According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database
You know, you really should try harder if you're going to be making BOGUS claims.

Why gang sign is it if it's a gang sign [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]?

It's clearly a peace sign.

No it's not, it's not even a victory sign.
OK [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], if it's not a peace sign, then please identify WHAT sign it is then.

You're not gonna pettyfog and muddy the issue with bogus innuendo w/o providing a counter.

I'm tired of this crap.

This thread is a farce. I'm outta here. There are REAL threads out there, calling for my attention.
Good riddance.

And STAY OUT!!!!

It's the vice lords sign and he's wearing their colors.
See for yourself. Website
in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is impartial in how it assesses hate crimes. We know that the Federal Government is NOT impartial.

In Brooklyn a few weeks ago, ten black people surrounded a car, then beat the two white occupants, a husband and wife. They even called them racial names, as in “Get those crackers” and “get that white whore.” All in front of witnesses in the middle of the day.

The Brooklyn DA says he will not file hate crime charges.

In New Haven, a few days before that, 500 black people attending a party called “An All Black Affair,” destroyed property and rioted in a downtown restaurant. Then outside. Then in two more restaurants. Not only are there no hate crime charges, New Haven police did not arrest anyone for anything during these rampages.

Race was the central organizing feature of the party — and the riot.

A few days before that in St. Paul, a car full of black people robbed and assaulted a white woman. They called her a “white bitch” while holding her down so one of the assailants could urinate on her.

A few days before that in Tacoma, a car full of black people shouted racial expletives at two white soldiers. Soon one soldier was dead from a knife. No hate crime charges have been filed.

A few days before that in Pittsburgh, a group of black people pulled a white woman from her car, and while beating her, yelled “Shut up white [expletive].” The other said, “Get that white [expletive].” . . .

In Iowa – yes Iowa — hordes of black people beat white people in and out of the Iowa State Fair for three nights in a row in 2011. A police report says some of the people involved were chanting “Beat Whitey Night.” It only takes a few magic words to turn a vicious assault into a federal hate crime. And that seems to fit the bill.

Nothing from Holder.

The same thing happened a few weeks later at the Milwaukee State Fair: Except this anti-white riot played itself out in public when local media broadcast the panicked 911 calls of black people beating and terrorizing white people. One call they have not heard in Milwaukee: The Attorney General’s call for the enforcement of hate crimes against white people.

in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is impartial in how it assesses hate crimes. We know that the Federal Government is NOT impartial.

In Brooklyn a few weeks ago, ten black people surrounded a car, then beat the two white occupants, a husband and wife. They even called them racial names, as in “Get those crackers” and “get that white whore.” All in front of witnesses in the middle of the day.

The Brooklyn DA says he will not file hate crime charges.

In New Haven, a few days before that, 500 black people attending a party called “An All Black Affair,” destroyed property and rioted in a downtown restaurant. Then outside. Then in two more restaurants. Not only are there no hate crime charges, New Haven police did not arrest anyone for anything during these rampages.

Race was the central organizing feature of the party — and the riot.

A few days before that in St. Paul, a car full of black people robbed and assaulted a white woman. They called her a “white bitch” while holding her down so one of the assailants could urinate on her.

A few days before that in Tacoma, a car full of black people shouted racial expletives at two white soldiers. Soon one soldier was dead from a knife. No hate crime charges have been filed.

A few days before that in Pittsburgh, a group of black people pulled a white woman from her car, and while beating her, yelled “Shut up white [expletive].” The other said, “Get that white [expletive].” . . .

In Iowa – yes Iowa — hordes of black people beat white people in and out of the Iowa State Fair for three nights in a row in 2011. A police report says some of the people involved were chanting “Beat Whitey Night.” It only takes a few magic words to turn a vicious assault into a federal hate crime. And that seems to fit the bill.

Nothing from Holder.

The same thing happened a few weeks later at the Milwaukee State Fair: Except this anti-white riot played itself out in public when local media broadcast the panicked 911 calls of black people beating and terrorizing white people. One call they have not heard in Milwaukee: The Attorney General’s call for the enforcement of hate crimes against white people.

When you factor in the percentage of the population of each it makes the numbers look a lot different as well.
in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is

Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?
in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is

Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?

I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.
For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is

Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?

I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.

I'm still waiting for you to stop diverting and answer the question I posed.
Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?

I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.

I'm still waiting for you to stop diverting and answer the question I posed.

What's so hard for you to understand?

An event X happens, police respond and this gets recorded in the statistics.
An event Y happens, police respond and this doesn't get recorded in the statistics.

Your complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they record the events.
My complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they don't record the events.

The difference between our two complaints is that in the real world events did happen but this is not recorded in the statistics.

Liberals are intent on not treating black on white hate crimes by the same standard that they apply to white on black hate crimes. This results in distorted statistics. When statistics are purposely distorted then there is no need to trust them as being reflective of reality.
I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.

I'm still waiting for you to stop diverting and answer the question I posed.

What's so hard for you to understand?

An event X happens, police respond and this gets recorded in the statistics.
An event Y happens, police respond and this doesn't get recorded in the statistics.

Your complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they record the events.
My complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they don't record the events.

The difference between our two complaints is that in the real world events did happen but this is not recorded in the statistics.

Liberals are intent on not treating black on white hate crimes by the same standard that they apply to white on black hate crimes. This results in distorted statistics. When statistics are purposely distorted then there is no need to trust them as being reflective of reality.

Your lies are really hard to understand. Who told you hate crime for Blacks and Whites were recorded differently?
I tend to side with the eyewitness accounts. Everyone said this poor kid turned around with his hands in the air and was executed. Short of looting, the people in that town have every right to be upset.
in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is impartial in how it assesses hate crimes. We know that the Federal Government is NOT impartial.

In Brooklyn a few weeks ago, ten black people surrounded a car, then beat the two white occupants, a husband and wife. They even called them racial names, as in “Get those crackers” and “get that white whore.” All in front of witnesses in the middle of the day.

The Brooklyn DA says he will not file hate crime charges.

In New Haven, a few days before that, 500 black people attending a party called “An All Black Affair,” destroyed property and rioted in a downtown restaurant. Then outside. Then in two more restaurants. Not only are there no hate crime charges, New Haven police did not arrest anyone for anything during these rampages.

Race was the central organizing feature of the party — and the riot.

A few days before that in St. Paul, a car full of black people robbed and assaulted a white woman. They called her a “white bitch” while holding her down so one of the assailants could urinate on her.

A few days before that in Tacoma, a car full of black people shouted racial expletives at two white soldiers. Soon one soldier was dead from a knife. No hate crime charges have been filed.

A few days before that in Pittsburgh, a group of black people pulled a white woman from her car, and while beating her, yelled “Shut up white [expletive].” The other said, “Get that white [expletive].” . . .

In Iowa – yes Iowa — hordes of black people beat white people in and out of the Iowa State Fair for three nights in a row in 2011. A police report says some of the people involved were chanting “Beat Whitey Night.” It only takes a few magic words to turn a vicious assault into a federal hate crime. And that seems to fit the bill.

Nothing from Holder.

The same thing happened a few weeks later at the Milwaukee State Fair: Except this anti-white riot played itself out in public when local media broadcast the panicked 911 calls of black people beating and terrorizing white people. One call they have not heard in Milwaukee: The Attorney General’s call for the enforcement of hate crimes against white people.

oldest dodge in the world! care to link that
For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is

Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?

I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.

all two of them...if white voters are intimidated by that they have no right to vote .....ever heard of Jim crow?
I'm still waiting for you to stop diverting and answer the question I posed.

What's so hard for you to understand?

An event X happens, police respond and this gets recorded in the statistics.
An event Y happens, police respond and this doesn't get recorded in the statistics.

Your complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they record the events.
My complaint is that the statistics shouldn't be trusted because they don't record the events.

The difference between our two complaints is that in the real world events did happen but this is not recorded in the statistics.

Liberals are intent on not treating black on white hate crimes by the same standard that they apply to white on black hate crimes. This results in distorted statistics. When statistics are purposely distorted then there is no need to trust them as being reflective of reality.

Your lies are really hard to understand. Who told you hate crime for Blacks and Whites were recorded differently?

the john Burch society :lol::lol::lol::badgrin:
I tend to side with the eyewitness accounts. Everyone said this poor kid turned around with his hands in the air and was executed. Short of looting, the people in that town have every right to be upset.

I can't believe I agree with you ....but I do.
the looting and destruction of property kills the protesters credibility..
but then again look what happens after teams lose football games...
Also, we should consider the character of Michael Brown. Did he typically behave like a savage, or was he civilized?

One thing to note is this:

Michael Brown’s rap sheet:

Description: Burglary – 1st Degree { Felony B RSMo: 569.160 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Description: Assault 1st Degree – Serious Physical Injury { Felony A RSMo: 565.050 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Where did you get that? According to the news he had no criminal record. Not that it makes a difference if the cop shot him as the witnesses say.

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

I thought WAKE was sharper than that. He should have known that there must be at least several people in Missouri with that name. But now that he has caught up with the rest of us, has he changed his tune about considering Mike Brown's ( deceased) character?
I'll not hold my breath waiting for that one!
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Until somebody comes up with a video, or some actual evidence one way or another, all anyone has is he said/he said. People who form judgments based on that are idiots.

For once QW, I agree with you. I knew it would happen someday.

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