Abuse of power is a problem in our country. When are the police going to be scrutinized?

Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Clanton/O.K. Corral/Tombstone .. No Wyatt Earp

problem not solved

Actually it was solved. The guys with the badges won and the troublemakers never bothered anyone again.
Do you know that Wyatt Earp was a criminal before putting on the badge?

Jesus H Christ, it was a joke people! Are you kidding me? Get rid of all cops, arm everyone? Hello McFly?

A "joke" huh?


Yeah, do I have to explain it to you? Too bad dumbass, it's not going to happen.
Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because human beings would never misuse firearms or power like cops.


The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies.

True but that horse seems to have left the barn with the Industrial Revelation and the attendant migration to cities. Now if you can get the time machine to work and take us all back to 1827 and put us all back on farms, it just might work.
Clanton/O.K. Corral/Tombstone .. No Wyatt Earp

problem not solved

Actually it was solved. The guys with the badges won and the troublemakers never bothered anyone again.
Do you know that Wyatt Earp was a criminal before putting on the badge?

Jesus H Christ, it was a joke people! Are you kidding me? Get rid of all cops, arm everyone? Hello McFly?

A "joke" huh?


Yeah, do I have to explain it to you? Too bad dumbass, it's not going to happen.

No explanation necessary; I see all too well. I just illustrated it for you.

You're welcome.
Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because human beings would never misuse firearms or power like cops.


The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies.
And the population was about 1/10 what it is today and most people lived on farms or in small towns, not crowded into urban areas..
Missouri police reportedly beat 80yo hearing-impaired veteran RT USA

Many of you defend the police to the bitter end. But the bottom line is individuals don't lose their rights the moment law enforcement shows up. That happens ONLY after you are convicted of a crime & sent to prison.

The story above happened just a few miles from where i live & was a hot topic for some time here. I never shared it here cause i just didn't think it was relevant to national politics. But now, after so many high profile cases i thought i should share it. Especially considering there seems to be a mantra that police only hassle blacks.

With the advent of social media & cameras in every pocket, what was once swept under the rug by authorities now goes viral in just a few days.

I think local & national politicians should realize that MANY of these altercations are a result of the police being forced to enforce their laws & regulations. Much of the "feel good" legislation, be it local or national, can result in an infringement on someones personal liberties.
Example: remember when conservatives asked if store owners would be arrested for selling big gulps in NY?

Some of these laws are just asinine & need to stop.

At the same time being involved with the police doesn't automatically give them the authority to be dicks or ignore your rights.

Abuse of power starts at the top...ask the MinC.
Till the bitter end, I like that from the first post on this thread. It's funny all the protests that dramatize the death of Michael Brown, they never recognize M.B.NEVER put his hands up and said "Don't SHOOT", so let's be critical and look at ALL the facts, not just jump on the bandwagon. I Sympathize with Officer Wilson. Brown, poor brainwashed kid, bought all that rap hate and that "in your face" stuff. He provoked the incident that led to his death the same way some one waves a red flag in front of a bull. He called down the thunder, he got thunderstruck. The only reason he was "unarmed", was because he didn't successfully take away Wilson's gun in the first place. Wow.
Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because human beings would never misuse firearms or power like cops.


The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies.
And the population was about 1/10 what it is today and most people lived on farms or in small towns, not crowded into urban areas..

Till the bitter end, I like that from the first post on this thread. It's funny all the protests that dramatize the death of Michael Brown, they never recognize M.B.NEVER put his hands up and said "Don't SHOOT", so let's be critical and look at ALL the facts, not just jump on the bandwagon. I Sympathize with Officer Wilson. Brown, poor brainwashed kid, bought all that rap hate and that "in your face" stuff. He provoked the incident that led to his death the same way some one waves a red flag in front of a bull. He called down the thunder, he got thunderstruck. The only reason he was "unarmed", was because he didn't successfully take away Wilson's gun in the first place. Wow.
Stopped reading at Michael Brown.

This thread is not about that case. This thread is about excessive use of power.

Carry on
The real problems are the Media literally trying to piss people off in mass, and the people who in turn just want to be pissed off and dont want to really research these events. Do you think that all the "protestors" in Ferguson really know all the facts? Are they using their brains? No, they simply hear "Some white cop shot an unarmed teenage black boy", ON THE NIGHTLY NEWS, and then, since they don't have a job or anything else to do, they go out and act like animals and destroy their own neighborhood. The media is downright irresponsible with the way they present stories (primarily CNN), and this enrages the public (typically those with lower intelligence), and here we are. The news is being presented in an inflammatory way, and those that dont bother or cant research the details themselves, become angry. I am really pointing the finger more at the media, because they present information in a way that is designed to shock and infuriate people. Freedom of the press is nice and all, but I feel it is being misused and it is causing national problems at this point.
This is 90% of the problem...

This is when cops had to confront bad guys with AK-47's and body armor with only their side arms and shotguns.

They were outgunned and under protected.

The criminals had the advantage.

Law enforcement officers deserved that advantage, instead.

Watch this and learn at your leisure what those brave men and women had to learn, up close, very personally and at the cost of their blood and careers and the risk of their lives.

No one should be expected to do the job if the bad guys have better weaponry and protection than those who have sworn to serve and protect us.

I just finished watching this film and I gotta tell ya, it is REALLY GOOD.

Well worth your time.
Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because human beings would never misuse firearms or power like cops.


The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies.

The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies and the population was about 1/10 what it is today and most people lived on farms or in small towns, not crowded into urban areas..
The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies and the population was about 1/10 what it is today and most people lived on farms or in small towns, not crowded into urban areas..

And? What are you trying to say exactly?
The majority of American history has been without police forces. Just a sheriff and several deputies and the population was about 1/10 what it is today and most people lived on farms or in small towns, not crowded into urban areas..

And? What are you trying to say exactly?
I think it should be pretty clear. When the population was a small fraction of what it is today and most of the people lived in small towns and farms, not in crowed cities and the urban sprawl. There was far less need for police. In those days people simply didn't come in contact with that many people thus there was less crime. Today, I ride a bus to work, walk 5 blocks through the city and work in a building with 500 people. In early history of the country, a farmer might not come in contact with that many people in year or more. Naturally, a sheriff and a few deputies was all that was needed.
Missouri police reportedly beat 80yo hearing-impaired veteran RT USA

Many of you defend the police to the bitter end. But the bottom line is individuals don't lose their rights the moment law enforcement shows up. That happens ONLY after you are convicted of a crime & sent to prison.

The story above happened just a few miles from where i live & was a hot topic for some time here. I never shared it here cause i just didn't think it was relevant to national politics. But now, after so many high profile cases i thought i should share it. Especially considering there seems to be a mantra that police only hassle blacks.

With the advent of social media & cameras in every pocket, what was once swept under the rug by authorities now goes viral in just a few days.

I think local & national politicians should realize that MANY of these altercations are a result of the police being forced to enforce their laws & regulations. Much of the "feel good" legislation, be it local or national, can result in an infringement on someones personal liberties.
Example: remember when conservatives asked if store owners would be arrested for selling big gulps in NY?

Some of these laws are just asinine & need to stop.

At the same time being involved with the police doesn't automatically give them the authority to be dicks or ignore your rights.

Ya know what? You're correct.
However, this is all been sensationalized to the point where the public is being led to believe police brutality is a national epidemic.
There is a very strong possibility that 99% of those reading this thread will go through the next 365 days without so much as a single interaction with a police officer.
Think about that.
Cops should not be allowed to touch people that are suspected of committing petty offenses. That's the problem.

Exactly!!! Why did they have to restrain Eric Garner. Why?? I did not see him do anything that required him to be wrestled to the ground. I am so angry about what happened to this poor man that I am just ready to scream. They did not have to do that to him. Something needs to happen to make the police keep their hands off of citizens that do not present a danger.
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.

It's not just the criminal code. The regulatory bureaucracy has run amok. Why does the EPA need to be armed?

maybe because hunters have guns?

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