Abstinence 'is not realistic,' Palin's daughter says

Again, see my post... we are not saying single parents suck, we are saying that two parents are as a rule, better for a child than one parent.

There are always exceptions to every rule.

As to being the wrong color or too old to adopt, I have friends that are fostering to adopt. One child, a crack baby, they adopted while he was a baby, the other two are toddlers now and they will adopt them as soon as they are able. The father of one of them has never seen his little girl, but doesn't want to give up his rights, which, imo, is bad for his little girl who is currently being raised by the only parents she has ever known. Oh, my friends are white, two of their kids are black.

My neighbor adopted an 11 year old with a cleft palette from China. He's now 14 and has had several operations, more to go. He's a wonderful kid who comes over to play with and groom my dog. He wants to be a veterinarian.

I also know a woman who adopted a 16 year old autistic boy with the intelligence of a two year old. She had been the child's aid at school for several years when she found out he was up for adoption.

I also know a single woman who has adopted 3 children, all special needs. They have a wonderful mom.
I forgot to mention the good friend of my mother who after having 2 natural children, adopted a rainbow coalition of 5 more kids with her husband. All doing extremely well. All very close and loving to each other.

So it looks like between the bunch of us here, we have come up with several exceptions to the "rule". But few, if any, families that fit the rule.

My neighbors fit the rule, my friends who adopted one child and are fostering two others fit the rule, my family fits the rule, in fact everyone in my family fits the rule. My son's friend fits the rule, he's really messed up thanks to his divorced and remarried crazy mom and his sister just became a single mom. I also know a woman who was on welfare with 3 children, one of those kids I practically raised, he did fine, the other two have been in major trouble, although I did everything I could for them, including keeping my mouth shut about what a crappy mother she was.

believe me, I know far more people who fit the rule than those who don't. Then there was single mom I told you about that kept saying, in front of her kids, that she ought to give them up for adoption...there's another example of the rule. Then there is the fact that most of my oldest son's friends are from single parent families and NONE of them drive, even though they are old enough to, and only one of them works, he's an exception to the rest of the people in his single parent household.
Again, see my post... we are not saying single parents suck, we are saying that two parents are as a rule, better for a child than one parent.

There are always exceptions to every rule.

As to being the wrong color or too old to adopt, I have friends that are fostering to adopt. One child, a crack baby, they adopted while he was a baby, the other two are toddlers now and they will adopt them as soon as they are able. The father of one of them has never seen his little girl, but doesn't want to give up his rights, which, imo, is bad for his little girl who is currently being raised by the only parents she has ever known. Oh, my friends are white, two of their kids are black.

My neighbor adopted an 11 year old with a cleft palette from China. He's now 14 and has had several operations, more to go. He's a wonderful kid who comes over to play with and groom my dog. He wants to be a veterinarian.

I also know a woman who adopted a 16 year old autistic boy with the intelligence of a two year old. She had been the child's aid at school for several years when she found out he was up for adoption.

I also know a single woman who has adopted 3 children, all special needs. They have a wonderful mom.
I forgot to mention the good friend of my mother who after having 2 natural children, adopted a rainbow coalition of 5 more kids with her husband. All doing extremely well. All very close and loving to each other.

So it looks like between the bunch of us here, we have come up with several exceptions to the "rule". But few, if any, families that fit the rule.

My neighbors fit the rule, my friends who adopted one child and are fostering two others fit the rule, my family fits the rule, in fact everyone in my family fits the rule. My son's friend fits the rule, he's really messed up thanks to his divorced and remarried crazy mom and his sister just became a single mom. I also know a woman who was on welfare with 3 children, one of those kids I practically raised, he did fine, the other two have been in major trouble, although I did everything I could for them, including keeping my mouth shut about what a crappy mother she was.

believe me, I know far more people who fit the rule than those who don't. Then there was single mom I told you about that kept saying, in front of her kids, that she ought to give them up for adoption...there's another example of the rule. Then there is the fact that most of my oldest son's friends are from single parent families and NONE of them drive, even though they are old enough to, and only one of them works, he's an exception to the rest of the people in his single parent household.
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.

Your simplistic, black and white thinking on this subject is truly sad. NO ONE HERE has villified single parents as BAD PARENTS, or FREAKS OF NATURE. The research simply indicates that in terms of raising healthy children, the more responsible adults in a child's life, the better. And, if those people are the child's parents (gay/straight, male/female), that's the best situation of all.

Why is this so difficult for you to deal with, Eel?
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.

Your simplistic, black and white thinking on this subject is truly sad. NO ONE HERE has villified single parents as BAD PARENTS, or FREAKS OF NATURE. The research simply indicates that in terms of raising healthy children, the more responsible adults in a child's life, the better. And, if those people are the child's parents (gay/straight, male/female), that's the best situation of all.

Why is this so difficult for you to deal with, Eel?

Were you on SNL?
I forgot to mention the good friend of my mother who after having 2 natural children, adopted a rainbow coalition of 5 more kids with her husband. All doing extremely well. All very close and loving to each other.

So it looks like between the bunch of us here, we have come up with several exceptions to the "rule". But few, if any, families that fit the rule.

My neighbors fit the rule, my friends who adopted one child and are fostering two others fit the rule, my family fits the rule, in fact everyone in my family fits the rule. My son's friend fits the rule, he's really messed up thanks to his divorced and remarried crazy mom and his sister just became a single mom. I also know a woman who was on welfare with 3 children, one of those kids I practically raised, he did fine, the other two have been in major trouble, although I did everything I could for them, including keeping my mouth shut about what a crappy mother she was.

believe me, I know far more people who fit the rule than those who don't. Then there was single mom I told you about that kept saying, in front of her kids, that she ought to give them up for adoption...there's another example of the rule. Then there is the fact that most of my oldest son's friends are from single parent families and NONE of them drive, even though they are old enough to, and only one of them works, he's an exception to the rest of the people in his single parent household.
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.

Yeah, let's get dramatic and make stuff up, that'll win the debate for you, NOT!
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.

Your simplistic, black and white thinking on this subject is truly sad. NO ONE HERE has villified single parents as BAD PARENTS, or FREAKS OF NATURE. The research simply indicates that in terms of raising healthy children, the more responsible adults in a child's life, the better. And, if those people are the child's parents (gay/straight, male/female), that's the best situation of all.

Why is this so difficult for you to deal with, Eel?

Were you on SNL?

The skit starts out 'ever wonder why?" And then the couple starts whining. They stick chopsticks up their nose and wonder why it hurts.

The Whiners were recurring characters on Saturday Night Live, from 1982 to 1984. Joe Piscopo, playing Doug Whiner, and Robin Duke, playing Wendy Whiner, spoke all their lines in a nasal whining tone, hence, a double meaning of their name. They both claimed to suffer from diverticulitis, and neither would eat anything but macaroni and cheese.
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The conclusion only sounds false to you, Ravi, because holding on to your particular paradigm is more important than being logical.

And for the record, I would NEVER advocate that a woman or man stay in an abusive marriage for ANY reason, so that's a strawman.

It's funny how you will only accept scientific data when it fits your foregone conclusions. It's kind of like arguing creationism with a fundamentalist. You're a fundamentalist liberal. You are only capable of exercising critical thought when ideas fit your internal biases.
The conclusion sounds false to me because they didn't ask about abusive treatment from parents and they didn't give the number of single-parent versus dual parent homes. You may think the answers to those questions are meaningless but they are not.

I did not say you would advocate anyone stay in an abusive marriage. I said the study might convince someone they should. You are the one employing a strawman, dearie.

You aren't capable of exercising critical thought at all apparently, as you believe totally anything that is written in a study. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps it would convince someone who's looking for something better to stick with the marriage she or he has and work it out, instead of destroying their whole family because they have an itch they want scratched.
That could also be true. I think what bothers me most about this study is it is totally unneeded. Without conducting a study I'll go out on a limb and state the number one gang-joining risk factor for kids that live in high crime areas is kids living in high crime areas with gangs. If these people were serious about helping kids avoid these risks they'd be looking for ways to move these people out of these areas.
I forgot about that! She had a child with someone she wasn't married to. While being married to and old man.

Where are the Catz Stats on that?

She wasn't a single mom, was she?

Then again, you could say Jesus was a gang member, what with his 12 disciples following him around.

So I guess her not being a single mom yet raising a god of a man in spite of poverty, an extramarital affair, relationships with much older men/gods, being underage etc actually proves that single moms suck!!!! :eek:


It is pretty funny that Christians base their religion on all that.
The conclusion sounds false to me because they didn't ask about abusive treatment from parents and they didn't give the number of single-parent versus dual parent homes. You may think the answers to those questions are meaningless but they are not.

I did not say you would advocate anyone stay in an abusive marriage. I said the study might convince someone they should. You are the one employing a strawman, dearie.

You aren't capable of exercising critical thought at all apparently, as you believe totally anything that is written in a study. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps it would convince someone who's looking for something better to stick with the marriage she or he has and work it out, instead of destroying their whole family because they have an itch they want scratched.
That could also be true. I think what bothers me most about this study is it is totally unneeded. Without conducting a study I'll go out on a limb and state the number one gang-joining risk factor for kids that live in high crime areas is kids living in high crime areas with gangs. If these people were serious about helping kids avoid these risks they'd be looking for ways to move these people out of these areas.

Hmm, how do you explain areas that have been invaded by gangs when they weren't there before? How do you explain gang ridden areas that are taken over by middleclass families when they discover they can purchase homes in that area for cheap and they do...this happened a few years ago in Tacoma and the gangs rapidly left the area as families moved in. In our area, we used to be pretty much all two parent families and now that we have more single parent families than I care to count, we have a gang problem that we never had before.

The crime in our city has risen as the single parent rate in our city has risen...do you really think it's just a coincidence?
My neighbors fit the rule, my friends who adopted one child and are fostering two others fit the rule, my family fits the rule, in fact everyone in my family fits the rule. My son's friend fits the rule, he's really messed up thanks to his divorced and remarried crazy mom and his sister just became a single mom. I also know a woman who was on welfare with 3 children, one of those kids I practically raised, he did fine, the other two have been in major trouble, although I did everything I could for them, including keeping my mouth shut about what a crappy mother she was.

believe me, I know far more people who fit the rule than those who don't. Then there was single mom I told you about that kept saying, in front of her kids, that she ought to give them up for adoption...there's another example of the rule. Then there is the fact that most of my oldest son's friends are from single parent families and NONE of them drive, even though they are old enough to, and only one of them works, he's an exception to the rest of the people in his single parent household.
Well now we're back to talk about the "rule" and how it must be true. Which is generally most people's favored way of speaking about the "rule".
Which says as much about the people talking about it as it does about the people for whom the "rule" was invented.

Thank dog there are families like Echo's and my cousin's and my two friend's who just keep on being happy families in spite of how others want to portray them as some sort of exception and freaks of nature.

Yeah, let's get dramatic and make stuff up, that'll win the debate for you, NOT!
'm not trying to win the debate, Sheila, I'm pointing out how often I notice that talk about these less than perfect familly situations often focus on the bad that can result from them and rarely on the good, apart some backhanded compliments and an excuse for people like scatz to play the martyr.

It's the same in abortion threads, post after post about how self centered, immoral, irresponsible women who have abortions are. It's a purposefully distorted view and serves to just derail the discussion into a gripe session.
It's a joke, sheila. Coulter has that prominent adams apple, is tall and has a horsey looking face. She looks more like a man in drag than a woman.
jamie lee curtis is a great looking female, did you all see her in True Lies, where she is seducing or stripping in front of her husband? Arnold?

i don't think Ann Coulter comes close...

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