According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.
How can a cop be a vigilante?

vig·i·lan·te noun \ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-tē\
: a person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals

Vigilante - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Haven't we dumbed down enough?
Hey [MENTION=34777]Meathead[/MENTION]...

Where did I ever call the cop a vigilante?

I stated that he ACTED like a vigilante.

Learn to read.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct
How can a cop be a vigilante?

vig·i·lan·te noun \ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-tē\
: a person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals

Vigilante - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Haven't we dumbed down enough?
Hey [MENTION=34777]Meathead[/MENTION]...

Where did I ever call the cop a vigilante?

I stated that he ACTED like a vigilante.

Learn to read.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Hey [MENTION=34777]Meathead[/MENTION]...

Where did I ever call the cop a vigilante?

I stated that he ACTED like a vigilante.

Learn to read.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police don't have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesn't have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

Yes we do know what happened. I have heard from at least 3 witnesses.
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Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police dont have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesnt have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police dont have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesnt have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.

I have a great idea of what happened. I have witnesses that have the almost identical story and past experience. You have no clue of what would have happened had the 18 year requested his attorney. Evidently the cop broke all protocol by grabbing the kid around the neck and pulling a gun on him for nothing. What makes you think asking to speak to an attorney would have stopped him?
The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police dont have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesnt have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.

I have a great idea of what happened. I have witnesses that have the almost identical story and past experience. You have no clue of what would have happened had the 18 year requested his attorney. Evidently the cop broke all protocol by grabbing the kid around the neck and pulling a gun on him for nothing. What makes you think asking to speak to an attorney would have stopped him?
Evidently, the kid is dead and the cop killed him. Other than that you've got nothing. This is par for the course when you talk about race, which is all you talk about anyway.

Playing a victim and being a race pimp are not very impressive.
You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.

I have a great idea of what happened. I have witnesses that have the almost identical story and past experience. You have no clue of what would have happened had the 18 year requested his attorney. Evidently the cop broke all protocol by grabbing the kid around the neck and pulling a gun on him for nothing. What makes you think asking to speak to an attorney would have stopped him?
Evidently, the kid is dead and the cop killed him. Other than that you've got nothing. This is par for the course when you talk about race, which is all you talk about anyway.

Playing a victim and being a race pimp are not very impressive.

I see you ran out of your standard excuses and revealed your true sentiments that you are happy a Black kid was killed. What do you mean I have nothing? I have 3 witnesses with pretty much the exact same story. Trying to make this about me is not impressive at all and pretty much exposes you as a weak POS.

Things I want to know.

1. Why was the cop accosting the victim in the first place?

2. Why did the cop grab him through a window instead of getting out of the car to question him?

3. Why is the cop shooting at someone that is running away from them?
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I checked, and it looks like that source I got was wrong. Someone had posted it elsewhere, with a link, but later articles had came up showing otherwise.
When you fight with an armed policeman you ought to be shot just out of sheer stupidity.

Depends on if the cop is trying to shoot you for nothing. I wouldnt stand by passively while a cop grabbed me for no reason and pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot me. You must be a retard.

That didn't happen in this case. Why are you so afraid of white people?
Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?

Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.
Based on the facts at hand what other conclusion can one come to?

Let me ask you this....have the police handled this situation correctly?

One of the witnesses said that she saw a struggle in the car.

As for handling the situation properly, neither side has actually done that. Funny thing is, I have been complaining about police getting military equipment for years. IF they didn't have all those fancy guns, and the up armored trucks, they wouldn't be acting they way they are.
I wasnt talking to you but I sure must have touched a nerve.

I get that clue from the countless coward white racists that have nothing to say except while accelerating away in pickup trucks. Never has one said anything to my face.

The fact that a gesture is supposed to be a gang sign because a Black kid does it is more proof of that fear.

I dont think a majority of whites are afraid. I know all the racist ones are.

When you serve some time in the military, that's when you learn about fear. Until then, you're just popping off. Have you been in the military ? Ever had machine gun fire coming in 3 feet over your head while you were moving foward on your stomach ? ever gone through a chlorine gas chamber while hoping your gas mask is on tight enough ?
Ever ran down a field full of smoke and gas with tanks and jeeps rumbling around you that you can't see ?
Ever come face to face with a North Vietnamese Lieutenant who would rip all the skin right off your face with a bayonet, just as soon as look at you ?

I was not talking about my familiarity with fear. i was talking about pansies like you and your racist buddies that talk a big game on the messageboards or running in the other direction to a started waiting vehicle. I understand you are well acquainted with fear be it in the military or around Black guys. However, I was in the military and I was never afraid because I have been in worse situations were I grew up. I can honestly say I dont fear anything except death by drowning.

You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?
Hey [MENTION=34777]Meathead[/MENTION]...

Where did I ever call the cop a vigilante?

I stated that he ACTED like a vigilante.

Learn to read.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.

Where is YOUR proof that the cop was "accosting him with no reason to do so" ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. You don't have any.
The witnesses accounts are a conflicting mish-mash. Some of them say Brown was "tusseling" with the cop. That is a crime (resisting arrest, if not felonious assault on a police officer)

In time, forensics will provide some answers. If Brown's fingerprints or DNA are found on the police car or the cop's uniform, that will give some indication that there was a crime going on here, also indicating a possible valid reason for shooting.
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How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

HA HA HA!! Good one! :lol:
When you serve some time in the military, that's when you learn about fear. Until then, you're just popping off. Have you been in the military ? Ever had machine gun fire coming in 3 feet over your head while you were moving foward on your stomach ? ever gone through a chlorine gas chamber while hoping your gas mask is on tight enough ?
Ever ran down a field full of smoke and gas with tanks and jeeps rumbling around you that you can't see ?
Ever come face to face with a North Vietnamese Lieutenant who would rip all the skin right off your face with a bayonet, just as soon as look at you ?

I was not talking about my familiarity with fear. i was talking about pansies like you and your racist buddies that talk a big game on the messageboards or running in the other direction to a started waiting vehicle. I understand you are well acquainted with fear be it in the military or around Black guys. However, I was in the military and I was never afraid because I have been in worse situations were I grew up. I can honestly say I dont fear anything except death by drowning.

You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?

Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.
Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.
Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police don't have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesn't have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

Yes we do know what happened. I have heard from at least 3 witnesses.

He didn't stop and question Brown because he was Black. He did it because the 2 guys were walking IN THE STREET, you boob! You know.... where cars need to drive ? Pedestrians are supposed to be on the sidewalk (unless they're crossing the street), not walking right out in the lane of traffic, in front of cars, where cars would have to stop for them.

Yes, the person DOES need to speak. They only have the right to remain silent if they're being arrested, which was not the case initially.

And your 3 witnesses are worth about as much as a rock in the bottom of a pond. They have other witnesses who contradict them and agree with the cops' version, I sense this is where the truth is.
How can a cop act like a vigilante? A primary job of cops is in fact to catch criminals and they certainly have the right to defend themselves when doing so. The word "vigilante" would be superfluous otherwise.

Dumbed down is correct

Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.

Where is YOUR proof that the cop was "accosting him with no reason to do so" ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. You don't have any.
The witnesses accounts are a conflicting mish-mash. Some of them say Brown was "tusseling" with the cop. That is a crime (resisting arrest, if not felonious assault on a police officer)

In time, forensics will provide some answers. If Brown's fingerprints or DNA are found on the police car or the cop's uniform, that will give some indication that there was a crime going on here, also indicating a possible valid reason for shooting.

My proof is the witness that was walking with him. So far that's the only proof out there. How would DNA on the cop prove a crime was going on when the cop grabbed him and tried to pull him into the car? I know you are stupid but you do realize DNA doesn't explain how it got there?
The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police dont have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesnt have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.

I have a great idea of what happened. I have witnesses that have the almost identical story and past experience. You have no clue of what would have happened had the 18 year requested his attorney. Evidently the cop broke all protocol by grabbing the kid around the neck and pulling a gun on him for nothing. What makes you think asking to speak to an attorney would have stopped him?

HA HA HA!! This is too IDIOTIC to be dignified with a response. Seriously. :lol:
I was not talking about my familiarity with fear. i was talking about pansies like you and your racist buddies that talk a big game on the messageboards or running in the other direction to a started waiting vehicle. I understand you are well acquainted with fear be it in the military or around Black guys. However, I was in the military and I was never afraid because I have been in worse situations were I grew up. I can honestly say I dont fear anything except death by drowning.

You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?

Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.

Is that what you just did? Yet you are complaining about him doing it?

Police have the responsibility to stop and question anyone they suspect, regardless of criminal record (how would they know?). A vigilante does not. You and the OP are both idiots, but then we already knew that.

Regardless, we still don't know what happened. Until we do, you don't get to play the victim here. You already play the victim everywhere else anyway.

The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police don't have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesn't have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

Yes we do know what happened. I have heard from at least 3 witnesses.

He didn't stop and question Brown because he was Black. He did it because the 2 guys were walking IN THE STREET, you boob! You know.... where cars need to drive ? Pedestrians are supposed to be on the sidewalk (unless they're crossing the street), not walking right out in the lane of traffic, in front of cars, where cars would have to stop for them.

Yes, the person DOES need to speak. They only have the right to remain silent if they're being arrested, which was not the case initially.

And your 3 witnesses are worth about as much as a rock in the bottom of a pond. They have other witnesses who contradict them and agree with the cops' version, I sense this is where the truth is.

You dont grab people through a window because they were walking in the street you retard.

No the person doesnt need to answer any question. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol:

- You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
- You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
- If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.
- You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
- Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.

I have only heard from 3 witnesses. Where are the other witnesses?
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