According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Man I don’t relish this in the least. I mean Israel is likely fired up also. I pity the decent Iranian younger people who Know the Great Satan bullshit Is bullshit yet suffer under 14the Century knuckleheads.
I pray for the Iranian people. I pray Dumb Don doesn’t nuke them...and I pray for the dumb warmongers who have posted in this thread.

Sure you do you Godless Heathen.....

Okay, thank you jstss617, you were the first to get this up, looks like. My husband called me in from supper prep to see that we were at war.

I've been saying here for a week that we were on the edge; Iran has been trying to start a war the whole summer, with all the shelling of Saudi Arabia oil fields, Republican Guards rapelling onto oil tankers from black helicopters, kidnapping our navy crews -- it hasn't been subtle. Why this seems like a good idea to them, I am not sure: I'm going with not having much to lose, they are losing so bad already, not because they think they can win, like Germany always thinks.

Ballistic missiles being used. Just saying. How far they can sail, we don't know, yet.
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Pro-IRGC News Agency "Tasnim" quoting their sources: "If US retaliates, Hezbollah will attack #Israel by its missiles!"


Bring it on, assholes.

Boy, I'll bet Israel is on full alert tonight. Not their war, so good luck to them!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t want war with Iran, but if you attack Americans, you will pay the ultimate consequence. TRUMP DOES NOT PLAY GAMES! ⁣ ⁣
reports are breaking ! rocket attacks against US facilities !
time to MOAB THEIR NUKE SITES ! and wipe out their refineries !

I remember the early images and videos of the Gulf war in '91. One Tomahawk missile went right by the hotel window of the CNN news team. Video cameras in the missiles noses would take the viewer right up to the target until it hit. What I would like to see is a video from a Tomahawk going right into the Ayatollah's bedroom window.
At this point...I think I would rather see a mushroom cloud.
Trump pushing the button on the Iran missile launchers?
Good God have you paid attention?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

and here i thought ONE of those guys at least had logic and common sense,man was i ever wrong about him. the other three i knew were idiots and could not grasp this.
Maybe don’t attack our Embassy and maybe you won’t get blowed up.
1. It was a response to the US ILLEGALLY shooting rockets into Iraq
2. It was NOT an attack on the embassy it was a protest in the parking lot and burning down an EMPTY guard house.
Don't spoil their romanticized ideas now! Our government can do no wrong, right? *facepalm*
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles
At the expense of American troops over Trumps ego and his desire to blow the shit out of them and get their oil. Fuck that worthless pos.
Just reported.............Iran has launched a SECOND WAVE OF MISSILES..............
If you say so, Comrade. I’m Not the one cheering for Obama Bombs bought from Putin delivered straight from Russia, and launched by Iran at Americans and Iraqis.

So you are saying I support Iran, and Syria and Russia is their ally?

Iran and Russia are going to be wiped from the face of The Earth & burned alive by Divine Judgment, And I will celebrate their incineration the day that happens. You are Evil, They are Evil and you will all burn in Hell together.

Now you may return to your regularly scheduled goat humping activities.

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More blood on Dumb Don’s hands.

Why do you want the U.S. to close every American diplomatic outpost in the world?
Being that half the leftist on this board are Chinese, Russian, Iranian and other unsavory evil people, of course that is what they want.
And you are a Russian troll, Comrade.
Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

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yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

Are you devoid of any common sense?
Yes, he is.

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