According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

You dont grab people through a window because they were walking in the street you retard.

No the person doesnt need to answer any question. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol:

I have only heard from 3 witnesses. Where are the other witnesses?

Man you really are stupid, aren't you ?


1. You are shooting your mouth off while being ignorant of all the various witnesses who have come foward, and what they've said. :lol: This is too funny.

2. You don't have a shred of evidence that the cop grabbed Brown through the window (which is highly unlikely noting the cops' good 6 year record) Black protest sympathizers don't qualify as credible witnesses. We don't even know for sure if they were even there at the time (you got a video ?)

3. YES, the person DOES need to answer the cops' questions. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol: As I just educated you > Miranda rights only apply when an arrest is being made (but that wasn't the case initially) Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle :eusa_whistle:) Some people have to be told twice.

4. You do NOT have right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself or your car, once an officer has established probable cause to detain you, which was established by the 2 idiots walking in the street disrupting traffic.

5. NO, you do not have the right to calmly leave while a cop is questioning you.

6. If you don't act correctly, when you are stopped, you run a big risk of being arrested for obstruction of justice, and I just might have saved you from going to jail one of those days, You're welcome. :badgrin:

I asked for links to the other witnesses. Did you think I forgot because you went on a rant? BTW the ACLU and my attorney disagrees with your interpretation of your rights. You really cant be this dumb can you?

Stay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.
Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.

You might want to find another attorney. :D They aren't an "interpretation". They're the facts. You said "if the officer says yes" That's nice. And if he says NO, then NO, you are NOT free to leave. Maybe you should hire ME to be your attorney. Sounds like you'll get in less trouble that way. :D

For your link to other witnesses who talked about the tusseling, your link could be any TV news report about the shooting that's been on since about 6 PM yesterday. Try to keep up, OK ?
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White people are not afraid of blacks. That's flat silly. What they are now is highly suspicious. Whites aren't afraid that they might be attacked. They expect it. Because they expect it they behave accordingly.

Yeah. And this is the "accordingly". Waiting for the first idiot who decides to play the knockout game.


I told you that you were scary. You need a gun. :lol:

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Man you really are stupid, aren't you ?


1. You are shooting your mouth off while being ignorant of all the various witnesses who have come foward, and what they've said. :lol: This is too funny.

2. You don't have a shred of evidence that the cop grabbed Brown through the window (which is highly unlikely noting the cops' good 6 year record) Black protest sympathizers don't qualify as credible witnesses. We don't even know for sure if they were even there at the time (you got a video ?)

3. YES, the person DOES need to answer the cops' questions. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol: As I just educated you > Miranda rights only apply when an arrest is being made (but that wasn't the case initially) Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle :eusa_whistle:) Some people have to be told twice.

4. You do NOT have right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself or your car, once an officer has established probable cause to detain you, which was established by the 2 idiots walking in the street disrupting traffic.

5. NO, you do not have the right to calmly leave while a cop is questioning you.

6. If you don't act correctly, when you are stopped, you run a big risk of being arrested for obstruction of justice, and I just might have saved you from going to jail one of those days, You're welcome. :badgrin:

I asked for links to the other witnesses. Did you think I forgot because you went on a rant? BTW the ACLU and my attorney disagrees with your interpretation of your rights. You really cant be this dumb can you?

Stay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.
Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.

You might want to find another attorney. :D They aren't an "interpretation". They're the facts. You said "if the officer says yes" That's nice. And if he says NO, then NO, you are NOT free to leave. Maybe you should hire ME to be your attorney. Sounds like you'll get in less trouble that way. :D

For your link to other witnesses who talked about the tusseling, your link could be any TV news report about the shooting that's been on since about 6 PM yesterday. Try to keep up, OK ?

My attorney works just fine. So does the ACLU. Your interpretation is stupid and wrong. If you are not under arrest you dont have to say anything stupid.

I didnt ask for a link to "tussling". I asked for a link to other witnesses that say something different happened. All the witnesses say there was a struggle moron.
Man you really are stupid, aren't you ?


1. You are shooting your mouth off while being ignorant of all the various witnesses who have come foward, and what they've said. :lol: This is too funny.

2. You don't have a shred of evidence that the cop grabbed Brown through the window (which is highly unlikely noting the cops' good 6 year record) Black protest sympathizers don't qualify as credible witnesses. We don't even know for sure if they were even there at the time (you got a video ?)

3. YES, the person DOES need to answer the cops' questions. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol: As I just educated you > Miranda rights only apply when an arrest is being made (but that wasn't the case initially) Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle :eusa_whistle:) Some people have to be told twice.

4. You do NOT have right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself or your car, once an officer has established probable cause to detain you, which was established by the 2 idiots walking in the street disrupting traffic.

5. NO, you do not have the right to calmly leave while a cop is questioning you.

6. If you don't act correctly, when you are stopped, you run a big risk of being arrested for obstruction of justice, and I just might have saved you from going to jail one of those days, You're welcome. :badgrin:

I asked for links to the other witnesses. Did you think I forgot because you went on a rant? BTW the ACLU and my attorney disagrees with your interpretation of your rights. You really cant be this dumb can you?

Stay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.
Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.

You might want to find another attorney. :D They aren't an "interpretation". They're the facts. You said "if the officer says yes" That's nice. And if he says NO, then NO, you are NOT free to leave. Maybe you should hire ME to be your attorney. Sounds like you'll get in less trouble that way. :D

For your link to other witnesses who talked about the tusseling, your link could be any TV news report about the shooting that's been on since about 6 PM yesterday. Try to keep up, OK ?

Ferguson a 'powder keg,' police chief says -

Another witness to Brown shooting comes forward; video shows graphic scene | St. Louis

You retard. Both those links support the existing testimony from the other 3 witnesses. :lol:

Thats now 4 people. Do you have anything different? Something along the lines of the kid attacking the car and trying to take the cops gun?
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Based on the interviews presented by Johnson - there are three different retellings of the story.

In one account Johnson says that the officer drove past, then reversed back to them, attempted to open his door but the door bounced off Brown and closed on him.

In another one Johnson skips the whole reverse and almost hitting them part, and says that they had their conversation and then the officer tried to 'thrust' the door open but there wasn't room.

In one of the account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who after a struggle, pulled his gun, said "I'll shoot you," then fired his gun inside the vehicle.

In another account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who drew his gun, said "I'll shoot you' and immediately shot, Brown was bleeding.

In another, the officer first said "I'll shoot you," then said "I'm gonna shoot you," then the officer fired, and Brown was bleeding.

In one of the accounts Brown and Johnson then started running, but, upon feeling a second bullet hit him, Brown told Johnson to keep running then turned around, putting his hands in the air and saying he was unarmed.

In another, Johnson hid behind a car with screaming people in it and watched the officer shoot Brown, who was on his knees with his hands in the air.

Brown was then shot an additional four, or six times (depending on which retelling.)

Now I'm not going to argue that Johnson is necessarily making those changes because he is lying, he could very well be doing it subconsciously as that is a common function of memory writing and recall - but the end result is the same, his testimony 'is' changing with every interview so it's 'creditability' is losing face. Should stop retelling it now - three interviews is more than enough.

That said, I have some questions:

1) Did the police get Johnson's account of the incident at the scene or did he immediately flee the scene? If Johnson did flee the scene, that's a bit unfortunate for the validity of his account. (Not that if his story is true, I would blame him one bit for fleeing a bat shit crazy officer that just executed his buddy.) If he didn't flee, and they do have his report then what caused him to no longer be in fear for his life after watching his friend get executed?

2) Johnson says the officer reached out the window and started choking Brown, and that Brown was 'struggling' back and forth with the officer trying to get away. Then the officer either shot Brown, or discharged his weapon in the car, and they both ran. So I'm trying to picture this: the officer is choking Brown through the window with one hand [else the officer would not be able to draw his gun.] First I'm going to say that Brown looks pretty big to me - say 6 foot, though a bit overweight perhaps rather than muscle. Now if Brown wasn't strong enough to get away from the officers one-handed choking BEFORE he was shot, how did he manage to get away from it AFTER being shot? I would think that being shot would weaken you wouldn't it? I mean adrenalin sure, but Brown's already being choked according to Johnson, so that effect was already in play.

3) I've never been shot, but I imagine it hurts like hell, so I'm having a difficult time understanding how one could get shot twice and not fall to the ground in pain; much less have the coherency to tell a buddy to keep running, kneel, and put my hands above my head saying I was unarmed. I mean I've heard of people getting shot repeatedly while on drugs and they keep going, but I've never heard of something like this where there is basically no indication of this young man getting shot twice in the telling's [other than the blood.]
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Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting. It could have been because he was black, or because there was an altercation, or something verbal between them, or all three.

Or, we can stop speculating. Your choice.

Yeah well, this is a message board, not a court of law. That's what people do , express ideas, opinions or speculate. I'm not claiming anything is fact. I did say "IF". The lab evidence will help straighten out a lot of the speculation and clarify things

Interestingly, just like Marc, you started jumping to conclusions. You come off as someone who thinks the cop was in the wrong here. A lot of conclusions are guised with the word 'if.' Besides, read your first sentence. "Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting." Sorry dude. Not buying it.
Based on the interviews presented by Johnson - there are three different retellings of the story.

In one account Johnson says that the officer drove past, then reversed back to them, attempted to open his door but the door bounced off Brown and closed on him.

In another one Johnson skips the whole reverse and almost hitting them part, and says that they had their conversation and then the officer tried to 'thrust' the door open but there wasn't room.

In one of the account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who after a struggle, pulled his gun, said "I'll shoot you," then fired his gun inside the vehicle.

In another account, Brown was being choked through the window by the officer, who drew his gun, said "I'll shoot you' and immediately shot, Brown was bleeding.

In another, the officer first said "I'll shoot you," then said "I'm gonna shoot you," then the officer fired, and Brown was bleeding.

In one of the accounts Brown and Johnson then started running, but, upon feeling a second bullet hit him, Brown told Johnson to keep running then turned around, putting his hands in the air and saying he was unarmed.

In another, Johnson hid behind a car with screaming people in it and watched the officer shoot Brown, who was on his knees with his hands in the air.

Brown was then shot an additional four, or six times (depending on which retelling.)

Now I'm not going to argue that Johnson is necessarily making those changes because he is lying, he could very well be doing it subconsciously as that is a common function of memory writing and recall - but the end result is the same, his testimony 'is' changing with every interview so it's 'creditability' is losing face. Should stop retelling it now - three interviews is more than enough.

That said, I have some questions:

1) Did the police get Johnson's account of the incident at the scene or did he immediately flee the scene? If Johnson did flee the scene, that's a bit unfortunate for the validity of his account. (Not that if his story is true, I would blame him one bit for fleeing a bat shit crazy officer that just executed his buddy.) If he didn't flee, and they do have his report then what caused him to no longer be in fear for his life after watching his friend get executed?

2) Johnson says the officer reached out the window and started choking Brown, and that Brown was 'struggling' back and forth with the officer trying to get away. Then the officer either shot Brown, or discharged his weapon in the car, and they both ran. So I'm trying to picture this: the officer is choking Brown through the window with one hand [else the officer would not be able to draw his gun.] First I'm going to say that Brown looks pretty big to me - say 6 foot, though a bit overweight perhaps rather than muscle. Now if Brown wasn't strong enough to get away from the officers one-handed choking BEFORE he was shot, how did he manage to get away from it AFTER being shot? I would think that being shot would weaken you wouldn't it? I mean adrenalin sure, but Brown's already being choked according to Johnson, so that effect was already in play.

3) I've never been shot, but I imagine it hurts like hell, so I'm having a difficult time understanding how one could get shot twice and not fall to the ground in pain; much less have the coherency to tell a buddy to keep running, kneel, and put my hands above my head saying I was unarmed. I mean I've heard of people getting shot repeatedly while on drugs and they keep going, but I've never heard of something like this where there is basically no indication of this young man getting shot twice in the telling's [other than the blood.]

I've only heard one version of Johnsons account. Do you have a link to the other 2?

I can answer #3. People get shot all the time and don't even feel it initially. I saw a guy get shot at a party and he kept on running until he collapsed outside down the block.


I found another account where he contradicts himself about the initial contact in the same story but its not something that would make me think he was lying. I think the shock of seeing something like that up close would leave you a little unsure about the order of the events. How he pulled up initially has nothing to do with the actual shooting. I have to admit that the incident as described by Johnson sounds all too familiar where I am from.
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I asked for links to the other witnesses. Did you think I forgot because you went on a rant? BTW the ACLU and my attorney disagrees with your interpretation of your rights. You really cant be this dumb can you?

You might want to find another attorney. :D They aren't an "interpretation". They're the facts. You said "if the officer says yes" That's nice. And if he says NO, then NO, you are NOT free to leave. Maybe you should hire ME to be your attorney. Sounds like you'll get in less trouble that way. :D

For your link to other witnesses who talked about the tusseling, your link could be any TV news report about the shooting that's been on since about 6 PM yesterday. Try to keep up, OK ?

My attorney works just fine. So does the ACLU. Your interpretation is stupid and wrong. If you are not under arrest you dont have to say anything stupid.

I didn't ask for a link to "tussling". I asked for a link to other witnesses that say something different happened. All the witnesses say there was a struggle moron.

You never have to say anything stupid. You are perfectly free to say smart things , although, in your case, I suppose that would be quite a challenge. :lol:

And no, your attorney isn't working just fine, because you don't have one.

HA HA. EARTH TO ASSLEPIAS: If all the witnesses say there was a struggle, then that confirms the officer's story. He's vindicated. You fight with a cop, you get shot, didn't you know ?

As for the, out of the car shooting, well, that is all coming from witnesses who are Blacks in the community, and we all know that they stick up for each other, and don't like the police. This isn't a very strong level of testimony.

If the cop really did do what they say he did while outside the car, with Brown on his knees/hands in air, then yes that cop would be in the wrong, and he should be penalized, but looking at the apparent built-in bias of the witnesses, the willingness of the protesters to protest when they don't know what happened, the testimony of the hospital staffers who treated the cop for facial injuries, the impeccable 6 year record of the cop, putting it all on a balance scale, I would guess the cop is telling the truth. Not much to go on here, other than he said, she said, and the whole thing could easily fall from insufficient evidence. Anybody got a video ?

"Witnesses". :lol:
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You might want to find another attorney. :D They aren't an "interpretation". They're the facts. You said "if the officer says yes" That's nice. And if he says NO, then NO, you are NOT free to leave. Maybe you should hire ME to be your attorney. Sounds like you'll get in less trouble that way. :D

For your link to other witnesses who talked about the tusseling, your link could be any TV news report about the shooting that's been on since about 6 PM yesterday. Try to keep up, OK ?

My attorney works just fine. So does the ACLU. Your interpretation is stupid and wrong. If you are not under arrest you dont have to say anything stupid.

I didn't ask for a link to "tussling". I asked for a link to other witnesses that say something different happened. All the witnesses say there was a struggle moron.

You never have to say anything stupid. You are perfectly free to say smart things , although, in your case, I suppose that would be quite a challenge. :lol:

And no, your attorney isn't working just fine, because you don't have one.

HA HA. EARTH TO ASSLEPIAS: If all the witnesses say there was a struggle, then that confirms the officer's story. He's vindicated. You fight with a cop, you get shot, didn't you know ?

As for the, out of the car shooting, well, that is all coming from witnesses who are Blacks in the community, and we all know that they stick up for each other, and don't like the police. This isn't a very strong level of testimony.

If the cop really did do what they say he did while outside the car, with Brown on his knees/hands in air, then yes that cop would be in the wrong, and he should be penalized, but looking at the apparent built-in bias of the witnesses, the willingness of the protesters to protest when they don't know what happened, the testimony of the hospital staffers who treated the cop for facial injuries, the impeccable 6 year record of the cop, putting it all on a balance scale, I would guess the cop is telling the truth. Not much to go on here, other than he said, she said, and the whole thing could easily fall from insufficient evidence. Anybody got a video ?

"Witnesses". :lol:

Thanks. I pretty much knew you had nothing other than your own opinion. Too bad you don't get to determine who is credible and who is not. The witness testimony from all 4 witnesses is credible to me. From everything they said it sounds like business as usual from the police dept in majority black areas. You're dismissed from this conversation due to being an ignorant racist.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Too late. You just admitted you were too afraid to handle it with your hands like a man would. :lol:

A stupid man would handle it with his hands if the attacker was bigger, younger, you're outnumbered, has a knife, lots of scenarios. Told you you were stupid. :lol:

You said knockout. Last I heard the knock out was with your hands. The size doesnt matter. Admit it you are afraid of your own shadow. :lol:
My attorney works just fine. So does the ACLU. Your interpretation is stupid and wrong. If you are not under arrest you dont have to say anything stupid.

I didn't ask for a link to "tussling". I asked for a link to other witnesses that say something different happened. All the witnesses say there was a struggle moron.

You never have to say anything stupid. You are perfectly free to say smart things , although, in your case, I suppose that would be quite a challenge. :lol:

And no, your attorney isn't working just fine, because you don't have one.

HA HA. EARTH TO ASSLEPIAS: If all the witnesses say there was a struggle, then that confirms the officer's story. He's vindicated. You fight with a cop, you get shot, didn't you know ?

As for the, out of the car shooting, well, that is all coming from witnesses who are Blacks in the community, and we all know that they stick up for each other, and don't like the police. This isn't a very strong level of testimony.

If the cop really did do what they say he did while outside the car, with Brown on his knees/hands in air, then yes that cop would be in the wrong, and he should be penalized, but looking at the apparent built-in bias of the witnesses, the willingness of the protesters to protest when they don't know what happened, the testimony of the hospital staffers who treated the cop for facial injuries, the impeccable 6 year record of the cop, putting it all on a balance scale, I would guess the cop is telling the truth. Not much to go on here, other than he said, she said, and the whole thing could easily fall from insufficient evidence. Anybody got a video ?

"Witnesses". :lol:

Thanks. I pretty much knew you had nothing other than your own opinion. Too bad you don't get to determine who is credible and who is not. The witness testimony from all 4 witnesses is credible to me. From everything they said it sounds like business as usual from the police dept in majority black areas. You're dismissed from this conversation due to being an ignorant racist.

It sounds to you like the witnesses are credible because they're saying what you want to hear. And you just hung yourself when you said "business as usual from the police dept in majority black areas" Two blocks from my house is a majority black area, I've been here for 4 years, and we've never had incidents like this. Same with all the other majority black areas. You're just biassed that's all. Misspelling of biassed was intentional. :lol:

PS - You're dismissed from this conversation due to being an ignorant racist. :D
Too late. You just admitted you were too afraid to handle it with your hands like a man would. :lol:

A stupid man would handle it with his hands if the attacker was bigger, younger, you're outnumbered, has a knife, lots of scenarios. Told you you were stupid. :lol:

You said knockout. Last I heard the knock out was with your hands. The size doesnt matter. Admit it you are afraid of your own shadow. :lol:

Admit it, little boy. You just got your ass handed to you by me, and you're a sore LOSER. :D
If the evidence keeps supporting the witenesses conclusion of what came down...I believe that police officer should pay a heavy price. Why I am pissed off is this isn't about race or a reason to riot.

The is no evidence that what the witnesses are saying is actually"evidence", or that they have "conclusions", as opposed to declarations (which are subject to dishonesty), or that these so-called witnesses were ever even at the scene when it happened, or ever saw any of it whatsoever.

Anybody can say anything. Simple words don't mean squat. One could say the president of the United States smokes cocaine. That doesn't mean he does.
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If the evidence keeps supporting the witenesses conclusion of what came down...I believe that police officer should pay a heavy price. Why I am pissed off is this isn't about race or a reason to riot.

Hard to distinguish if this is a race issue or not. My point is the scenario is all to common in majority Black or Latino neighborhoods like the one I grew up in. Cops harassing you for no reason. Then one day someone gets killed for "resisting". If its not because you are Black or Latino then what is it? They didnt do the same stuff in the next city over and they were white boys doing the same jay walking and other dumb things teenage boys do.

I don't condone the rioting but you cant push people and not expect a back lash. Rioting is the least of the worries if this isn't corrected.
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This thread is a farce. I'm outta here. There are REAL threads out there, calling for my attention.

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