About the prospects of an eventual verdict in Trump NYC case

As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
The other jurors will be pressing for a Trump guilty verdict because after seeing & hearing all the evidence they'll realize that he's guilty. That's how the system works, Trumptard.

The trial will take at least a month so you have plenty of time to stock up on Kleenex & Depends to handle the pantloads as you soil yourself, loser.
Then why is Mr. Trump paying all the high priced lawyers? Why file all the motions and appeals, and why try and defend himself if it's true he's gonna be found guilty?
Yep. Why is Trump sitting in a courtroom eight hours or so a day, in a room that is too cold for the poor thing, when he could be lounging in his PJ's till the crack of noon & then off to the MAL links?
Yep. Why is Trump sitting in a courtroom eight hours or so a day, in a room that is too cold for the poor thing, when he could be lounging in his PJ's till the crack of noon & then off to the MAL links?

No matter what, Trump will still be worth billions of dollars, and you'll never make one million dollars throughout your whole lifetime.

Go be poor somewhere else, loser.
Step back and take a look at the charges.
1. A misdemeanor, except...
2. A felony if he covered-up a larger FEDERAL crime, that was not specified yet. Assumed to be a Federal election law violation.
3. The FEC, DOJ, and Southern District of NY all said no election laws were broken and did not prosecute. So this bullshit case against Trump is an Alvin Bragg "special" just to get Trump, as he ran on.
4. I'm curious why two lawyers were allowed on the jury. That is not allowed in many states since they are presumed to be legal experts and can sway a jury with their legal expertise. I hope they are legit and not dembot sleepers.
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No matter what, Trump will still be worth billions of dollars, and you'll never make one million dollars throughout your whole lifetime.

Go be poor somewhere else, loser.
Do you always hold in high regard people like Trump who screw around on their wives & then pay hush money to keep it quiet?

I may not be a billionaire but then again I'm not on trial either.
Trump has 0 chance of a fair trial in the corrupt dem run shitholes

That is the same city that convicted the Central Park 5 at Trumps demand

It would be astounding if Trump were NOT convicted of something. The prosecutor is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the jury pool is a joke...all of which explain why the case was brought where it was, when it was. ALL that is intended is that Democrats be able to call Trump a "convicted felon" during the Summer General Election campaign. The overturn of the conviction is a foregone conclusion.

It is the same as when they were orgazzing over being able to call him "twice impeached!"

The Left is evil. And as I have said in this forum before, the worst part is not the corrupt politicians, it is the people who post in places like this who are fine with the bastardization of the criminal justice system.

A pox on all your houses.
The FIX is in for sure.
I think Trump can expect as fair a jury as he got for the Central Park 5
I think Trump can expect as fair a jury as he got for the Central Park 5

Trump had nothing to do with the jury or prosecution, His ads had nothing to do with it. FFS You have terminal TDS.

... the full-page ad Donald Trump had taken out at the time, which never mentioned the Central Park rape but decried crime in the city and called for reinstitution of the death penalty. [See post #38]​
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Maybe read this?


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