According to the left its xenophobic to want illegals deported and to want a secure border

Ive said it time and time again, trump is not perfect, but his message on imigration resonates with a lot of people. And the lefts' answer to those people is that they are bigots. Its right out of the liberal playbook. Im not saying trump's plans on imigration are pratical or even possible, but its not bigotry to want illegals out, and to want a sealed border.
It's xenophobic because none of you are even slightly interested in the negative effects of militarizing the border and growing a government police agency several times over to round people up and deport them. It's a vast growing of government that would put the founding of the department of homeland security to shame. None of you are worried about that since you think all that unbridled fascism will be directed at people you hate.

You come into this country you announce your presence.

You find this acceptable?
Nothing is acceptable about you people wanting to go full blown fascist on people within out borders without respect for what will happen when the feds start kicking in thousands of American doors.
"You people?"

Explain this "you people!"

The Country is no different than an Air Force base.

If you are on it, you better have a fucking damned good excuse why you are trespassing.

Save it pajama boy. I have no problem with people coming here for economic success. Even when they are fleeing poor circumstances.

Ill help you. Take back your country from those who forced you to leave.

"You people" Are the fucking problem.
By "you people" I meant you people who cannot even discuss this issue without being hateful and refuse to consider the danger to our freedom of forcibly removing all those people.
Ive said it time and time again, trump is not perfect, but his message on imigration resonates with a lot of people. And the lefts' answer to those people is that they are bigots. Its right out of the liberal playbook. Im not saying trump's plans on imigration are pratical or even possible, but its not bigotry to want illegals out, and to want a sealed border.
It's xenophobic because none of you are even slightly interested in the negative effects of militarizing the border and growing a government police agency several times over to round people up and deport them. It's a vast growing of government that would put the founding of the department of homeland security to shame. None of you are worried about that since you think all that unbridled fascism will be directed at people you hate.

You come into this country you announce your presence.

You find this acceptable?
Nothing is acceptable about you people wanting to go full blown fascist on people within out borders without respect for what will happen when the feds start kicking in thousands of American doors.
"You people?"

Explain this "you people!"

The Country is no different than an Air Force base.

If you are on it, you better have a fucking damned good excuse why you are trespassing.

Save it pajama boy. I have no problem with people coming here for economic success. Even when they are fleeing poor circumstances.

Ill help you. Take back your country from those who forced you to leave.

"You people" Are the fucking problem.
By "you people" I meant you people who cannot even discuss this issue without being hateful and refuse to consider the danger to our freedom of forcibly removing all those people.
Again, "You people"

I'm discussing this issue, as well as so many others, without being hateful.

You don't think I don't consider the danger of going door to door to round up illegals.

Nobody wants to go door to door. We want to cut off the flow.

Something you fail to understand.

You have no problem with the idea of going door to door to confiscate firearms.

When did you become so self righteous?
It's xenophobic because none of you are even slightly interested in the negative effects of militarizing the border and growing a government police agency several times over to round people up and deport them. It's a vast growing of government that would put the founding of the department of homeland security to shame. None of you are worried about that since you think all that unbridled fascism will be directed at people you hate.

You come into this country you announce your presence.

You find this acceptable?
Nothing is acceptable about you people wanting to go full blown fascist on people within out borders without respect for what will happen when the feds start kicking in thousands of American doors.
"You people?"

Explain this "you people!"

The Country is no different than an Air Force base.

If you are on it, you better have a fucking damned good excuse why you are trespassing.

Save it pajama boy. I have no problem with people coming here for economic success. Even when they are fleeing poor circumstances.

Ill help you. Take back your country from those who forced you to leave.

"You people" Are the fucking problem.
By "you people" I meant you people who cannot even discuss this issue without being hateful and refuse to consider the danger to our freedom of forcibly removing all those people.
Again, "You people"

I'm discussing this issue, as well as so many others, without being hateful.

You don't think I don't consider the danger of going door to door to round up illegals.

Nobody wants to go door to door. We want to cut off the flow.

Something you fail to understand.

You have no problem with the idea of going door to door to confiscate firearms.

When did you become so self righteous?
First I am pro second amendment and support no such thing. OK then let's talk wall. First if you think it would stop the flow of illegal immigrants from the south you have not even thought about it much. But there are secondary issues that you should consider. Primary among these is that local landowners on the border do not really like this idea. Ultimately to build the wall would require a huge imminent domain seizure of land from mostly white Americans. We are not going to be able to build a substantial wall right on the border in the Rio Grande valley, it would have to be built somewhat inland blocking water access to a bunch of ranchers in a dry land. Mexico gets both banks.
Next you need to know that walls can be dug under and climbed over no matter how you build them. Not to mention that most of our illegal immigrants came in by some other way, usually a student or tourist visa. This wall is but an indication of conservative siege mentality but the thing about sieges is that they always eventually fail.
You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.

How did you get to that from what I said?
It is who they are.

Make something up, claim you said it, and attack what you didn't say.

Progressive Marxism.

No it's not, because what people like you want, can and will lead to the militarization of our border followed closely by a shooting war. You're just too stupid to see it coming. Kinda like bush 43 not having a clue. Same thing.
iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.

How did you get to that from what I said?
It is who they are.

Make something up, claim you said it, and attack what you didn't say.

Progressive Marxism.

No it's not, because what people like you want, can and will lead to the militarization of our border followed closely by a shooting war. You're just too stupid to see it coming. Kinda like bush 43 not having a clue. Same thing.

Are you really implying mexico is going to start a shooting war with America?
Oh, when did that become our job? Mexico has a policy of basically exporting their undesirables to the U.S.

So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.

How did you get to that from what I said?
It is who they are.

Make something up, claim you said it, and attack what you didn't say.

Progressive Marxism.

No it's not, because what people like you want, can and will lead to the militarization of our border followed closely by a shooting war. You're just too stupid to see it coming. Kinda like bush 43 not having a clue. Same thing.

Are you really implying mexico is going to start a shooting war with America?

No, but your military will.
So you really have no interest in securing our border with Mexico. You just want to turn it into a war zone.

How did you get to that from what I said?
It is who they are.

Make something up, claim you said it, and attack what you didn't say.

Progressive Marxism.

No it's not, because what people like you want, can and will lead to the militarization of our border followed closely by a shooting war. You're just too stupid to see it coming. Kinda like bush 43 not having a clue. Same thing.

Are you really implying mexico is going to start a shooting war with America?

No, but your military will.

LOL....I cant believe you're serious.
Illegals are being deported in record numbers. Where did you read that they're not?

Deportations form the interior of the country are WAY DOWN, illegal criminals are being released on us in record numbers. Feel free the believe the administration lies, I'll pass.
I don't care what Leftist Globalist assholes think. It's time to end Illegal Immigration. And it's also time to seriously reform our Immigration System entirely. We need stringent controls on who we're allowing in. We need extensive background checks. I mean, how could this President and Clinton allow so many in from terrorist-haven nations like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on?

This Immigration mess is absolutely insane. At the very least, we need a temporary halt to all Immigration from known terrorist-haven nations. This massive influx is so dangerous. That's why i say Globalist Elites don't care about American Citizens. What they're doing to our nation is incredibly dangerous, and criminal.

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