. ALL that is intended is that Democrats be able to call Trump a "convicted felon" during the Summer General Election campaign. The overturn of the conviction is a foregone conclusion.

It is the same as when they were orgazzing over being able to call him "twice impeached!"

The Left is evil. And as I have said in this forum before, the worst part is not the corrupt politicians, it is the people who post in places like this who are fine with the bastardization of the criminal justice system.

A pox on all your houses.
You left out that he is probably guilt of several of the charges.
It would be astounding if Trump were NOT convicted of something. The prosecutor is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the jury pool is a joke...all of which explain why the case was brought where it was, when it was. ALL that is intended is that Democrats be able to call Trump a "convicted felon" during the Summer General Election campaign. The overturn of the conviction is a foregone conclusion.

It is the same as when they were orgazzing over being able to call him "twice impeached!"

The Left is evil. And as I have said in this forum before, the worst part is not the corrupt politicians, it is the people who post in places like this who are fine with the bastardization of the criminal justice system.

A pox on all your houses.

The verdict has already been written, they're just going through the procedural motions.
Then why is Mr. Trump paying all the high priced lawyers? Why file all the motions and appeals, and why try and defend himself if it's true he's gonna be found guilty?

Trump isn't going down without at least a fight. He's not the kind that backs down in the face of adversity.

That being said, the trial is a sham.

As the criminal trial moves forward we see...
This is not a “Is he guilty or innocent” type of case

There are 23 charges to decide
After months of trial, the jurors will want to go home and will be willing to make deals.

There are deals to be made
I will give you the most serious charges if you will give the others
I wouldn't give you or anyone like you shit. Judge the case on its merits and not TDS or politics. Unlike you left-leaning whack-jobs, I do not have all the facts which makes it impossible for me to convict or set free.
Judge the case on its merits
That is exactly what is happening in Manhattan

Daniel J. Horwitz, a veteran defense lawyer who previously worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s office prosecuting white-collar cases, said prosecutors can be expected to corroborate Mr. Cohen’s story wherever possible.

“The prosecution has layers upon layers of evidence to back up what Michael Cohen says,” Mr. Horwitz said.

But in previewing the case for prospective jurors last week, Manhattan prosecutors emphasized neither the payoff that secured Ms. Daniels’s silence, nor the sex scandal that was buried in the process. One prosecutor, Joshua Steinglass, instead distilled the trial’s stakes to a fundamental question:

“This case is about the rule of law and whether or not Donald Trump broke it.”

Mr. Bragg’s prosecutors will seek to turn that 2016 campaign strategy against Mr. Trump: The tactics that helped propel him to victory will be admitted as evidence and reconsidered far beyond the courtroom. Aides and friends who lied on Mr. Trump’s behalf will take the witness stand to testify against him.

They include: David Pecker, the tabloid publisher who bought and buried damaging stories about Mr. Trump;
Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman who tried to spin reporters;
Mr. Cohen, the fixer who paid Ms. Daniels.

Mr. Pecker, who ran the company that owned The National Enquirer, is set to go first, and is expected to recount for the jury several conversations with Mr. Trump about the hush money, according to a person familiar with the plan.
I wouldn't give you or anyone like you shit. Judge the case on its merits and not TDS or politics. Unlike you left-leaning whack-jobs, I do not have all the facts which makes it impossible for me to convict or set free.
Obviously you are a MAGA shoot someone on fifth Ave
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
Trump has 0 chance of a fair trial in the corrupt dem run shitholes

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