According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Is the killed child playing Rock breaks Scissors, or is that some sort of gang sign?

You know, you really should try harder if you're going to be making BOGUS claims.

Why gang sign is it if it's a gang sign [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]?

It's clearly a peace sign.

No it's not, it's not even a victory sign.

How do you know?
The sign the black man was showing was not a peace sign. Don't know what it was, but it wasn't peace. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Let's wait and hear from all witnesses.

It's a peace sign. It's popular culture to do it sideways.
If the evidence keeps supporting the witenesses conclusion of what came down...I believe that police officer should pay a heavy price. Why I am pissed off is this isn't about race or a reason to riot.

Hard to distinguish if this is a race issue or not. My point is the scenario is all to common in majority Black or Latino neighborhoods like the one I grew up in. Cops harassing you for no reason. Then one day someone gets killed for "resisting". If its not because you are Black or Latino then what is it? They didnt do the same stuff in the next city over and they were white boys doing the same jay walking and other dumb things teenage boys do.

I don't condone the rioting but you cant push people and not expect a back lash. Rioting is the least of the worries if this isn't corrected.

I already explained to you what it is. Are you dense ? And it looks like the 2 dumbbells walking in the traffic lane are the ones who did the pushing. Law abiding people would have just followed the cop's directions, and would not have been disrupting traffic in the first place. Get a brain please.
When you fight with an armed policeman you ought to be shot just out of sheer stupidity.

Depends on if the cop is trying to shoot you for nothing. I wouldnt stand by passively while a cop grabbed me for no reason and pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot me. You must be a retard.

That didn't happen in this case. Why are you so afraid of white people?

The witness says it did happen in this case. You werent there. What specifically about fighting a white cop with a gun indicates I'm afraid of white people?
Based on the interviews presented by Johnson - there are three different retellings of the story.

In one account Johnson says that the officer drove past, then reversed back to them, attempted to open his door but the door bounced off Brown and closed on him.

In another one Johnson skips the whole reverse and almost hitting them part, and says that they had their conversation and then the officer tried to 'thrust' the door open but there wasn't room.

In one of the account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who after a struggle, pulled his gun, said "I'll shoot you," then fired his gun inside the vehicle.

In another account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who drew his gun, said "I'll shoot you' and immediately shot, Brown was bleeding.

In another, the officer first said "I'll shoot you," then said "I'm gonna shoot you," then the officer fired, and Brown was bleeding.

In one of the accounts Brown and Johnson then started running, but, upon feeling a second bullet hit him, Brown told Johnson to keep running then turned around, putting his hands in the air and saying he was unarmed.

In another, Johnson hid behind a car with screaming people in it and watched the officer shoot Brown, who was on his knees with his hands in the air.

Brown was then shot an additional four, or six times (depending on which retelling.)

Now I'm not going to argue that Johnson is necessarily making those changes because he is lying, he could very well be doing it subconsciously as that is a common function of memory writing and recall - but the end result is the same, his testimony 'is' changing with every interview so it's 'creditability' is losing face. Should stop retelling it now - three interviews is more than enough.

That said, I have some questions:

1) Did the police get Johnson's account of the incident at the scene or did he immediately flee the scene? If Johnson did flee the scene, that's a bit unfortunate for the validity of his account. (Not that if his story is true, I would blame him one bit for fleeing a bat shit crazy officer that just executed his buddy.) If he didn't flee, and they do have his report then what caused him to no longer be in fear for his life after watching his friend get executed?

2) Johnson says the officer reached out the window and started choking Brown, and that Brown was 'struggling' back and forth with the officer trying to get away. Then the officer either shot Brown, or discharged his weapon in the car, and they both ran. So I'm trying to picture this: the officer is choking Brown through the window with one hand [else the officer would not be able to draw his gun.] First I'm going to say that Brown looks pretty big to me - say 6 foot, though a bit overweight perhaps rather than muscle. Now if Brown wasn't strong enough to get away from the officers one-handed choking BEFORE he was shot, how did he manage to get away from it AFTER being shot? I would think that being shot would weaken you wouldn't it? I mean adrenalin sure, but Brown's already being choked according to Johnson, so that effect was already in play.

3) I've never been shot, but I imagine it hurts like hell, so I'm having a difficult time understanding how one could get shot twice and not fall to the ground in pain; much less have the coherency to tell a buddy to keep running, kneel, and put my hands above my head saying I was unarmed. I mean I've heard of people getting shot repeatedly while on drugs and they keep going, but I've never heard of something like this where there is basically no indication of this young man getting shot twice in the telling's [other than the blood.]

I've only heard one version of Johnsons account. Do you have a link to the other 2?

I can answer #3. People get shot all the time and don't even feel it initially. I saw a guy get shot at a party and he kept on running until he collapsed outside down the block.

Let's see if I've met the quota to post links yet:

Michael Brown?s Friend: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal? - Video on


I believe I got those in order of their release. There's other inconsistences in the accounts as well - like in one version he says the officer pulled Brown into the car, in another he says he just 'tried' to pull Brown into the car but couldn't [basically Brown was too tall], etc.

Like I said though, I'm not sure if Johnson is purposefully changing the story or not, he might just be adding stuff in trying to clarify what he believes he saw [or what he 'now' believes he saw if it's being rewritten, which is again fairly common.]
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Depends on if the cop is trying to shoot you for nothing. I wouldnt stand by passively while a cop grabbed me for no reason and pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot me. You must be a retard.

That didn't happen in this case. Why are you so afraid of white people?

The witness says it did happen in this case. You werent there. What specifically about fighting a white cop with a gun indicates I'm afraid of white people?
only scared white people say shit like that...

Based on the interviews presented by Johnson - there are three different retellings of the story.

In one account Johnson says that the officer drove past, then reversed back to them, attempted to open his door but the door bounced off Brown and closed on him.

In another one Johnson skips the whole reverse and almost hitting them part, and says that they had their conversation and then the officer tried to 'thrust' the door open but there wasn't room.

In one of the account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who after a struggle, pulled his gun, said "I'll shoot you," then fired his gun inside the vehicle.

In another account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who drew his gun, said "I'll shoot you' and immediately shot, Brown was bleeding.

In another, the officer first said "I'll shoot you," then said "I'm gonna shoot you," then the officer fired, and Brown was bleeding.

In one of the accounts Brown and Johnson then started running, but, upon feeling a second bullet hit him, Brown told Johnson to keep running then turned around, putting his hands in the air and saying he was unarmed.

In another, Johnson hid behind a car with screaming people in it and watched the officer shoot Brown, who was on his knees with his hands in the air.

Brown was then shot an additional four, or six times (depending on which retelling.)

Now I'm not going to argue that Johnson is necessarily making those changes because he is lying, he could very well be doing it subconsciously as that is a common function of memory writing and recall - but the end result is the same, his testimony 'is' changing with every interview so it's 'creditability' is losing face. Should stop retelling it now - three interviews is more than enough.

That said, I have some questions:

1) Did the police get Johnson's account of the incident at the scene or did he immediately flee the scene? If Johnson did flee the scene, that's a bit unfortunate for the validity of his account. (Not that if his story is true, I would blame him one bit for fleeing a bat shit crazy officer that just executed his buddy.) If he didn't flee, and they do have his report then what caused him to no longer be in fear for his life after watching his friend get executed?

2) Johnson says the officer reached out the window and started choking Brown, and that Brown was 'struggling' back and forth with the officer trying to get away. Then the officer either shot Brown, or discharged his weapon in the car, and they both ran. So I'm trying to picture this: the officer is choking Brown through the window with one hand [else the officer would not be able to draw his gun.] First I'm going to say that Brown looks pretty big to me - say 6 foot, though a bit overweight perhaps rather than muscle. Now if Brown wasn't strong enough to get away from the officers one-handed choking BEFORE he was shot, how did he manage to get away from it AFTER being shot? I would think that being shot would weaken you wouldn't it? I mean adrenalin sure, but Brown's already being choked according to Johnson, so that effect was already in play.

3) I've never been shot, but I imagine it hurts like hell, so I'm having a difficult time understanding how one could get shot twice and not fall to the ground in pain; much less have the coherency to tell a buddy to keep running, kneel, and put my hands above my head saying I was unarmed. I mean I've heard of people getting shot repeatedly while on drugs and they keep going, but I've never heard of something like this where there is basically no indication of this young man getting shot twice in the telling's [other than the blood.]

I've only heard one version of Johnsons account. Do you have a link to the other 2?

I can answer #3. People get shot all the time and don't even feel it initially. I saw a guy get shot at a party and he kept on running until he collapsed outside down the block.

Let's see if I've met the quota to post links yet:

Michael Brown?s Friend: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal? - Video on


I believe I got those in order of their release. There's other inconsistences in the accounts as well - like in one version he says the officer pulled Brown into the car, in another he says he just 'tried' to pull Brown into the car but couldn't [basically Brown was too tall], etc.

Like I said though, I'm not sure if Johnson is purposefully changing the story or not, he might just be adding stuff in trying to clarify what he believes he saw [or what he 'now' believes he saw if it's being rewritten, which is again fairly common.]

Thanks. I never saw the last one. IMO those inconsistencies are pretty tame. They will be challenged by the defense attorney in court rightfully but the differences are too minute to pose much of a challenge for the prosecution. Whats the difference between the cop attempting to pull him in the car and actually succeeding to pull him into the car? Either way he attacked the kid first without provocation. He still pulled his gun on an unarmed person for nothing. The cop better hope to hell he didn't shoot him in the back while he was running or at a distance once he turned around. I dont see how this can be explained away unless all 4 witnesses are lying. Forensics will show how close he was to the gun each time he was shot.
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It's a peace sign. It's popular culture to do it sideways.

Not with an open thumb. Never with an open thumb.
false.. there is no standard way to do it it's regional.

Checked out images for the peace sign made with hands. Every single one has the thumb crossed over the bottom to fingers with the index finger and the middle finger making a "V," even the sideways one.
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Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Well I've seen reports from other witnesses who say that kid reached for the cops gun.

Who does one believe??

What's the name the other witnesses?

Please provide them w/a link.


BTW, even if what the cop says is 123% correct, it's still murder.

Think about what his account was, there's no justification for the shooting.

Again, we have days and days and days of no word from the authorities as to who he is.

However, we can bet everything on the bank that he's being lawyer ed up, shielded and coached what "the story" will be.

This is not good.

Although, as of not too long ago, things SEEM to finally be headed in the right direction.

Seeing as how MO is the "Show Me" state...we'll see.
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Not with an open thumb. Never with an open thumb.
false.. there is no standard way to do it it's regional.

Checked out images for the peace sign made with hands. Every single one has the thumb crossed over the bottom to fingers with the index finger and the middle finger making a "V," even the sideways one.

You didnt check out every single image. Did you really think anyone would believe that? Besides, who told you that after you start doing a gesture one way you upload it to the internet?

64,900,000 results?
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Oh, and BTW, the peace sign is actually also a gang sign, except they call it the "victory" sign.

The internationally known symbol for peace (U+262E ☮ peace symbol in Unicode) was originally designed in 1958 for the British nuclear disarmament movement by Gerald Holtom.[49] Holtom, an artist and designer, made it for a march from Trafalgar Square, London to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston in England, organised by the Direct Action Committee to take place in April and supported by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).[49][50][51][52] Holtom's design was adapted by Eric Austen (1922–1999) to ceramic lapel badges.[53][54] The original design is in the Peace Museum in Bradford, England.[53]

The symbol is a combination of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and "D," standing for "nuclear disarmament".[49] In semaphore the letter "N" is formed by a person holding two flags in an inverted "V," and the letter "D" is formed by holding one flag pointed straight up and the other pointed straight down. Superimposing these two signs forms the shape of the centre of the peace symbol.[49][55][56] Holtom later wrote to Hugh Brock, editor of Peace News, explaining the genesis of his idea:
Is the killed child playing Rock breaks Scissors, or is that some sort of gang sign?

You know, you really should try harder if you're going to be making BOGUS claims.

Why gang sign is it if it's a gang sign [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]?

It's clearly a peace sign.

No it's not, it's not even a victory sign.
OK [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], if it's not a peace sign, then please identify WHAT sign it is then.

You're not gonna pettyfog and muddy the issue with bogus innuendo w/o providing a counter.

I'm tired of this crap.

This thread is a farce. I'm outta here. There are REAL threads out there, calling for my attention.
Good riddance.

And STAY OUT!!!!
Ahhh, if only these same imbeciles were half as "outraged" when these Africans assault, maim, and murder white folk....statistics anyone?

The hypocrisy of these maggots knows no bounds..... Lol

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