According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

All the alledged witnesses to an alledged murder and no one thought, "Hey that racist cop is harassing that black guy, I should document this with my cellphone."

Would love to poll the residents to find out how many in the vicinity own cellphones with capability. Bet it's a lot, but no footage? Hmm, could it be they did document it but it only confirms the officer's account? Hence why 'no footage available?'

sometimes things happen quickly.

and i don't see how you could think someone would have gotten video of the first encounter.

What makes you think it wasn't captured on video?
Everyone around here with these things already has them in their hands. Can't take that long to start recording video.

IF there is anyone with a video of the incident which 'proves' the cop was in the wrong that video would be in the hands of the FBI by now. There were dozens of Black 'children' roaming the streets.......all "just on their way home".
No video will ever surface b/c 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'. It's the mantra of every inner city thug.
The first words a Black baby learns are 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'.....from their 'baby-mama'. Who knows who 'daddy' is? All the other Black members in the family are either in jail, about to be put in jail or just about to get out of jail.
On the street if a Black MFer hasn't spent time in jail by the time he's sixteen there's something wrong with the dude.
Everyone around here with these things already has them in their hands. Can't take that long to start recording video.

IF there is anyone with a video of the incident which 'proves' the cop was in the wrong that video would be in the hands of the FBI by now. There were dozens of Black 'children' roaming the streets.......all "just on their way home".
No video will ever surface b/c 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'. It's the mantra of every inner city thug.
The first words a Black baby learns are 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'.....from their 'baby-mama'. Who knows who 'daddy' is? All the other Black members in the family are either in jail, about to be put in jail or just about to get out of jail.
On the street if a Black MFer hasn't spent time in jail by the time he's sixteen there's something wrong with the dude.

There were plenty of snitches talking to the media.

I suppose they haven't gotten the 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES' memo.
All the alledged witnesses to an alledged murder and no one thought, "Hey that racist cop is harassing that black guy, I should document this with my cellphone."

Would love to poll the residents to find out how many in the vicinity own cellphones with capability. Bet it's a lot, but no footage? Hmm, could it be they did document it but it only confirms the officer's account? Hence why 'no footage available?'

sometimes things happen quickly.

and i don't see how you could think someone would have gotten video of the first encounter.

What makes you think it wasn't captured on video?

i'm hoping it was.
dashboard cam, body cam, or someone's cell phone.
sometimes things happen quickly.

and i don't see how you could think someone would have gotten video of the first encounter.

What makes you think it wasn't captured on video?

i'm hoping it was.
dashboard cam, body cam, or someone's cell phone.

If it was a cell phone and it proved the cop did something wrong, it would have already been in the media.

Police cams are not released until after the investigation is completed.

I'm willing to bet if such a video does exist, it will show the officer acted appropriately.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.
How can a cop be a vigilante?

vig·i·lan·te noun \ˌvi-jə-ˈlan-tē\
: a person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals

Vigilante - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Haven't we dumbed down enough?
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But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

So is Area 51; but, if you think you can waltz in there as "part of the public" we'll be reading your obituary shortly thereafter. Besides, Bundy was behind on his lease payments as I recollect.
i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

So is Area 51; but, if you think you can waltz in there as "part of the public" we'll be reading your obituary shortly thereafter. Besides, Bundy was behind on his lease payments as I recollect.

I think that land is restricted for military use. Test sites for bombs and such things, it's probably not a good idea to disobey the warning signs.

Why do you keep comparing the land Bundy was on to federal building and military complexes?

It's apples and oranges.

Public land such as national forests should be for public use. Who does it hurt when his cows are eating public grass?
But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.
That's a illustration of the differences between left and right. The left thinks government owns everything and everybody.
Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.

Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting. It could have been because he was black, or because there was an altercation, or something verbal between them, or all three.

Or, we can stop speculating. Your choice.

People speculate. Thats what the message board is for. If you dont like it dont read it.
Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

So is Area 51; but, if you think you can waltz in there as "part of the public" we'll be reading your obituary shortly thereafter. Besides, Bundy was behind on his lease payments as I recollect.

I think that land is restricted for military use. Test sites for bombs and such things, it's probably not a good idea to disobey the warning signs.

Why do you keep comparing the land Bundy was on to federal building and military complexes?

It's apples and oranges.

Public land such as national forests should be for public use. Who does it hurt when his cows are eating public grass?
Public rangelands are LEASED to people who want to graze their cattle therein. The government wanted to restrict grazing on a specific parcel of land to protect an endangered species. Bundy's protest sparked an inquiry into his grazing privileges whereas it was discovered he had stopped making payments.

Who is hurt by all of this? The public. Bundy was robbing the public coffers of funds that could be used to help maintain rangelands and parks; then, when told the government wanted to revoke his grazing privileges and reclaim the land, he had the audacity to resist.
Guys, I've got a question.

Some are saying this young man was shot in the back.

Here a photo of him dead, and it doesn't look like there's any blood on his back...


Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit
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Guys, I've got a question.

Some are saying this young man was shot in the back.

Here a photo of him dead, and it doesn't look like there's any blood on his back...

I think all the witnesses said he stopped like he was hit by a bullet and then turned around with his hands up.

"Michael jerks his body, as if he's been hit," Mitchell said.
Then he faced the officer and put his hands in the air, but the officer kept firing, both women said. He sank to the pavement.
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I think all the witnesses said he stopped like he was hit by a bullet and then turned around with his hands up.

That doesn't jive with other accounts that he was running and shot in the back twice by a vigilante.

We're getting mixed accounts here...
I think all the witnesses said he stopped like he was hit by a bullet and then turned around with his hands up.

That doesn't jive with other accounts that he was running and shot in the back twice by a vigilante.

We're getting mixed accounts here...

Thats typical. The more people that witness an event the more different stories you get. Its a common problem with police investigations due to perspectives. Have you ever done the experiment in college where you whisper something into one persons ear and its passed around the class? By the time it gets back to the original person the entire message is often changed. The same type of principle applies here.
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I think all the witnesses said he stopped like he was hit by a bullet and then turned around with his hands up.

That doesn't jive with other accounts that he was running and shot in the back twice by a vigilante.

We're getting mixed accounts here...

Thats typical. The more people that witness an event the more different stories you get. Its a common problem with police investigations due to perspectives.

Yeaaah..perspective thats what it is. That explains everything....:lol:
That doesn't jive with other accounts that he was running and shot in the back twice by a vigilante.

We're getting mixed accounts here...

Thats typical. The more people that witness an event the more different stories you get. Its a common problem with police investigations due to perspectives.

Yeaaah..perspective thats what it is. That explains everything....:lol:

I know you are uneducated but dont broadcast it to the world. :lol:

Since the 1990s, when DNA testing was first introduced, Innocence Project researchers have reported that 73 percent of the 239 convictions overturned through DNA testing were based on eyewitness testimony.
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It's a poor comparison. A vigilante is someone who acts without the authority of the law. Maybe the looting left just likes the word. Way to go people. You sure showed those Cops when you broke into businesses and stole property from people who probably agree with you.

what comparison is that? The op says the cop ACTED like a vigilante, it does not say he was one. That " acting like a vigilante" definition is certainly congruent with what information we have heard thus far. Cops can behave criminally and operate outside the scope of the law too.
So is Area 51; but, if you think you can waltz in there as "part of the public" we'll be reading your obituary shortly thereafter. Besides, Bundy was behind on his lease payments as I recollect.

I think that land is restricted for military use. Test sites for bombs and such things, it's probably not a good idea to disobey the warning signs.

Why do you keep comparing the land Bundy was on to federal building and military complexes?

It's apples and oranges.

Public land such as national forests should be for public use. Who does it hurt when his cows are eating public grass?
Public rangelands are LEASED to people who want to graze their cattle therein. The government wanted to restrict grazing on a specific parcel of land to protect an endangered species. Bundy's protest sparked an inquiry into his grazing privileges whereas it was discovered he had stopped making payments.

Who is hurt by all of this? The public. Bundy was robbing the public coffers of funds that could be used to help maintain rangelands and parks; then, when told the government wanted to revoke his grazing privileges and reclaim the land, he had the audacity to resist.

What endangered species? The ones they had to euthanize due to over population and shortage of funding?

What is more important for human survival, cattle or turtles?

How much of the "grazing fees " did your family receive before Bundy decided to stop paying?

The Desert Tortoise in Relation to Cattle Grazing

To summarize the article, the full article has all the proper scientific citations to back up the conclusions.

The Tortoise population actually INCREASES where cattle are grazing. Why? Cowshit. Cow manure is masticated grasses that pass rather quickly through the alimentary system of cows. When it comes out, it is loaded with undigested nutrients, proteins, and minerals that are produced in the bovine system. Tortoises eat that dung and can consume far more calories and proteins than grazing on their own. When there are no cows, they try to feed on jackrabbit stool, coyote stool, and mule deer dung. In fact, if they don't have it, they don't have the nitrogen necessary to eliminate unhealthy potassium buildup. The thing that hurts Tortoise populations? Grasshoppers. They eat the grass, the rabbits and deer can't feed and move away, the Tortoise population decreases.

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