According to what I've heard, "Rise of Skywalker" will be worst Star Wars movie ever

I just read a plot synopsis with lots of spoilers.

The end. "You've got to be kidding me."

I might watch it sometime if there is absolutely no charge.
Let's cut to the chase...

JJ Abrams is easily the most overrated film maker in cinematic history.....All CGI, lens flare, wokey-woke PC sub-plot silliness, more glaring plot holes than you can shake a stick at, and zero effort at developing cohesive plots.

He turned the Star Trek franchise into a flaming bag of dog poo, and he's doing it to Star Wars with the biggest budget anyone has ever had.
i have to agree about Star Trek....
I will see it anyway, but this movie might be so bad that the Star Wars brand is permanently crippled.

How bad can they make it? I mean kissing gay wookies and a story line that will basically destroy all other Star Wars movies before it.

You get the best of both worlds.
I will see it anyway, but this movie might be so bad that the Star Wars brand is permanently crippled.

Since one of its main purpose is to advance a political agenda... if its getting bad reviews you can expect the review sites to lock down comments and was done with the Marvel feminist movies.
My daughter and son-in-law went to see it over the weekend... both said it was actually worse than The Phantom Menace... how is that possible I don't want to know.
I have no interest in seeing it, if it becomes free on Netflix and we are bored - I might try it. Maybe.
Let's cut to the chase...

JJ Abrams is easily the most overrated film maker in cinematic history.....All CGI, lens flare, wokey-woke PC sub-plot silliness, more glaring plot holes than you can shake a stick at, and zero effort at developing cohesive plots.

He turned the Star Trek franchise into a flaming bag of dog poo, and he's doing it to Star Wars with the biggest budget anyone has ever had.

They should have just let Sylvester Stallone Direct the new Star Wars. Would have loved to watch them all just punch each other senseless and come back for more.
I will see it anyway, but this movie might be so bad that the Star Wars brand is permanently crippled.
I give it a 7.
3 points off for being overly complicated. The franchise was built upon a simple good vs evil Saturday matinee your 10 year old can follow.
In all seriousness... it all went down hill after Empire Strikes back.
I remember the night we all went to see The Phantom Menace.. excited and feeling forgiving for the making of Return of Jedi, after seeing great trailers - YES!! Get back to greatness!!!

And of course that is not what happened.
Then.... the 2nd disappointment, and even worse movie Attack of the Clones... what in the holy hell was this?

Star Wars died years ago.
Well, it was as I predicted, the worst Star Wars movie ever.

My only hope now is that this movie will be so unpopular it will slow down the Star Wars juggernaut, maybe we will finally get a break from Star Wars for awhile.
I'm sure they appreciated your money tho.
I watch them mainly to see how the story line ends up. While visually impressive I have found the movies to be lacking in believable acting. Even with big names it seems like everyone is just robotically producing their lines without emotion. Hard to give a damn about the characters.
Chewbacca shows the most believable acting ability and emotional range.
I was more impressed with the first movie when I was 12, but now I am in my 50's and not as excited to finally see the story finished. They could have wrapped this up decades ago.
I hate to agree.

Mediocre actors are always called for movies full of special effects. Without those manipulated images surrounding those actors, the viewer can find out their acting really sucks.

One day a beggar in the street had his leg twisted so bad that people felt sorry for him and he had his plastic cup always with good bills inside. I also contributed, of course.

One day I saw him going home, and his leg problem was fake, he was walking normally. I laughed, because without wanting it, I paid to see the best acting around.

I still seeing him from time to time in the streets, he doesn't know I'm one of his best admirers, he tricked me, he was good.

My daughter and son-in-law went to see it over the weekend... both said it was actually worse than The Phantom Menace... how is that possible I don't want to know.
I have no interest in seeing it, if it becomes free on Netflix and we are bored - I might try it. Maybe.

Really. Worse than phantom menace? I feel like I just heard a scientific impossibility.... like someone just disproved relativity.

How can anything involving the Star Wars franchise be worse than Phantom Menace? Without actually being a parody film or something....
I will see it anyway, but this movie might be so bad that the Star Wars brand is permanently crippled.
I give it a 7.
3 points off for being overly complicated. The franchise was built upon a simple good vs evil Saturday matinee your 10 year old can follow.

I gave it a three...

I did do a very complete review of it in another thread, but the biggest problem was that it was too derivative.

There were about three movies here they crammed into one.
Same thing with Pixar, now referred to as Pixaren't
Disney scrapped projects and set staff to work on sequels to their past big hits. Several key personnel left the company followed by numerous staff.
Pixar will never be again what it once was.

Disney ruins everything it touches.

Maybe they should call Disney made Star Wars - "Star Was"

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