According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

North Korea 2.0???
What has NK done? How many countries have they invaded in the last few decades?
How many wars have they started?

We don't need another totalitarian, nuclear, rogue-state.

what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?
What right do you have to keep OJ Simpson from owning assault rifles?

I didn’t do that
So you’re OK with violent convicted felons to own assault weapons. Got it.

Are you drunk tonight?
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil

Dear Lord, buy a new talking point, that one died in 2008. America is the worlds #1 producer of oil.
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
Did you not know we are the largest exporter of oil?

Was killing Salami a "needless loss of life"?
So far as I know, Iran has not yet fired missiles at civilian targets, so I kinda doubt we will either. But their military bases are another matter, they better be a long way under ground, and they're gonna have to do a lot of digging to use them again.
View attachment 298987
Pro-IRGC News Agency "Tasnim" quoting their sources: "If US retaliates, Hezbollah will attack #Israel by its missiles!"


Bring it on, assholes.
Well my man..............They are going to get hit.............Good Hunting IDF..........
You have no functioning brain. We had a great deal with Iran that this war criminal axed, and this is the result. You are no better than Trump. Why don't you go over there and die for Trumps money?
We don't need another totalitarian, nuclear, rogue-state.

what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?
What right do you have to keep OJ Simpson from owning assault rifles?

I didn’t do that
So you’re OK with violent convicted felons to own assault weapons. Got it.

Are you drunk tonight?
You’re the moron saying terrorists should get nukes.
Intelligence supposedly was that a large scale attack from Iran was within a few weeks, planned by the dead general.

Does anyone trust the CIA anymore? They love lying us into wars.

there are a lot of stupid fucks here that dont get it that the CIA is a very evil organization same as the FBI and has been starting wars with countries for DECADES now and that our last REAL president who tried to get rid of them paid the deadly price for it on nov 22nd 1963. i say real cause he served the people instead of the bankers as every president since johnson has,trump is no different, The trump worshippers keep evading the FACTS that Trump same as all of them since johnson,has not made ONE attempt to abolish the CIA. they run off and evade that fact everytime or they are so ignorant they are too stupid to understand that fact that the CIA is a VERY evil organization that always starts wars all the time and trump is doing their bidding for them same as Bush and Obame did before him.:rolleyes:
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
Did you not know we are the largest exporter of oil?

Was killing Salami a "needless loss of life"?
Im talking about us you fucking moron.
So if Iran buys Obama Bombs
With The Money Obama Illegally Gave Iran from Russia and kills an American with these Russian Obama Bombs, What are you going to do to Obama?

Obama should be tried for treason and shot along with John Kerry.

If you were on the jury would you convict him? Because he is guilty of Treason. We have all the documentation.

Iran launches missiles at US military facilities in Iraq: US official

A U.S. official confirmed that as of 7 p.m. Eastern time missiles were still inbound from Iran to multiple locations inside Iraq, specifically Erbil and Al Assad.
Trump has blood on his hand if just one service person dies. Fuck that evil bastard.
View attachment 298987
Pro-IRGC News Agency "Tasnim" quoting their sources: "If US retaliates, Hezbollah will attack #Israel by its missiles!"


Bring it on, assholes.
Well my man..............They are going to get hit.............Good Hunting IDF..........
You have no functioning brain. We had a great deal with Iran that this war criminal axed, and this is the result. You are no better than Trump. Why don't you go over there and die for Trumps money?
Bring it on Iranian-tards!

Our B-52's are outfitted with limited nuke platforms!

You fuckstains want martyrdom!?!
Then welcome to martyrdom!!!
U.S. Air Force Let us know how it works out for you.
Don't need the Air Force. I recall the Navy is the operator of the appropriate (Trident II) missiles.
I would not recommend the Navy for any CRCs....if I get recalled, don't want to have to baby sit them.
what gives us the right, other than our might, to tell other countries want they can and cannot have?
What right do you have to keep OJ Simpson from owning assault rifles?

I didn’t do that
So you’re OK with violent convicted felons to own assault weapons. Got it.

Are you drunk tonight?
You’re the moron saying terrorists should get nukes.

No, that is not what I said
View attachment 298987
Pro-IRGC News Agency "Tasnim" quoting their sources: "If US retaliates, Hezbollah will attack #Israel by its missiles!"


Bring it on, assholes.
Well my man..............They are going to get hit.............Good Hunting IDF..........
You have no functioning brain. We had a great deal with Iran that this war criminal axed, and this is the result. You are no better than Trump. Why don't you go over there and die for Trumps money?
View attachment 298990
That's not happening. Trumps going to jail.
Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

Look Marge! There is a mosquito nipping at my ankle! Shall I swat it or just spray it with some pesticide?
View attachment 298973

How'd that Viet Nam War work out for us?

Vietnam was a police action. Like I've already said many times, police actions never work out very well. If you are going to fight a war, you are either in it totally to win or not, otherwise, they just drag on forever with no resolution and heavy losses on BOTH sides, you know, kinda like with Iran.
Iran killed 1500 of their own people who protested their POS government.

Fuck Iran.

Like the CIA you just ADMITTED is an evil organization never does that to ITS own people? comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

how bout fuck our corrupt governmenrt and fuck trump.:rolleyes:

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