According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

"We are going to need to all be actively engaged citizens, paying close attention in a way I am not sure we have needed so desperately before in this cavalcade of crises that is this presidency." - Rachel Maddow
Our President tweets on unprovoked Iran attack on America

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

There you have it. Rest easy.
Great news that there are no American casualties so far. Hopefully that news remains and none of our people were hurt.

It's being reported that they targeted a facility that was not occupied by Americans and the Iranian leader's tweet seemed very measured, more interested in defending themselves than escalating this situation. Trump tweeted but didn't say anything stupid.

Hopefully this ends here.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or something? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL
Did you forget the American deaths this general masterminded ? Hey, if he thought that he was safe coming into Iraq where American blood sweat and tears were shed, then he was the idiot for such a move. If any terrorist thinks that they can walk around in Iraq like they are taking some kind of walk through the tulip's, then they are highly mistaken. When we leave Iraq, then they might get away with it, but only when we leave. Until then they best stay in their country where they are protected.
I look forward to your links to all your threads and posts over the years expressing concern over this Iranian general....this last week doesn't count.
One thing this country had best do, and that is that it should begin to listen very closely to all the sympathizing rehtoric that the left is spewing over this American killing Iraqi general, and after that it should begin to take very seriously who it's friends are, and who it's enemies are within this country. Hey the lefts own word's are all that is needed, unless words have no meanings anymore, and/or everything is just a joke while American's are dying at the hands of terrorist. If we show strength here in this country, then the world would respect us again, but if we show weakness, then we are done.
So you do plan on helping Iran interfere in our elections? Good to know.

Fake god Ollie Assburn took the 30 Obama Bombs paid with Obama Bucks bought from Russia and launched by The Unholy Ayatollah Assaholla and guided them to Kill Zero Americans.

Epstein was a Clinton friend. Trump has one picture taken at a public event. So STFU

Are you going to help Iran interfere in our elections like they promise?

And why did Ollie Assburn’s 30 Obama Bomb Missiles bought with Obama Bucks from Iran not kill a Single America?

Doesn’t Iran’s fake god Ollie Assburn not love The Ayatollah Assaholla? Since when does a so called Holy man push the button on a missile?

Ayatollah Assaholla does

Time for a really fucking big protest.
Exactly what every girl you ever dated and left you said.
girl? lol
You know CRC trumpanzees...they like them young like the Orange Chosen One and his BFF Jeffrey Epstein.
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Democrats side with Iran, Russia and China Every damn time, when they aren’t siding with criminals homosexuals, baby killers and illegals.

and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or something? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL
Did you forget the American deaths this general masterminded ? Hey, if he thought that he was safe coming into Iraq where American blood sweat and tears were shed, then he was the idiot for such a move. If any terrorist thinks that they can walk around in Iraq like they are taking some kind of walk through the tulip's, then they are highly mistaken. When we leave Iraq, then they might get away with it, but only when we leave. Until then they best stay in their country where they are protected.
I look forward to your links to all your threads and posts over the years expressing concern over this Iranian general....this last week doesn't count.
One thing this country had best do, and that is that it should begin to listen very closely to all the sympathizing rehtoric that the left is spewing over this American killing Iraqi general, and after that it should begin to take very seriously who it's friends are, and who it's enemies are within this country. Hey the lefts own word's are all that is needed, unless words have no meanings anymore, and/or everything is just a joke while American's are dying at the hands of terrorist. If we show strength here in this country, then the world would respect us again, but if we show weakness, then we are done.
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"the Mullahs understand only 1 language and that's the language of death, so we should give them that" - Dastardly Dan Bongino
Notice anything?

"The Guard issued the warning via a statement carried by Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency: “We are warning all American allies, who gave their bases to its terrorist army, that any territory that is the starting point of aggressive acts against Iran will be targeted.” "

And another statement:

“We tell our enemies that we will retaliate but if they take another action we will set ablaze the places that they like and are passionate about,”

Despite the Democrat warnings..and Hollywood leftists begging for mercy..they know they cant hit America and they dare not hit America. Their threats are against other countries which support us. I presume Iraq mainly.

Not good..but worth noting.
Epstein was a Clinton friend. Trump has one picture taken at a public event. So STFU

Are you going to help Iran interfere in our elections like they promise?

And why did Ollie Assburn’s 30 Obama Bomb Missiles bought with Obama Bucks from Iran not kill a Single America?

Doesn’t Iran’s fake god Ollie Assburn not love The Ayatollah Assaholla? Since when does a so called Holy man push the button on a missile?

Ayatollah Assaholla does

Time for a really fucking big protest.
Exactly what every girl you ever dated and left you said.
girl? lol
You know CRC trumpanzees...they like them young like the Orange Chosen One and his BFF Jeffrey Epstein.
And your picture implies what ? Nothing. Without words it is worthless but you knew that. Of course you are probably foaming at the mouth to put your own words to it.
Our President tweets on unprovoked Iran attack on America

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

There you have it. Rest easy.

The Great American Sean Hannity concluded his broadcast this evening with the message "Let not your heart be troubled".

Fortunately we have real leadership in Washington in 2020
Our President tweets on unprovoked Iran attack on America

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

There you have it. Rest easy.

The Great American Sean Hannity concluded his broadcast this evening with the message "Let not your heart be troubled".

Fortunately we have real leadership in Washington in 2020
Great news that there are no American casualties so far. Hopefully that news remains and none of our people were hurt.

It's being reported that they targeted a facility that was not occupied by Americans and the Iranian leader's tweet seemed very measured, more interested in defending themselves than escalating this situation. Trump tweeted but didn't say anything stupid.

Hopefully this ends here.

So targeting the base was "defending themselves"? Who was attacking them? Do you need the dictionary definition of "defending"?
Article 51 of the UN Charter:

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Chapter VII: Article 51 — Charter of the United Nations — Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs — Codification Division Publications
Great news that there are no American casualties so far. Hopefully that news remains and none of our people were hurt.

It's being reported that they targeted a facility that was not occupied by Americans and the Iranian leader's tweet seemed very measured, more interested in defending themselves than escalating this situation. Trump tweeted but didn't say anything stupid.

Hopefully this ends here.

So targeting the base was "defending themselves"? Who was attacking them? Do you need the dictionary definition of "defending"?

Go say that to him, dumbass. I'm just showing you what he said.
I feel sorry for the people of Iran who want change. All hell will probably be unleased and Iran can't win this.

Godspeed my southern neighbors your, and mine, service members are in my prayers
"We are going to need to all be actively engaged citizens, paying close attention in a way I am not sure we have needed so desperately before in this cavalcade of crises that is this presidency." - Rachel Maddow

Epstein was a Clinton friend. Trump has one picture taken at a public event. So STFU

Are you going to help Iran interfere in our elections like they promise?

And why did Ollie Assburn’s 30 Obama Bomb Missiles bought with Obama Bucks from Iran not kill a Single America?

Doesn’t Iran’s fake god Ollie Assburn not love The Ayatollah Assaholla? Since when does a so called Holy man push the button on a missile?

Ayatollah Assaholla does

girl? lol
You know CRC trumpanzees...they like them young like the Orange Chosen One and his BFF Jeffrey Epstein.
And your picture implies what ? Nothing. Without words it is worthless but you knew that. Of course you are probably foaming at the mouth to put your own words to it.
No rebuttal,eh? Not a surprise. They were BFFs and had young girls in common.
Got proof of your assertions ?

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