According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

I think Iran doesn't know what they want, except martyrdom.
And they are about to get it in a historical way!
Trump speech coming right up.
Fuck that stupid bastard. He is getting people killed over his manufactured problem he created.

Ill never understand the ignorance of a liberal.

Iran attacks our embassy so...
we hit back and kill a guy who has killed over 600 Americans and...
uh oh we messed up?

Hit the road with your weird strategy bud.
North Korea 2.0???
What has NK done? How many countries have they invaded in the last few decades?
How many wars have they started?

We don't need another totalitarian, nuclear, rogue-state.

what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?
What right do you have to keep OJ Simpson from owning assault rifles?

I didn’t do that
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
Not via proxies, but directly from Iran. They will be bombed back to the stone age. What a stupid move by Iran.

They join the "Lets attack pearl harbor the US never messes with us again" club :)
North Korea 2.0???
What has NK done? How many countries have they invaded in the last few decades?
How many wars have they started?

We don't need another totalitarian, nuclear, rogue-state.

what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?
What right do you have to keep OJ Simpson from owning assault rifles?

I didn’t do that
So you’re OK with violent convicted felons to own assault weapons. Got it.
How did Trump get Iran to attack our Embassy in Iraq?
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

We're all dumb fucks, Gripper! Everyone is a brainwashed Trumpian except YOU. God bless you for pointing out what great, noble, innocent people Iran are, and what total assfucks the evil USA is! When can we expect you to fly over, join the Royal Guard and start fighting against us? You KNOW you wanna do it!
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Oh. NOW you remember the Beirut Barracks bombing........:1peleas:
They are already destined for Ezekiel 38.
Iran will be no more.

Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

I think Iran doesn't know what they want, except martyrdom.
And they are about to get it in a historical way!
The warmongers want blood.
I am, in fact, not a war monger.

But this attack demands a response from the US. No matter how you feel about war.
Had Iran been dealt with correctly the FIRST time they tried this sort of shit, they would not be a problem now.
What they did is retaliate against the Empire. Kill all those fucking Iranians. How dare they.

YOU are making wayyyyy too much sense for them with way too much logic and sound reasoning that any minute they will have a nervous breakdown because you are overloading their brains with way too much evidence and pesky facts they cant counter.:abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah, LA, now tell us all how you are the veritable Cray Supercomputer of the group.
Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.

I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

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