About the prospects of an eventual verdict in Trump NYC case

A hung jury does NOT mean not guilt.
A verdict of acquittal means not guilty
Sounds like you aren’t too confident
So the judge keeps the jury locked up until he gets his guilty verdict?

I'm confident most of the NYC jury will vote guilty.
I'm optimistic that one or two will vote not guilty based on the Law.
Nope. As I’ve noted, I am merely making predictions.

Your ignorance is astounding. Expected. And always hilarious.

You are shit.

Now, please get back to playing in traffic, Letch.
How’s your record on predictions?
So the judge keeps the jury locked up until he gets his guilty verdict?

I'm confident most of the NYC jury will vote guilty.
I'm optimistic that one or two will vote not guilty based on the Law.
So you’re counting on a hung jury. Apparently you’re not too confident here.

And a hung jury is only slightly better than a guilty verdict as far as Trump’s electoral support
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
The jury has already demonstrated Great Difficulty in becoming seated
This overwhelming lack of impartiality will lead to a mistrial either at this level or USSC. Going to be fun to watch this “judge” have TDS tantrums
A hung jury is no verdict at all.

Given the requirement for a unanimous verdict, all it means is that the burden of proof has not been met but that there’s no complete agreement even about that.
It is absolutely likely that tons of never Trumpers and those with viral TDS snuck by in the process.

That’s the problem, you dipshit. Very little chance of a fair trial given the likelihood of a compromised jury.

Actually, he did exactly what he is accused of. He did bang Stormy, he did pay her to keep it quiet, he did try to hide the expenditure.

His only argument would be that Cohen and Pecker took it on their own to pay her and hide it, but that doesn't pass the laugh test.
Actually, he did exactly what he is accused of.
Actually, you shouldn’t use the word “actually” and then recite your unproved fictional claims.
He did bang Stormy,
No proof of that.
he did pay her to keep it quiet,

No proof of that.
he did try to hide the expenditure.

No proof of that.
His only argument would be that Cohen and Pecker took it on their own to pay her and hide it, but that doesn't pass the laugh test.
Wrong. And, in any event, your mindless speculation is worthless as always.
So you’re counting on a hung jury. Apparently you’re not too confident here.

And a hung jury is only slightly better than a guilty verdict as far as Trump’s electoral support
Not in NYC when 90% of jurors are rabid democrats.

If it was WV, or TX, or FL then I'd agree with you.
Actually, you shouldn’t use the word “actually” and then recite your unproved fictional claims.

No proof of that.

No proof of that.

No proof of that.

Wrong. And, in any event, your mindless speculation is worthless as always.
You are seriously in denial.

Some day, you'll realize you were in a cult, and feel very silly.
A hung jury is no verdict at all.
Given the requirement for a unanimous verdict, all it means is that the burden of proof has not been met but that there’s no complete agreement even about that.
So what happens? A retrial and more wasted time after the November election?

Can Trump appeal the grounds for the charges if its a hung jury?
You are seriously in denial.

Yeah. I deny your statements of speculation couched as statements of “fact,” fraud boi.
Some day, you'll realize you were in a cult, and feel very silly.
I am not the one in any any cult. You are.

And you aren’t smart enough to see it.

But you already are very silly.
Yeah. I deny your statements of speculation couched as statements of “fact,” fraud boi.

Look, man, I realize that you guys have put all your hopes and dreams in this guy... but he's DOA on this case.

If your best hope is that a MAGAt snuck into the jury, and will hang the jury in a room full of people who actually followed the law, then you are hoping in vain.

Trump doesn't have a good record in front of NY Juries.
So what happens? A retrial and more wasted time after the November election?

Hung juries do not legally prevent the People from trying the case again.

I suspect that after the election, there will be no particular desire in trying again. And no benefit from their jaundiced partisan political perspective. I wouldn’t mind a hung jury.
Can Trump appeal the grounds for the charges if its a hung jury?
That’s an interesting question.

Normally, appellate courts won’t touch a case that isn’t “ripe” for appellate scrutiny. But as a matter of the public interest, I am not sure that any appellate court could do so without the benefit of a full trial record.

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