According to the left its xenophobic to want illegals deported and to want a secure border

Enforce the laws we currently have, fine the shit out of those who employ illegals, jail time for those who employ illegals, build the damn wall, man it, toss out any and all who are entering illegally, for those already here (cause the reality is they will not be tossed out) back of the line, hefty fine, legal resident only - no citizenship so they can never vote.

You can call me whateverthehell you want I don't care, your words are meaningless. Illegals need to go, importing muslims needs to stop, keep the refugees out and send help to them in their own country, wipe out isis and other terrorist groups via warfare to kill as many as possible, the moderate muslim community (anyone who does not believe in/adhere to sharia) must reform islam from within.

Is anyone paying any attention to what's going on over in EU? Nothing gets reported here unless it's a Nice type attack, you have to search out the information, EU media does nothing but cover it up or call it something else, but it is bad and getting worse every day. If you think that can't or won't or hasn't happened here, you're nuts. Go read the story on the 5 year old little girl who was raped by a bunch of raghead savage little boys and all the community is doing is covering it up. All it needs is time, people who are willing to deny what is/will happen while calling other's "phobic" or whatever, and unfettered immigration.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.
We support them now.

Are you suggesting we also support them in their home Country's?
If the border were controlled Timmy we wouldnt have millions of illegals here.

We have illegals from every country . Many come in legally and overstay . Like 40%.

You ignorant racists think its all Mexicans running across the border .

You're a dumbass Timmy...wetbacks cross our borders illegally every single day.

That's a racist term. Are you saying that all the illegals in our country just came across Mexico?

Now where did I say that Timmy?
And wetback is a descriptive term.

No , it's a racist term . And you know that .

Only to a racist like you Timmy. And geeze, how old are you? I haven't met a Timmy since like first grade.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

And how do you propose we do that?
I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl.

"I have my own ideas but the leftist would cry fowl."

The solution is to have watchtowers with manned machine-guns every 50 yards. Also foot patrols with Rottweilers in tow.

Who cares what the Leftist Extremists think, they're on their way out and that's going to mean both in America and in Europa. They even know themselves that they're on their way out, which is why they're attempting to double down and are getting more shouty and hysterical.

I should add that those Leftist Extremists who laugh, in about two years none will be laughing anymore, because you'll be concentrated in special institutions that we have waiting for you.

Edited to add comment.
I think I am in love.....
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

Try to sneak into Canada they will arrest your ass and deport you.
Try to sneak into Mexico(for some reason....), and they will arrest your ass and hold you there.

Smuggling goods into Mexico from here has long been a problem for them.

There's very little a Mexican national can buy here & take back to Mexico with them. So you're a smuggler most likely.
If you have to sneak into Mexico you're running away from some crime.
And if you think you are running away from crime by going to Mexico, the Mexicans don't have to worry about you actually making it there in the first place.
We can't deport them involuntarily like we can illegals because they're undocumented.

We can deport them involuntarily. Ike did it in the 50s, we can do it again.
We also imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent because they were of Japanese descent. I suppose you think that we can also do that again.

We might have to do that with Muslims, but let's deal with one invasion at a time.
You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

Great. Let's send them back, now.
They can raise the standard of living when they get there.

What you propose is a complete waste of taxpayer money. There are no jobs down there so they'll be right back up here taking your job within days, maybe a week at the most

Not if we build a wall.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.
We support them now.

Are you suggesting we also support them in their home Country's?

No more so than what we supported 300 million Chinese while on their way to the middle class lifestyle they now enjoy.

That's Mexico times three
We have illegals from every country . Many come in legally and overstay . Like 40%.

You ignorant racists think its all Mexicans running across the border .

You're a dumbass Timmy...wetbacks cross our borders illegally every single day.

That's a racist term. Are you saying that all the illegals in our country just came across Mexico?

Now where did I say that Timmy?
And wetback is a descriptive term.

No , it's a racist term . And you know that .

Hate to bust your bubble Timmy but mexican isnt a race.

Hispanic is a race and Mexicans are part of that . Wetback is a well known racial slur .

Go peddled your fake ass ignorance somewhere else you racist tool.
iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.

Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

Great. Let's send them back, now.
They can raise the standard of living when they get there.

What you propose is a complete waste of taxpayer money. There are no jobs down there so they'll be right back up here taking your job within days, maybe a week at the most

Not if we build a wall.

Have you idiot deficit fearing right wingers ever sit down and do the math on this stupid wall????
Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

Great. Let's send them back, now.
They can raise the standard of living when they get there.

What you propose is a complete waste of taxpayer money. There are no jobs down there so they'll be right back up here taking your job within days, maybe a week at the most

Not if we build a wall.

Have you idiot deficit fearing right wingers ever sit down and do the math on this stupid wall????

You're a dumbass Timmy...wetbacks cross our borders illegally every single day.

That's a racist term. Are you saying that all the illegals in our country just came across Mexico?

Now where did I say that Timmy?
And wetback is a descriptive term.

No , it's a racist term . And you know that .

Hate to bust your bubble Timmy but mexican isnt a race.

Hispanic is a race and Mexicans are part of that . Wetback is a well known racial slur .

Go peddled your fake ass ignorance somewhere else you racist tool. little Timmy bowing up?
How cute.
Great idea. Maybe the millions of illegals who we'll send back can boost their economy?

We wouldn't have to send them back because they'd go back to Mexico on their own. If we help Mexico raise their standard of living

Great. Let's send them back, now.
They can raise the standard of living when they get there.

What you propose is a complete waste of taxpayer money. There are no jobs down there so they'll be right back up here taking your job within days, maybe a week at the most

Not if we build a wall.

Have you idiot deficit fearing right wingers ever sit down and do the math on this stupid wall????

Yep..mexicans/wetbacks will pay for it.
Well if you really want a secure border and not racist about it, you'd be pushing for a Canadian wall too.

You dumbshit...
Canadians aren't swarming across our border.

iIf we were to help our friends down in Mexico raise their standard of living, they would no longer be swarming across our border.
We support them now.

Are you suggesting we also support them in their home Country's?

No more so than what we supported 300 million Chinese while on their way to the middle class lifestyle they now enjoy.

That's Mexico times three
I'm elated they opened their eyes and have gone from rice paddies to a future of promise and dignity. We most certainly need more civilized societies around the world.

It does not mean that I support the US taxpayer footing the bill for the Chinese or our friends from the south.

Are you suggesting that the Military benefits we provide be curtailed and these nations provide for their own defense?

I'm in. But who will pay for the social welfare state?

Our friends down south should take control of their Country and make their lives more promising without bringing down our wages and economy.
You're a dumbass Timmy...wetbacks cross our borders illegally every single day.

That's a racist term. Are you saying that all the illegals in our country just came across Mexico?

Now where did I say that Timmy?
And wetback is a descriptive term.

No , it's a racist term . And you know that .

Hate to bust your bubble Timmy but mexican isnt a race.

Hispanic is a race and Mexicans are part of that . Wetback is a well known racial slur .

Go peddled your fake ass ignorance somewhere else you racist tool.
Is anybody in your family a trespasser?

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