According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

The warmongers want blood.
I am, in fact, not a war monger.

But this attack demands a response from the US. No matter how you feel about war.
Had Iran been dealt with correctly the FIRST time they tried this sort of shit, they would not be a problem now.
What they did is retaliate against the Empire. Kill all those fucking Iranians. How dare they.
May karma find you...
We're all dumb fucks, Gripper! Everyone is a brainwashed Trumpian except YOU. God bless you for pointing out what great, noble, innocent people Iran are, and what total assfucks the evil USA is! When can we expect you to fly over, join the Royal Guard and start fighting against us? You KNOW you wanna do it!
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Yeah let’s nuke Tehran and mass murder millions. Yippee!!!
We don't need nukes to deal with that PISS ANT country.........They are gonna get hit hard.........VERY a final message.

Tehran should have vanished in a nuclear fireball by, at the latest, November 8, 1979.
Well at least you admit to being a psychopath.
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976

yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

Are you devoid of any common sense?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976

yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

So... how did he start it? When did he start it? What specifically did he do to start it?

Curious minds would like to know.
How did Trump get Iran to attack our Embassy in Iraq?
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

We're all dumb fucks, Gripper! Everyone is a brainwashed Trumpian except YOU. God bless you for pointing out what great, noble, innocent people Iran are, and what total assfucks the evil USA is! When can we expect you to fly over, join the Royal Guard and start fighting against us? You KNOW you wanna do it!
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Yeah let’s nuke Tehran and mass murder millions. Yippee!!!
You're right, Griplock. We need to calm down, meet with the Iranians, and ask them what it will take to get them off our backs and give us peace this time and get us off the hook? Perhaps another 150 billion ought to do it. o_O
Man I don’t relish this in the least. I mean Israel is likely fired up also. I pity the decent Iranian younger people who Know the Great Satan bullshit Is bullshit yet suffer under 14the Century knuckleheads.
I pray for the Iranian people. I pray Dumb Don doesn’t nuke them...and I pray for the dumb warmongers who have posted in this thread.
I pray you become a man one day

That's the most hilariously ironic comment I've read in years, child.
The warmongers want blood.
I am, in fact, not a war monger.

But this attack demands a response from the US. No matter how you feel about war.
Had Iran been dealt with correctly the FIRST time they tried this sort of shit, they would not be a problem now.
What they did is retaliate against the Empire. Kill all those fucking Iranians. How dare they.

YOU are making wayyyyy too much sense for them with way too much logic and sound reasoning that any minute they will have a nervous breakdown because you are overloading their brains with way too much evidence and pesky facts they cant counter.:abgg2q.jpg:
reports are breaking ! rocket attacks against US facilities !
time to MOAB THEIR NUKE SITES ! and wipe out their refineries !

I remember the early images and videos of the Gulf war in '91. One Tomahawk missile went right by the hotel window of the CNN news team. Video cameras in the missiles noses would take the viewer right up to the target until it hit. What I would like to see is a video from a Tomahawk going right into the Ayatollah's bedroom window.
Been a long time coming bro............Long time...........For what they did way back then and over the decades..........

A little PAYBACK.

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