About the prospects of an eventual verdict in Trump NYC case

The other jurors will be pressing for a Trump guilty verdict because after seeing & hearing all the evidence they'll realize that he's guilty. That's how the system works, Trumptard
wrong. Honest and intelligent jurors with common sense will observe that there is zero evidence of guilt and will therefore try to persuade the Potato shitstains on the jury to do what the oath requires: vote not guilty, you Potato shitstain.

The trial will take at least a month so you have plenty of time to stock up on Kleenex & Depends to handle the pantloads as you soil yourself, loser.
The trial may take even longer. I’ll buy you your first tampon. After that, you’re on your own.

I’d be happy if we end up with a hung jury. Your tears would be like acid on your face. 👍
A conviction and Trump’s support even among the Faithful slips badly.

A hung jury would be almost as bad
A hung jury means "not guilty".

You keep forgetting that the alternative to Trump is Too Old Joe

I suspect it'll be a hung jury. No way a True Believer didn't bullshit their way on to the jury.

Let's just get this shit show, and any others, over with.
This is not a “Is he guilty or innocent” type of case

There are 23 charges to decide
After months of trial, the jurors will want to go home and will be willing to make deals.

There are deals to be made
I will give you the most serious charges if you will give the others
Not one word of your post makes sense.

As per usual.
wrong. Honest and intelligent jurors with common sense will observe that there is zero evidence of guilt and will therefore try to persuade the Potato shitstains on the jury to do what the oath requires: vote not guilty, you Potato shitstain.

The trial may take even longer. I’ll buy you your first tampon. After that, you’re on your own.

I’d be happy if we end up with a hung jury. Your tears would be like acid on your face. 👍
You talk like the trial had already happened and you were there.

As usual you’re full of shit
It is hard to explain things to a simpleton
What don’t you understand?

I will try to use small words
You should just try speaking and posting actual English thoughts. The thinking will be the hard part for you, as always.
You talk like the trial had already happened and you were there.

Nope. As I’ve noted, I am merely making predictions.

Your ignorance is astounding. Expected. And always hilarious.
As usual you’re full of shit
You are shit.

Now, please get back to playing in traffic, Letch.
As regular readers of my insightful posts will realize, I foresee the far left wing NYC jury pool as being an obstacle to Trump getting a fair trial. Accordingly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all by a conviction regardless of how factually it lacks support and regardless of how it legally shouldn’t even be proceeding

But, after a brief chat with a neighbor, I have to also concede that if any “stealth” fair juror manages to get in the jury, we could also quite easily end up with a hung jury on this bogus case. That one (or more?) stealth juror would have to be quite stalwart. The other jurors would be pressing hard to “get” Trump convicted.

It takes real resolve to stand up to a majority of jurors who aren’t doing the job fairly or squarely.

The libturds all want a conviction not because of any hint of a desire for justice. They want it for the same reason the case ever came to exist: partisan political persecution in the guise of a criminal case.
Yeah, here's the problem you guys have.

All the jurors have been vetted by both sides, including reading all their social media posts aloud in court.

It's fairly unlikely a trumpkin could have snuck past this process.

Trump is going down for this one. Even he knows it.
Yeah, here's the problem you guys have.

All the jurors have been vetted by both sides, including reading all their social media posts aloud in court.

It's fairly unlikely a trumpkin could have snuck past this process.

Trump is going down for this one. Even he knows it.
It is absolutely likely that tons of never Trumpers and those with viral TDS snuck by in the process.

That’s the problem, you dipshit. Very little chance of a fair trial given the likelihood of a compromised jury.

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