According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Dotard Calls Obama helping Iran buy Obama Bombs and Nukes to kill Americans and Israelis a “Great Deal”

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Well my man..............They are going to get hit.............Good Hunting IDF..........
You have no functioning brain. We had a great deal with Iran that this war criminal axed, and this is the result. You are no better than Trump. Why don't you go over there and die for Trumps money?
View attachment 298990
That's not happening. Trumps going to jail.
Any day now!
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
Did you not know we are the largest exporter of oil?

Was killing Salami a "needless loss of life"?
Im talking about us you fucking moron.
Your president can handle this without loss of american life. He isnt interested in fighting them on their terms
If Iran didn’t kill anyone, our response should maybe be only to hit hardware, if possible.

Looks like Iran was maybe just Sabre rattling.
Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.

I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

You won't get recalled. No more than I will.

Maybe...maybe not, but I will go if called. I don't hide like CRC trumpanzee cowards do.
I say if there’s no casualties, let them use this as a tool for their propaganda, but don’t do anything. If there are US casualties then the gloves come off.
Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.

I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

You won't get recalled. No more than I will.

She is just bragging. Hiding behind her service to berate others
Looks like 52 places in Iran are about to become history.

And if they do not, then Trump's bluff is called...that is the problem with talking shit on twitter.

he will fold faster than a cheap card table -

then his drones will kiss his ass for not starting a war .
....make up your minds!!!!! first you want our military there, now you want them out/doing nothing

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