Accepting Diversity: Gay Marriage vs. Christmas Culture

There is nothing religious about the Nutcracker. It is a Christmas story about a nutcracker given to a girl as a present who turns into a prince.

The story is real. The complaint was over the presence of a Christmas tree on stage. The school has reversed its decision. The PTA board member who is offended by Christmas trees was so incensed by the reversal has resigned.
The concept of christmas is religious.
To the exact same degree as San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc.
There is nothing religious about the Nutcracker. It is a Christmas story about a nutcracker given to a girl as a present who turns into a prince.

The story is real. The complaint was over the presence of a Christmas tree on stage. The school has reversed its decision. The PTA board member who is offended by Christmas trees was so incensed by the reversal has resigned.
The concept of christmas is religious.
To the exact same degree as San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc.
The birth of Jesus is not based on SF and LA.
The Nutcracker has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. Jesus isn't even mentioned. Christmas isn't mentioned. Since there is no talking technically nothing at all is mentioned.
The Nutcracker has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. Jesus isn't even mentioned. Christmas isn't mentioned. Since there is no talking technically nothing at all is mentioned.
A christmas tree is pretty hard to associate with anything else but christmas.

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Of course so. HL allows the FLDS church to human traffic and use child slave labor.

Read the link.
There is nothing religious about the Nutcracker. It is a Christmas story about a nutcracker given to a girl as a present who turns into a prince.

The story is real. The complaint was over the presence of a Christmas tree on stage. The school has reversed its decision. The PTA board member who is offended by Christmas trees was so incensed by the reversal has resigned.
The concept of christmas is religious.
To the exact same degree as San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc.
The birth of Jesus is not based on SF and LA.
So what do saints and angels emanate from?
There is nothing religious about the Nutcracker. It is a Christmas story about a nutcracker given to a girl as a present who turns into a prince.

The story is real. The complaint was over the presence of a Christmas tree on stage. The school has reversed its decision. The PTA board member who is offended by Christmas trees was so incensed by the reversal has resigned.
The concept of christmas is religious.
To the exact same degree as San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc.
The birth of Jesus is not based on SF and LA.
So what do saints and angels emanate from?
What child do you know that associates saints and angels with SF and LA?
Please tell me this story is hyped up and isn't true, that it was rumors to create a media backlash:

School Considered Canceling Nutcracker Trip to Protect Kids From Christmas Tree Exposure

Belmont school reverses decision to cancel Nutcracker trip - 7News Boston WHDH-TV

??? Only in America:
Gay marriage should be pushed through public institutions because people should be tolerant and INCLUDE people and beliefs different from their own.

But then, when it comes to a Christmas tree, the field trip should be cancelled
to prevent from exposing children to it?

But gay marriage is accepting diversity? And the Christmas culture isn't? What the ???

What the fuck is "Christian Culture"?



All once part of "Christian" Culture.

People living in fear have always (mis)used the Bible for decades to justify their own prejudices and fears.

Quoting one line from an archaic book of Hebrew tribal laws (Leviticus) and customs is the modern way "Christians" justify their homophobia.
Please tell me this story is hyped up and isn't true, that it was rumors to create a media backlash:

School Considered Canceling Nutcracker Trip to Protect Kids From Christmas Tree Exposure

Belmont school reverses decision to cancel Nutcracker trip - 7News Boston WHDH-TV

??? Only in America:
Gay marriage should be pushed through public institutions because people should be tolerant and INCLUDE people and beliefs different from their own.

But then, when it comes to a Christmas tree, the field trip should be cancelled
to prevent from exposing children to it?

But gay marriage is accepting diversity? And the Christmas culture isn't? What the ???

What the fuck is "Christian Culture"?



All once part of "Christian" Culture.

People living in fear have always (mis)used the Bible for decades to justify their own prejudices and fears.

Quoting one line from an archaic book of Hebrew tribal laws (Leviticus) and customs is the modern way "Christians" justify their homophobia.



1. This is like asking if child rape and porn is part of gay culture.
just because some men may rape boys does not mean that is part of gay culture.
Do you see the difference?

What I mean by rejecting the "Christmas culture or traditions" is
rejecting any "references to Christ that are part of the Christmas traditions," and calling that a "cultural tradition." that is what I meant by Christmas Culture, the traditions around Christmas, all the cultural references in festivities from songs to trees or celebrations etc.

2. No, slavery is not a part of Christian culture though FORGIVING it is.

Please do not confusing FORGIVING things with promoting them or enabling them.
This is a common misperception of what forgiveness is.

I have to forgive slavery constantly or I couldn't wear the clothes I wear or use electronics.

Right now, I'm sure my cell phone and computer are made with slave labor from China.
I forgive it, while I do push for replacing slave labor with sustainable alternatives.

That slavery is currently blamed on capitalism but is not necessary for capitalism.

Just because I forgive these things doesn't mean I promote them to continue.
I forgive crime, rape and all kinds of wrongs from the past,
while I work to promote solutions to prevent them from happening in the future.

Christianity is about forgiveness, so that people can restore healthy good faith relations
and CORRECT and prevent wrongs from the past from repeating over and over.
if someone believes in
* right to child slave labor
* and human trafficking
as a religious belief

^ they have the right to practice this THEMSELVES if they consent to it.
(people volunteer for free all the time, and do not consider it involuntary servitude if they agreed to donate their services)
So if they believe in working or free, they have every right to set that
up in ways that doesn't impose on anyone else and volunteer themselves all they want!

But in all cases of trafficking
this was being imposed on people who * DIDN'T believe or agree to be trafficked *
but felt coerced they had no other choice. Once given the choice to have
access to what they need without the trafficking, of course they chose the more humane conditions.^
emily, children cannot contract. They cannot contract to labor without being paid. You and I, as adults, can do so.

Religious freedom does not excuse human trafficking.

This will be moved into the federal court system.
emily, children cannot contract. They cannot contract to labor without being paid. You and I, as adults, can do so.
Religious freedom does not excuse human trafficking.
This will be moved into the federal court system.

Then we agree, this was my point also.

as for slave labor, what i suggest to start replacing it
is to set up campuses and develop systems of integrating work with education
and service internships. so gradually the areas of poverty can work toward
living wages, but in the meantime at least provide the housing health care and services
as part of worker benefits. if this needs to be set up as either microlending against
future revenue, or as restitution from past trafficking violations paid back by the wrongdoers
by investing resources or labor into setting up and converting sweatshop factories into safe supervised programs.

here's the basic campus plan for converting housing into
sustainable campus commnities:

here's other webpage describing how to integrate this model into
immigration and labor reforms and restitution for slavery past or present:
Earned Amnesty
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs
Food for thought (for those who think):

The Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world.

Ancient people were hunters and spent most of their time outdoors. The seasons and weather played a very important part in their lives. Because of this many ancient people had a great reverence for, and even worshipped the sun. The Norsemen of Northern Europe saw the sun as a wheel that changed the seasons. It was from the word for this wheel, houl, that the word yule is thought to have come. At mid-winter the Norsemen lit bonfires, told stories and drank sweet ale.

The ancient Romans also held a festival to celebrate the rebirth of the year. Saturnalia ran for seven days from the 17th of December. It was a time when the ordinary rules were turned upside down. Men dressed as women and masters dressed as servants. The festival also involved decorating houses with greenery, lighting candles, holding processions and giving presents.

The Winter Solstice falls on the shortest day of the year (21st December) and was celebrated in Britain long before the arrival of Christianity. The Druids (Celtic priests) would cut the mistletoe that grew on the oak tree and give it as a blessing. Oaks were seen as sacred and the winter fruit of the mistletoe was a symbol of life in the dark winter months.

It was also the Druids who began the tradition of the yule log. The Celts thought that the sun stood still for twelve days in the middle of winter and during this time a log was lit to conquer the darkness, banish evil spirits and bring luck for the coming year.

Many of these customs are still followed today. They have been incorporated into the Christian and secular celebrations of Christmas.


BBC - Religions - Paganism Winter Solstice
Emily, I agree that we need co-op, vo-tech service integration with internships, turning 7th to 12th and the first two years of college, into a 7-14 grade curriculum. Such a program would permit career exploration and channeling with side exchanges for movement and experience.
Emily, I agree that we need co-op, vo-tech service integration with internships, turning 7th to 12th and the first two years of college, into a 7-14 grade curriculum. Such a program would permit career exploration and channeling with side exchanges for movement and experience.

I'd say we need to revamp the prison system, immigration system and VA system.
not just limit it to those grades, but set up access for all citizens to receive enough education
and job training to become independent and not dependent on govt. instead of charging costs
to taxpayers, set it up so cost effectively that people are able to pay back or pay forward, not racking up more debts.
pay the old debts off and invest in programs that will reduce costs in the future, go from operating in the red to black.

which people in the Republican Party are progressive enough to work on this.
Is it only the libertarians looking at self-governing solutions localized by State.
Which GOP leaders can deal with both the liberal and moderate Republicans,
the Libertarian and the far right. which GOP leaders can work with Tea Party equally as
the prochoice Moderates and keep them all together?

Who is unifying and does not have to reject or divide members of the Party.
Who can work with Democrats, Libertarians, and people across the board?
Superman, perhaps, and then maybe Rand Paul.

I'm in with the idea of collaboration between Green progressives from the left and Constitutional Libertarians from the right.
i think the ideas and solutions that come from that can encourage more people to get involved in rebuilding and reforming, not destroying and attacking.
Please tell me this story is hyped up and isn't true, that it was rumors to create a media backlash:

School Considered Canceling Nutcracker Trip to Protect Kids From Christmas Tree Exposure

Belmont school reverses decision to cancel Nutcracker trip - 7News Boston WHDH-TV

??? Only in America:
Gay marriage should be pushed through public institutions because people should be tolerant and INCLUDE people and beliefs different from their own.

But then, when it comes to a Christmas tree, the field trip should be cancelled
to prevent from exposing children to it?

But gay marriage is accepting diversity? And the Christmas culture isn't? What the ???
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Establishment Clause Jurisprudence has nothing whatsoever to do with the equal protection rights of same-sex couples.

Moreover, gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil liberties is not ‘pushing’ anything on anyone.

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