Abraham? Really?

If people are going to take these stories and judge them in our times they are going to not understand and miss out because in their times their actions were acceptable and understood in the past but would be considered strange and barbaric in our age...
So sins are a new trend?

can you be more specific-----"sins" is a kinda nonspecific word. -------I ate potato chips for
breakfast------my mom would call that a MAJOR SIN. Context and syntax (major pun)
is important in reading old stuff
Alright Irosie let's say you are correct but remember the whole story of Balaam makes no sense either unless it is an allegory..So For example Balaam was blinded by his greed or lust for money so that he could not see Gds word it was invisible to him there are many highly successful people today in the same state are there not in their persuit of money and riches instead of learning which is real riches..Further Shechum who raped Dinah was the son of Hamor( a donkey of a man His lust ) blinded him to the consequences of what he did to Dinah and yet his family went along with it thus earning his same fate...If these stories are to be taken literally they make no sense but if they are to be understood as teaching a morality lesson then they do..If no one can explain them properly then either they are buried and forgotten and the lessons one can get out of them are as well..There was a famed sage or teacher who used to sit on the floor with his students If while studying Torah one of his students brought forth something they did not know he was given a pillow to sit on for the day as he was higher up then the rest of them including the teacher...I just threw these things out for the sake of teaching and learning together if someone has a better explanation then they should come forward and in this way we all can solve the puzzle together...

thanks shimon----no doubt the story of Balaam is an ALLEGORY------but you OVER-WORK it----
you really turned me off with your claim that HAMOUR-----really means HA MAR ----
(approx. the lord or master) -----hint-----what is the first letter of the word HAMOUR---
the one that means "donkey" (hint it is not the fifth letter of the alphabet)
The story of Bilaam is not an allergory.

Maybe it doesn't make sense to both of you because you don't understand it, that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.
Alright Irosie let's say you are correct but remember the whole story of Balaam makes no sense either unless it is an allegory..So For example Balaam was blinded by his greed or lust for money so that he could not see Gds word it was invisible to him there are many highly successful people today in the same state are there not in their persuit of money and riches instead of learning which is real riches..Further Shechum who raped Dinah was the son of Hamor( a donkey of a man His lust ) blinded him to the consequences of what he did to Dinah and yet his family went along with it thus earning his same fate...If these stories are to be taken literally they make no sense but if they are to be understood as teaching a morality lesson then they do..If no one can explain them properly then either they are buried and forgotten and the lessons one can get out of them are as well..There was a famed sage or teacher who used to sit on the floor with his students If while studying Torah one of his students brought forth something they did not know he was given a pillow to sit on for the day as he was higher up then the rest of them including the teacher...I just threw these things out for the sake of teaching and learning together if someone has a better explanation then they should come forward and in this way we all can solve the puzzle together...
Your post makes no sense. Is it an allegory?
You have zero idea of what you're talking about.
Stop "learning" Torah piecemeal.

I don't "learn" it at all -------what EVIL did Balaam end up doing?

Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.
I don't "learn" it at all -------what EVIL did Balaam end up doing?

Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.

GOOD POINT-------a she donkey cannot be a MAR
I don't "learn" it at all -------what EVIL did Balaam end up doing?

Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam told Balak that he must do what G-D tells him to do.

G-D told him not to curse the Jews.
In fact, he told him to bless the Jews.
Incorrect on both sentences...
God told Bilaam he could go with the men.
God told Bilaam he could only say what God put in his mouth.

Which was to bless and not curse the Jews.

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Wonderful...3 people who have no idea what they are talking about.
I don't "learn" it at all -------what EVIL did Balaam end up doing?

Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.
The Torah is emphasizing that Bilaam committed beastiality.
Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam told Balak that he must do what G-D tells him to do.

G-D told him not to curse the Jews.
In fact, he told him to bless the Jews.
Incorrect on both sentences...
God told Bilaam he could go with the men.
God told Bilaam he could only say what God put in his mouth.

Which was to bless and not curse the Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Wonderful...3 people who have no idea what they are talking about.

try to be more specific------and keep in mind-----you are talking about an out of work
magician with an injured foot
Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.
The Torah is emphasizing that Bilaam committed beastiality.

he did what?????? that wasn't his FOOT?
Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.
The Torah is emphasizing that Bilaam committed beastiality.
Excellent Now we are Discussing it....It was Bilaam that got the Midianites to prostitute their daughters to bring the Israelites down a Peg or Two so he might have been into other "things" according to your post....
I don't "learn" it at all -------what EVIL did Balaam end up doing?

Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam certainly did have free choice and got executed by Moshe Rabbainu for exersing it.
I don't want to interject here but I have an interesting point to make Balaam was from the Syriac area and rode a donkey...It should be noted that donkey is Hamor in Hebrew which could or could not mean something but we know Ha means the..But in Syriac Mor means Lord or Master . The interesting thing is that he made sacrifices in high places with Balak which were places of Baal worship which means Lord or Master... So just throwing this out for discussion Balaam rode his Lord and Master( Hamor the donkey..or Baal) to riches his whole life but he was forbidden to ride his Lord and Master to curse the Israelites because an angel( Messenger held a Sword( The word of Gd ) which stood in his way)... I would say it is a metaphor or allegory and not literal....The donkey represents Baal..The Sword Gd's Word and you cannot curse what Gd has blessed..The really funny thing is that Jesus who was cursed because he hung on a tree also was depicted as riding into Jerusalem on a donkey or Hamor meaning he rode in on Baal the Lord and Master therefore he definately was the cursed one and should not have been followed by anywho have paid attention to gods sWORD as written in the Jewish scriptures...There is something else that could be mentioned regarding the foot and the wall but hey that is not part of the conversation and if things are taken literally the true meanings are missed...
Rather silly. He rode a she donkey.
Yes he did that is true I was referring to schehem father sorry for the confussion...The main thing is we are discussing it and trying to decipher it regarding Bilaam....If you disagree with me that is excellent bring forth more things you have observed that is how we all learn....
Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

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Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam told Balak that he must do what G-D tells him to do.

G-D told him not to curse the Jews.
In fact, he told him to bless the Jews.
Incorrect on both sentences...
God told Bilaam he could go with the men.
God told Bilaam he could only say what God put in his mouth.

Which was to bless and not curse the Jews.

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Wonderful...3 people who have no idea what they are talking about.
Not necessarily and if someone is mistaken then you can point it out...Unfortunately people take verses out of order or misinterpret them and follow their understandings that is why we have so many different groups in the world who may have originated from one group but split off...That is why we need a central authority to straighten out these misunderstandings...
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
Have you read the chapters?
Of course not!
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
Have you read the chapters?
Of course not!

probably sometime in my life----but I do not recall deep details on balaam
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
Have you read the chapters?
Of course not!

probably sometime in my life----but I do not recall deep details on balaam
I study the Torah portion in depth every week and it's amazing what I discover every year.
Plus I spend between 20-30 hours a week on Torah Anytime.
Bilaam was very greedy. He wanted to curse the Jews and get all that money and prestige.

HaShem stopped him from doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Bilaam had FREE CHOICE ----just like CAIN and ADAM had FREE CHOICE
Bilaam told Balak that he must do what G-D tells him to do.

G-D told him not to curse the Jews.
In fact, he told him to bless the Jews.
Incorrect on both sentences...
God told Bilaam he could go with the men.
God told Bilaam he could only say what God put in his mouth.

Which was to bless and not curse the Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Wonderful...3 people who have no idea what they are talking about.
You must be one of those three.
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
Have you read the chapters?
Of course not!

probably sometime in my life----but I do not recall deep details on balaam
I study the Torah portion in depth every week and it's amazing what I discover every year.
Plus I spend between 20-30 hours a week on Torah Anytime.
Wow I am so impressed.

You certaintly have the spirit of Moses.
My signal at work is weak at best and it's difficult to explain everything on an iPhone.
Bilaam was a rather successful and renown curser for hire and a slime bag through and through.
His donkey is never referred to by the usual word chamor, which can also be pronounced cheemor, which means "substance".
Any person who rides on, or rather, controls their physicality, as opposed to their physicality controlling them, is worthy of bringing the 3rd Temple back.
Make no mistake that many people in this category have existed, but the generation must be at least somewhat worthy.

in what writing does this DETAILED Balaam profile exist?------how is the donkey described?
Have you read the chapters?
Of course not!
Quote the text in the Torah that says anything in that chapter about bringing the temple back.

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