Abstinence 'is not realistic,' Palin's daughter says

I notice that a lot of liberals like to bust on Ann for how she looks like a man in drag. What's up with that? Aren't liberals all about the acceptance? Shouldn't her apparent gender (if you really think she looks like a man in drag) just be "ok", shouldn't it be a non-issue? I'm pretty sure if conservatives were saying the same thing about a liberal commentator the "-ism"s would be flying like crazy.

It's okay for a liberal to call a conservative woman a drag queen, or fat, or hideous, or skanky, or any other name that would normally send that liberal into a tizzy.

See, the evilness of conservativism removes the normal protective barrier that overlays protected classes. Thus, virtually any slur is acceptable when used against a conservative (free of the pangs of conscience).

It's hypocritical, but what did we really expect?

Here's a good example of how it works:

Ann Coulter has earned every bit of criticism. She looks like a reptile to me.

See how the fact that Ann Coulter hasn't played the liberal ballgame opens her up to any sort of attack? And, not an attack on her WORDS OR IDEAS, either. An attack on her physical person.

Now, I am not an Ann Coulter fan, I think she's a shrill, hysterical hate-monger. But I don't feel a need to attack her on the basis of what she LOOKS like.

Another word to define this behavior would be HYPOCRISY.
She does look a bit like a reptile, so I don't see saying she does is a problem. If she didn't, it would be.
Reptilian does describe her. I couldn't care less if people made fun of Michelle Obama's looks or Obama or anyone else I like. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you get special treatment when you become a public figure.
I notice that a lot of liberals like to bust on Ann for how she looks like a man in drag. What's up with that? Aren't liberals all about the acceptance? Shouldn't her apparent gender (if you really think she looks like a man in drag) just be "ok", shouldn't it be a non-issue? I'm pretty sure if conservatives were saying the same thing about a liberal commentator the "-ism"s would be flying like crazy.

But that's the thing. I'm not a liberal, but Ann says something like "attacking a female for her appearance is so vile that it's only possible that a liberal could do it" (verbatim quote) and then goes on to say, "The only thing that Cindy Sheehan demonstrates is which body types shouldn't wear shorts." (verbatim quote)
It's okay for a liberal to call a conservative woman a drag queen, or fat, or hideous, or skanky, or any other name that would normally send that liberal into a tizzy.

See, the evilness of conservativism removes the normal protective barrier that overlays protected classes. Thus, virtually any slur is acceptable when used against a conservative (free of the pangs of conscience).

It's hypocritical, but what did we really expect?

Here's a good example of how it works:

See how the fact that Ann Coulter hasn't played the liberal ballgame opens her up to any sort of attack? And, not an attack on her WORDS OR IDEAS, either. An attack on her physical person.

Now, I am not an Ann Coulter fan, I think she's a shrill, hysterical hate-monger. But I don't feel a need to attack her on the basis of what she LOOKS like.

Another word to define this behavior would be HYPOCRISY.
She does look a bit like a reptile, so I don't see saying she does is a problem. If she didn't, it would be.
Reptilian does describe her. I couldn't care less if people made fun of Michelle Obama's looks or Obama or anyone else I like. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you get special treatment when you become a public figure.

Reptilian describes Ann Coulter's qualities and what comes out of her mouth and heart. Cold hearted, narrow eyed and minded, slimey ethics, and dragon breath. Some of her fans are just like her. Cult Her.
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I find it funny that all those complaining that only libs call people ugly haven't read this thread. A lot of the right wingers say awful things about Michelle Obama.

People are mean, no matter who they vote for.


No, I didn't say that only libs did it. I said only libs get a pass when they do.

I don't have any problems with Michelle Obama and if I did it would be with something she said or did, not the way she looks.

Well, I wouldn't knock her looks, but I do think the coat she wore on the day of the inauguration was rather plain looking. If it'd been me, I would have trimmed it in fur, or fake fur. Then again, some people say my taste is all in my mouth. :D

Faux fur would have been an elegant touch! I absolutely hated that red and black dress she wore on election night. Otherwise she seems to know how to dress to show off her assets.
I notice that a lot of liberals like to bust on Ann for how she looks like a man in drag. What's up with that? Aren't liberals all about the acceptance? Shouldn't her apparent gender (if you really think she looks like a man in drag) just be "ok", shouldn't it be a non-issue? I'm pretty sure if conservatives were saying the same thing about a liberal commentator the "-ism"s would be flying like crazy.

But that's the thing. I'm not a liberal, but Ann says something like "attacking a female for her appearance is so vile that it's only possible that a liberal could do it" (verbatim quote) and then goes on to say, "The only thing that Cindy Sheehan demonstrates is which body types shouldn't wear shorts." (verbatim quote)

What I'm talking about is living up to your ideals. It is a Liberal ideal (at least as I understand it) to be accepting and non-judgmental. Ann doesn't pretend to try to live up to Liberal ideals, but that doesn't suddenly excuse Liberals from having to live up to their own standards. If they say that these are good liberal traits they must live up to them of they are hypocrites or at the very least lousy liberals, it doesn't matter what Ann does or doesn't do to provoke or respond.

As another example, if I preached non-violence in ALL situations, then I must not be violent ever or I am a hypocrite, even if I'm attacked. If your ideals are situational they aren't highly held. I have a hard time respecting a hypocrite.
Really? Ask a liberal what they think of Bristol Palin. Mostly they call her a stupid slut. Or ask them what they think of fundamentalist Christians. The nicest thing they call them is stupid. Ask them what they think of people who live outside Manhattan, or what they think of Rush LImbaugh.

Ask Jillie to share her non-judgmental views on Ann Coulter. She can't talk about her without referring to how hideous she is, and how she suspects she's really a man.

Liberals TELL you they are non-judgmental. That's the way they pass their outrageous fascism as normalcy, and how they convince people that a minority should be in charge...even if the majority votes against it.
I notice that a lot of liberals like to bust on Ann for how she looks like a man in drag. What's up with that? Aren't liberals all about the acceptance? Shouldn't her apparent gender (if you really think she looks like a man in drag) just be "ok", shouldn't it be a non-issue? I'm pretty sure if conservatives were saying the same thing about a liberal commentator the "-ism"s would be flying like crazy.

But that's the thing. I'm not a liberal, but Ann says something like "attacking a female for her appearance is so vile that it's only possible that a liberal could do it" (verbatim quote) and then goes on to say, "The only thing that Cindy Sheehan demonstrates is which body types shouldn't wear shorts." (verbatim quote)

What I'm talking about is living up to your ideals. It is a Liberal ideal (at least as I understand it) to be accepting and non-judgmental. Ann doesn't pretend to try to live up to Liberal ideals, but that doesn't suddenly excuse Liberals from having to live up to their own standards. If they say that these are good liberal traits they must live up to them of they are hypocrites or at the very least lousy liberals, it doesn't matter what Ann does or doesn't do to provoke or respond.

As another example, if I preached non-violence in ALL situations, then I must not be violent ever or I am a hypocrite, even if I'm attacked. If your ideals are situational they aren't highly held. I have a hard time respecting a hypocrite.

Hey, I'm a pacifist and I'll clobber anyone that says I'm not!
Ask a lib what they think of the woman who CHOSE to have 8 babies at once, possible, t hank you, to liberal policies which have allowed embryonic production and experimentation, and the miracle of welfare. All things that liberals have fought tooth and nail for, under the pretense that it's not immoral, and every woman, no matter how poor and stupid, has the choice to do what she wants with her babies.
What I'm talking about is living up to your ideals. It is a Liberal ideal (at least as I understand it) to be accepting and non-judgmental. Ann doesn't pretend to try to live up to Liberal ideals, but that doesn't suddenly excuse Liberals from having to live up to their own standards. If they say that these are good liberal traits they must live up to them of they are hypocrites or at the very least lousy liberals, it doesn't matter what Ann does or doesn't do to provoke or respond.

As another example, if I preached non-violence in ALL situations, then I must not be violent ever or I am a hypocrite, even if I'm attacked. If your ideals are situational they aren't highly held. I have a hard time respecting a hypocrite.

Do you know anyone who is truly non judgemental? Including yourself?
I don't know anyone that saintly.
I get called a lib all the time, yet I have never identified myself as such. I think being called a lib is passing judgement on me.
That's my judgement on the "Anguille is a lib" robots. :lol:
THat's just a mistaken assumption. Not a judgment.

A judgment would be to say you're a bad person because of the views you hold.

WHich may or may not be accurate, but it's still a judgment.
THat's just a mistaken assumption. Not a judgment.

A judgment would be to say you're a bad person because of the views you hold.

WHich may or may not be accurate, but it's still a judgment.
First time in weeks you've actually made an accurate statement. :eek:
What I'm talking about is living up to your ideals. It is a Liberal ideal (at least as I understand it) to be accepting and non-judgmental. Ann doesn't pretend to try to live up to Liberal ideals, but that doesn't suddenly excuse Liberals from having to live up to their own standards. If they say that these are good liberal traits they must live up to them of they are hypocrites or at the very least lousy liberals, it doesn't matter what Ann does or doesn't do to provoke or respond.

As another example, if I preached non-violence in ALL situations, then I must not be violent ever or I am a hypocrite, even if I'm attacked. If your ideals are situational they aren't highly held. I have a hard time respecting a hypocrite.

Do you know anyone who is truly non judgemental? Including yourself?
I don't know anyone that saintly.
I get called a lib all the time, yet I have never identified myself as such. I think being called a lib is passing judgement on me.
That's my judgement on the "Anguille is a lib" robots. :lol:

That's the thing Ang, I'm not non-judgmental but I don't go around preaching it, thus: I am not a hypocrite. If I went around preaching that you should not steal and then I was a thief I WOULD be a hypocrite.

What you identify as or what people call you wasn't part of what I was talking about. I was talking about Liberals, if you don't think that's you then I guess I wasn't talking about you.
Ask a lib what they think of the woman who CHOSE to have 8 babies at once, possible, t hank you, to liberal policies which have allowed embryonic production and experimentation, and the miracle of welfare. All things that liberals have fought tooth and nail for, under the pretense that it's not immoral, and every woman, no matter how poor and stupid, has the choice to do what she wants with her babies.

You have never answered my question.

What should be done with all the left over frozen embryos?
Actually, I did tell you. They shouldn't be frozen in the first place. I'm not going to enter into an argument with what the left should do with the mess they made. No matter what you do with them, it's wrong.
Actually, I did tell you. They shouldn't be frozen in the first place. I'm not going to enter into an argument with what the left should do with the mess they made. No matter what you do with them, it's wrong.

But what should be done with them?

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