According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

I predict Iran's ability to enrich uranium will soon suffer a great setback.
At the expense of lost american life over nothing, when Obama had a great deal. What a disaster Trump is. He's got shit for brains.
Pro-IRGC News Agency "Tasnim" quoting their sources: "If US retaliates, Hezbollah will attack #Israel by its missiles!"


Bring it on, assholes.
Well my man..............They are going to get hit.............Good Hunting IDF..........
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
North Korea 2.0???
What has NK done? How many countries have they invaded in the last few decades?
How many wars have they started?

We don't need another totalitarian, nuclear, rogue-state.

what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?

That's what turned me against Ron Paul...

"We have nuclear weapons, so why shouldn't Iran have them?"

and what is the answer?

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