Academic Publications PRove You Cannot Lampoon Liberal Idiotology

Do you read or listen to Fox? Limbaugh? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Drudge Report? Human Events? Judicial Watch? Newsmax? Redstate? Townhall? Or are you lost in some imaginary world. 'Dark money' loves you people you are so easily led.

Why do conservatives snowflakes find it necessary to define liberals? Do they ever consider who they are or what they have accomplished? I realize right wingers are easily led by this baloney but ask yourself why? Is it insecurity? Is it fear? Is it an attempt to convince themselves they are something rather than nothing? What is it? You read it constantly as if in this empty choir song there is some sense, some meaning other than their own repetitive attempts at justifying their own being. Conservatives cover any news issue to distort, to manage the message, never to clarify or educate.

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
These guys were experimenting to see if they could right something so farcical that the editors would reject it.

But no, liberalism is so far gone into Insanity that the spoofers failed utterly.

Anti-PC Writers Tricked Seven Academic Journals Into Accepting Hoax Papers on Dog Rape, Fat Phobia, and More

REAL Americans know better about that crap.

Been dealing with this leftist, ideological oppression since returning to school recently at a Baltimore university. While I've ever been possessed of a sense of "hey, I can take the hits, deal with the damage later, recover—Charlie Mike, suck it up," let me tell you, dealing with the click-cells of SJW kids half my age is one thing—I mean, I run a few self-defense classes on campus, so in a big-brother sense, I can normally find some manner of reaching even the most soul taken of the brainwashed ultra politically correct kid-students. But come on dudes? The faculty down here? Sheeeeeeiit. The Soviet Era Russian intelligentsia has always fascinated some cells within my brainpan for their love of voluntary stays in gulag hotels, but whoa—some of the professor cadre down here—they're like Soviet political officers on PCP. One can literally see history repeating on this postmodern leftism anti-intellectual enclave of American radical academia. Its like some "shared hive mind" all these 17-24 year old kids are plugged into, and their professors are rogue, senseless cult leader queen bees. Sure, I try to bite my tongue, I do want to participate, finish up my psych degree and move on, and I do enjoy the challenge of challenging their ideas and telling my story as a framework to hopefully help some of these brainwashed kids out of their ideological bog, but some days, I cannot believe I am on an American, rather than a Soviet or Mao state run U.

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