According to the left its xenophobic to want illegals deported and to want a secure border

Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

Or foul even.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.

How did you get to that from what I said?
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

Or foul even.

LOL ...not sure why I typed that.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

Or foul even.

LOL ...not sure why I typed that.

A little birdy whispered in your ear?
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

"I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl."

The solution is to have watchtowers with manned machine-guns every 50 yards. Also foot patrols with Rottweilers in tow.

Who cares what the Leftist Extremists think, they're on their way out and that's going to mean both in America and in Europa. They even know themselves that they're on their way out, which is why they're attempting to double down and are getting more shouty and hysterical.

I should add that those Leftist Extremists who laugh, in about two years none will be laughing anymore, because you'll be concentrated in special institutions that we have waiting for you.

Edited to add comment.
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Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

Or foul even.

LOL ...not sure why I typed that.

You know darling I didn't like to mention :wink:
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living
How many are there?
Hard to say. I don't have access to the database. You'd need to check with the State Dept. Most of our illegals came here legally and stayed after their visas expired. That's how we know we can deport them - they're documented foreigners who have no right to be here.

There's also a general estimate of the number of undocumented people in this country, but I don't know if there's an estimate of how many of those are illegals. Since they're undocumented, we have no way of knowing/proving that they're not supposed to be here. They don't show up in any records, so all we can do is guess. We can't deport them involuntarily like we can illegals because they're undocumented. All we can do is keep them in the shadows, not paying taxes, or provide a path to citizenship so they can start paying their way.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

"We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living"

It's not the American Government's job to help Mexico raise their standard of living, it's the Mexican Government's job to help Mexico raise their standard of living.
As though the Right is just ducky about losing cheap labor.

The whole concept of Uncontrolled Immigration isn't just about cheap labour, it's predominantly about disrupting long established communities and causing division within society in the shape of Culture Clashes.

The cheap labour aspect isn't the reason why the Leftist Extremists want Open Borders and Uncontrolled Immigration.

The Leftist Extremists want to fragment all Western society, which is why they're fanatically pushing for Worldwide Open Borders.

Uncontrolled ? Have you crossed the border ?
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

"We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living"

It's not the American Government's job to help Mexico raise their standard of living, it's the Mexican Government's job to help Mexico raise their standard of living.

The American government certainly played a huge role in raising the standard of living for 300,000,000 Chinese. So why can't they do the same for Mexico?
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

Great. Let's send them back, now.
They can raise the standard of living when they get there.
As though the Right is just ducky about losing cheap labor.

The whole concept of Uncontrolled Immigration isn't just about cheap labour, it's predominantly about disrupting long established communities and causing division within society in the shape of Culture Clashes.

The cheap labour aspect isn't the reason why the Leftist Extremists want Open Borders and Uncontrolled Immigration.

The Leftist Extremists want to fragment all Western society, which is why they're fanatically pushing for Worldwide Open Borders.

Uncontrolled ? Have you crossed the border ?

If the border were controlled Timmy we wouldnt have millions of illegals here.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

I didn't realize we had a problem with Canadians flocking across our border. Oh wait, that's because we don't.

Go back to sleep Timmy.

People cross in from Canada constantly. More than they do from Mexico . 80% of Canada lives within 90 miles of the U.S. border.
How many are there?
Hard to say. I don't have access to the database. You'd need to check with the State Dept. Most of our illegals came here legally and stayed after their visas expired. That's how we know we can deport them - they're documented foreigners who have no right to be here.

There's also a general estimate of the number of undocumented people in this country, but I don't know if there's an estimate of how many of those are illegals. Since they're undocumented, we have no way of knowing/proving that they're not supposed to be here. They don't show up in any records, so all we can do is guess. We can't deport them involuntarily like we can illegals because they're undocumented. All we can do is keep them in the shadows, not paying taxes, or provide a path to citizenship so they can start paying their way.

Most of our illegals came here legally and stayed after their visas expired.

How many of the millions who walked over our southern border had a visa?

We can't deport them involuntarily like we can illegals because they're undocumented.

We can deport them involuntarily. Ike did it in the 50s, we can do it again.

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