According to NY Times article, Antonio Brown sexual assault case. Details....coming out. Oh boy.

I posted a question to Ironman.
"Hey, What do you think about AB Rape suit? Can you ask AB if he had Perfect Hydration as he did the claimed deeds?"

Don't know how long the post will last.. LOL!

But Ironman did make a good AD. Ironamn pimping his Youtube Channel these days.


AB is a victim of a crazy girl. 2 Sexual Assaults in 2017, did they happen the same day? If not, what days did it happen in 2017?
If you were not a prisoner and could run around for a few days free and go back the 2nd day for Assault #2. Means you were not assaulted the first time you felt, but let us say you were the 2nd time. Still no police reports for either in 2017. As you tell us you were assaulted twice already. So in 2018, you wanted more AB Love treatment. Unless you have a video of an assault by AB, you're a gold digger. As that would be what's needed to get AB to pay you money.

SO! Hey Girls out there! How many of you girls go for being assaulted 3 times by a guy?
I would say 1 time would be too many. But after the 1st by a guy, would you be around the guy still, and alone if we're forced to be there somehow.

btw: FYI!

Sexual assault
Sexual assault is an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.

Note: Sperm can fly far when jacking off some times, and is not a sexual assault if you were not the target. Also,...Say Like How a champagne bottle pops and everything gets wet. If you were in bed had sex with the guy, and he later jacks off next to you as you sleep, I would say that not an assault. It be more like a champagne bottle pops and you were not able to cover it fully and you got rained on. And like how some people split as they speak. Just your bad luck where you were.

And last. I always will give the Girl's / Guy's voice, if wronged. But here, after going once/twice (TBD) and a 3rd time to a person you know wants/has assaulted you. And not a prisoner of. And alone it seems. You have no creditability in my book. Or is this you were high/drunk partying? Was no one else around?

And last. I would like to add, some girls can squirt Yuge uncontrollable... themselves.

See! Somethang like this.

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The statement characterized Taylor’s lawsuit as motivated by money. It was not clear whether Taylor reported her accusations to the police.

According to the suit, Brown sexually assaulted Taylor twice during training sessions in June 2017. First, he exposed himself and kissed her without permission, the lawsuit says. Later that month, the lawsuit says, while they were streaming religious programming on a tablet at his South Florida home, Brown started masturbating behind Taylor and ejaculated on her back. The lawsuit contains images of profane messages that Taylor says Brown sent to her about the incident.

Then, the lawsuit says, on May 20, 2018, Brown forced her onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress and “forcibly” raped her. She tried to resist him, screaming and repeatedly shouting “no” and “stop,” the lawsuit says, but Brown refused and penetrated her.

The statement from Brown’s lawyer acknowledged at least one instance when the two engaged in consensual sex and also said that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual.”

The lawsuit says that Taylor told at least three people about the incidents: her mother, Brown’s chef and a member of her church, who advised her to come forward.

Antonio Brown Accused of Rape in a Lawsuit

What a disaster.

I'm inclined to think the lawsuit against Mr. Brown is bullshit, but I'm going to be open minded enough to see the evidence if any.

The fact that they waited until after Brown officially affiliated with New England tells me it could be anti-Patriot paranoia. That's why we had the big deal with Brady getting suspended a few years ago, and Kraft getting pinched for receiving an alleged illicit massage last winter. Libs are jealous of people who succeed, and no one is more successful than Belichick et al
The statement characterized Taylor’s lawsuit as motivated by money. It was not clear whether Taylor reported her accusations to the police.

According to the suit, Brown sexually assaulted Taylor twice during training sessions in June 2017. First, he exposed himself and kissed her without permission, the lawsuit says. Later that month, the lawsuit says, while they were streaming religious programming on a tablet at his South Florida home, Brown started masturbating behind Taylor and ejaculated on her back. The lawsuit contains images of profane messages that Taylor says Brown sent to her about the incident.

Then, the lawsuit says, on May 20, 2018, Brown forced her onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress and “forcibly” raped her. She tried to resist him, screaming and repeatedly shouting “no” and “stop,” the lawsuit says, but Brown refused and penetrated her.

The statement from Brown’s lawyer acknowledged at least one instance when the two engaged in consensual sex and also said that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual.”

The lawsuit says that Taylor told at least three people about the incidents: her mother, Brown’s chef and a member of her church, who advised her to come forward.

Antonio Brown Accused of Rape in a Lawsuit

What a disaster.

I'm inclined to think the lawsuit against Mr. Brown is bullshit, but I'm going to be open minded enough to see the evidence if any.

The fact that they waited until after Brown officially affiliated with New England tells me it could be anti-Patriot paranoia. That's why we had the big deal with Brady getting suspended a few years ago, and Kraft getting pinched for receiving an alleged illicit massage last winter. Libs are jealous of people who succeed, and no one is more successful than Belichick et al
Was not Big Ben twice accused of the same thangs? What happened to Ben, he just played ball.

But I too want the reports here. But feel if you were assaulted twice before and the following year without a police report go to AB. You wanted somethang.
I would hope to record video about the twice assaulted was being made by her. And she was risking assault to protect other girls form the same. Other than that, the girl is a gold digger.

As you R a Moron spewing Libs jealous of somebody success. Rich poor Repugger and Dem's rape and are raped. Only jealous people spew this BS being party orientated.
Just stupid. You like want a question on the been raped form. Girl do you feel it was a Repugger or Dem Rapist? How could you tell? Did they say they are raping in the name of a party?

Last: Be fun to see an R.Kelly spew live.
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The statement characterized Taylor’s lawsuit as motivated by money. It was not clear whether Taylor reported her accusations to the police.

According to the suit, Brown sexually assaulted Taylor twice during training sessions in June 2017. First, he exposed himself and kissed her without permission, the lawsuit says. Later that month, the lawsuit says, while they were streaming religious programming on a tablet at his South Florida home, Brown started masturbating behind Taylor and ejaculated on her back. The lawsuit contains images of profane messages that Taylor says Brown sent to her about the incident.

Then, the lawsuit says, on May 20, 2018, Brown forced her onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress and “forcibly” raped her. She tried to resist him, screaming and repeatedly shouting “no” and “stop,” the lawsuit says, but Brown refused and penetrated her.

The statement from Brown’s lawyer acknowledged at least one instance when the two engaged in consensual sex and also said that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual.”

The lawsuit says that Taylor told at least three people about the incidents: her mother, Brown’s chef and a member of her church, who advised her to come forward.

Antonio Brown Accused of Rape in a Lawsuit

What a disaster.

I'm inclined to think the lawsuit against Mr. Brown is bullshit, but I'm going to be open minded enough to see the evidence if any.

The fact that they waited until after Brown officially affiliated with New England tells me it could be anti-Patriot paranoia. That's why we had the big deal with Brady getting suspended a few years ago, and Kraft getting pinched for receiving an alleged illicit massage last winter. Libs are jealous of people who succeed, and no one is more successful than Belichick et al
Was not Big Ben twice accused of the same thangs? What happened to Ben, he just played ball.

But I too want the reports here. But feel if you were assaulted twice before and the following year without a police report go to AB. You wanted somethang.
I would hope a video about the twice assaulted was being made. Other than that, the girl is a gold digger.

Roethlisberger was suspended for half a season for the alleged rape. Of course, Pittsburgh is hated too, but is in 2nd place to the hatred received by New England.
The statement characterized Taylor’s lawsuit as motivated by money. It was not clear whether Taylor reported her accusations to the police.

According to the suit, Brown sexually assaulted Taylor twice during training sessions in June 2017. First, he exposed himself and kissed her without permission, the lawsuit says. Later that month, the lawsuit says, while they were streaming religious programming on a tablet at his South Florida home, Brown started masturbating behind Taylor and ejaculated on her back. The lawsuit contains images of profane messages that Taylor says Brown sent to her about the incident.

Then, the lawsuit says, on May 20, 2018, Brown forced her onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress and “forcibly” raped her. She tried to resist him, screaming and repeatedly shouting “no” and “stop,” the lawsuit says, but Brown refused and penetrated her.

The statement from Brown’s lawyer acknowledged at least one instance when the two engaged in consensual sex and also said that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual.”

The lawsuit says that Taylor told at least three people about the incidents: her mother, Brown’s chef and a member of her church, who advised her to come forward.

Antonio Brown Accused of Rape in a Lawsuit

What a disaster.

I'm inclined to think the lawsuit against Mr. Brown is bullshit, but I'm going to be open minded enough to see the evidence if any.

The fact that they waited until after Brown officially affiliated with New England tells me it could be anti-Patriot paranoia. That's why we had the big deal with Brady getting suspended a few years ago, and Kraft getting pinched for receiving an alleged illicit massage last winter. Libs are jealous of people who succeed, and no one is more successful than Belichick et al
Was not Big Ben twice accused of the same thangs? What happened to Ben, he just played ball.

But I too want the reports here. But feel if you were assaulted twice before and the following year without a police report go to AB. You wanted somethang.
I would hope a video about the twice assaulted was being made. Other than that, the girl is a gold digger.

Roethlisberger was suspended for half a season for the alleged rape. Of course, Pittsburgh is hated too, but is in 2nd place to the hatred received by New England.

The NFL needs to make a third party with 12 real judges lotto picked panel review player deed off playing field stuff. As part of all player contracts.

All contract can be voided fully, and money can be taken back by teams and advertiser if the panel feels by a 7-4 vote the player is a scumbag or mostly did deeds.

Let us put real fear in these morons that make the good players look bad in ways. I'm sure the other players will wait till after thier games days to go criminal. Can't stop that later.
The statement characterized Taylor’s lawsuit as motivated by money. It was not clear whether Taylor reported her accusations to the police.

According to the suit, Brown sexually assaulted Taylor twice during training sessions in June 2017. First, he exposed himself and kissed her without permission, the lawsuit says. Later that month, the lawsuit says, while they were streaming religious programming on a tablet at his South Florida home, Brown started masturbating behind Taylor and ejaculated on her back. The lawsuit contains images of profane messages that Taylor says Brown sent to her about the incident.

Then, the lawsuit says, on May 20, 2018, Brown forced her onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress and “forcibly” raped her. She tried to resist him, screaming and repeatedly shouting “no” and “stop,” the lawsuit says, but Brown refused and penetrated her.

The statement from Brown’s lawyer acknowledged at least one instance when the two engaged in consensual sex and also said that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual.”

The lawsuit says that Taylor told at least three people about the incidents: her mother, Brown’s chef and a member of her church, who advised her to come forward.

Antonio Brown Accused of Rape in a Lawsuit

What a disaster.

I'm inclined to think the lawsuit against Mr. Brown is bullshit, but I'm going to be open minded enough to see the evidence if any.

The fact that they waited until after Brown officially affiliated with New England tells me it could be anti-Patriot paranoia. That's why we had the big deal with Brady getting suspended a few years ago, and Kraft getting pinched for receiving an alleged illicit massage last winter. Libs are jealous of people who succeed, and no one is more successful than Belichick et al
Was not Big Ben twice accused of the same thangs? What happened to Ben, he just played ball.

But I too want the reports here. But feel if you were assaulted twice before and the following year without a police report go to AB. You wanted somethang.
I would hope a video about the twice assaulted was being made. Other than that, the girl is a gold digger.

Roethlisberger was suspended for half a season for the alleged rape. Of course, Pittsburgh is hated too, but is in 2nd place to the hatred received by New England.
Yep. Forgot really was not following really then.
In Roethlisberger's case, the attorney there made the decision that there was insufficient evidence to proceed. While Brown certainly is no saint, there are questions here. If these things happened, why would you then go back and work with that individual AGAIN? Much less travel around the country to do so? The texts and e-mails don't look good, but there appear to be quite a few other things associated with this (such as the alleged asking for money for a business venture) that will need to be examined as well.
When the sexual assault lawsuit against Antonio Brown was filed in a Florida court this week, the Patriots apparently had no idea it was coming.

According to, the team was blindsided by the news, which came out just hours after the Patriots officially announced that Brown had joined the roster.

In the lawsuit, Brown is accused of sexually assaulting a female acquaintance, Britney Taylor, on three separate occasions between June 2017 and May 2018. Although Brown's legal team has admitted that the two had a sexual relationship, his camp maintains that everything was consensual between Brown and Taylor.

The Patriots are rarely blindside by anything, which led some to wonder how they ended up signing Brown without knowing that he had a lawsuit hanging over his head. As it turns out, Brown's camp knew for months that the lawsuit was coming, but they didn't tell the Patriots (or the Raiders) because they apparently made an agreement with Taylor's camp not to talk about the case.
Antonio Brown's camp knew lawsuit was coming, but here's the reported reason why they didn't tell the Patriots

Interesting the Raiders should get the same treatment for signing AB, if true Camp AB was hiding this from them as well.
If true, it was a civil matter, then and now. We can hope Criminal charges are filed, to prove AB made a bad choice not
to paying her off sooner. I'm sure 100K and signing a NDA would have worked. As she was/is after money. As it seems
to later to win a criminal trial being old and AB said they had consensual sex somewhere to explain any DNA on saying clothing.

Odds are this will go away, in a private DNA settlement. I would think that 20% easy of NFL player have NDA with girls that are gold-digging. But I would think the Teams would prove paid hookers to keep the player pumped SODA - speak. As the do supply all the towel you can use.
First she says he forcibly kissed her.
Then spewed his boys down her back.
Then she willingly went back? She is a great example why we need to get rid of warning labels, let nature thin the herd. Lol
First she says he forcibly kissed her.
Then spewed his boys down her back.
Then she willingly went back? She is a great example why we need to get rid of warning labels, let nature thin the herd. Lol

I believe Brown and his team are confident this was a money play and the woman is insane.
WFS.... Ironman calls AB an absolute Stud!.... (@0:23)

:eusa_think: I would say using the word 'Stud' talking about AB at this time is really the wrong word to use.

Just saying if true. written by AB " I jaked off on your back as you slept is not a very stud thang to do.
Well, unless truely the partner male or female was into the act. I wonder if Ironman knowns more?
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I wonder if all the girls who are involved with Footballers tell their guy to help AB understand this way below..

Jacking off on the back of people sleeping is not cool, DUDE!. (If AB really did so and is not lying just to mess with the girl)
Patriots WR Antonio Brown Has A Second Woman Accusing Him Of Sexual Misconduct
Report: Antonio Brown Faces 2nd Accusation Of Sexual Misconduct
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – A second woman has come forward to accuse former Steeler Antonio Brown of sexual misconduct.

Sports Illustrated’s Robert Klemko wrote a story detailing a lengthy list of accusations against Brown, including the second allegation of sexual misconduct.

The first accusation came days after the wide receiver was released from the Oakland Raiders and signed with the New England Patriots hours later.

His former trainer filed a federal lawsuit against Brown, accusing him of three separate accounts of sexual assault and rape.

Now, the Sports Illustrated report details the story of an anonymous woman who claims she was hired by Brown to paint a mural of him in his Pittsburgh home.

According to the report, Brown flirted with her and made her uncomfortable before the atmosphere “curdled.”

The woman told Sports Illustrated that she was kneeling and painting when she turned to find Brown standing behind her “naked, holding a small hand towel over his genitals.”

The next day, Brown left for Miami and the woman says she was never invited back to finish the mural. She claims she was paid $2,000 for her work, but besides that, she was “ghosted.”

Hmm? Let us see where this goes. But footballers are always running around in towels.
Unless it was a nude painting or somthang close and AB was live posing. How/why did AB come up from behind in that state? Seem AB was going from one place to another and like the locker room with female reports and towels was not doing anythang not normal. AB was trying
to get some most likely. But the girl did not run and tells us she wants to finish the mural.

Can we get a third girl by the end of Wednesday?

Keep them coming girls, get all these guys that do these things.
But please, can you report these crimes within a few days.

BTW. I recall a company that will take evidence by USPS mail in provided envelopes
if you are unsure what to do. I can't recall the name. So collect them after assault samples.
But really, if you collect the samples, did you rub your cloths in the guy's bed after he did your
friend? I don't know how this could help, without a recording or a witness to crimes.

But I would start keeping your iPhone recorders on. Just say when needed, I was recording myself and the Assaulter photobomb my recording. I bet AB did not take kindly to not being serviced that day. Girls, If you hang or do thang for Footballers, 90% of the times it is them wanting to get serviced sexually in the interactions.
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