According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?

Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.
Based on the facts at hand what other conclusion can one come to?

Let me ask you this....have the police handled this situation correctly?

Hi Marc! Since the FBI is taking over, I guess the police are doing fine. They aren't saying the police officer's name to protect the family and that is a good thing.

I would like to know if Michael was shot in the back. Have we heard from LE if that is true?

Do we have a NAME for the killer cop?

Do you ever WAIT before jumping to conclusions?
Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?


Do you think it would be a good idea to release the name of the cop?

What do you know of what happened that night?

Do you know if Michael was on drugs? Do you know if he had a weapon? Do you know if he tried a "Knockout" on the cop? Do you know if he was just horsing around?

We do know the cop's face was injured. That came from the Police Chief. But, if Michael was shot in the back, I'm not sure how that is going to play out. Originally, I thought if the cop was hit in the face, he should have run after Michael, not shot him. But if it was a Knockout Game attempt where serious injuries have taken place, I don't know. It should be up to a jury.

But I am not going to play judge and jury here when we don't know the facts. I'd like to think you would wait for the facts, too. If it was a racist cop, let him go to prison for all to see. But don't hang him from a tree before the facts come out.
Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?

Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.
Based on the facts at hand what other conclusion can one come to?

Let me ask you this....have the police handled this situation correctly?

According to you, no. So what good is asking me such a question in the first place? Now let me ask you this:

Are you confident you have all the facts of the matter in hand before accusing this policeman of a hate crime? Perhaps you should do less knee jerking and a bit more researching.
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Do you ever WAIT before jumping to conclusions?
Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?

Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.

Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting. It could have been because he was black, or because there was an altercation, or something verbal between them, or all three.
Tell me, [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], what conclusion have I jumped to?

Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.

Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting. It could have been because he was black, or because there was an altercation, or something verbal between them, or all three.

Or, we can stop speculating. Your choice.
Well, what other conclusion will you jump to when a white cop kills a black man? Racism.

Now excuse me.

Got to admit if the kid was thirty feet away when he got shot two more times, its a reasonable hypothesis that it was an unjust shooting. It could have been because he was black, or because there was an altercation, or something verbal between them, or all three.

Or, we can stop speculating. Your choice.

Yeah well, this is a message board, not a court of law. Thats what people do , express ideas, opinions or speculate. Im not claiming anything is fact. I did say "IF". The lab evidence will help straighten out a lot of the speculation and clarify things
The simian who got shot shoved the cop backwards into the car. Then the simian tried to 'jump' the cop and grab the cop's gun. A single shot was fired INSIDE THE CAR! (Can you all say: "Forensic testing of the car's interior PROVING THIS FACT!?)
The witnesses are once again going to prove how fucking dumb they are by attempting to make up BS 'accounts' of what happened and in so doing will negate all the eye witness reports.
I LOVE the fact that good old ambulance chaser 'Benny' is the family lawyer. WOW! That ought to be good for a few laughs.The simian got his law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. AKA he was 'streamed' through law school. 'Affirmative action' by friends.
"Look everyone. We know these law students would never have got anywhere near a law school without affirmative action. But so what? All they will ever do is work for Blacks who just want to scam insurance companies for a few bucks and the insurance companies just cut a cheque to the lawyer to make the problem go away and the lawyer then waddles off to their Black clients and gives them half the money and they keep the rest. 'Win win'.

Obviously, You are a demonic racist Atheist. No true Christian would talk like that. You need to fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness.
One thing that stands out to me...? When there is a shooting in a black neighborhood and the shooter is black? No one saw anything.
Cop does the shooting and you have a million "witnesses"...funny that.


Maybe it would help if you were to think of it this way...

Look at the police as Big Government and civilians as Big Business.

Does that help any?

How the hell does one equate a bunch of dumbasses looting to big business?
Big business supplies jobs....and I dont have to say what those looting scum bags bring to the table. It's pretty obvious.
But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.
But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.
But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

Sit back and watch.. When Obama gives the criminals from other countries amnesty, the militias will make the Bundy scene look like romper room

But you didn't have a problem when they sent 200 armed agents out to a whites mans ranch and home to seize his land

i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

don't be an idiot. just because a place is public doesn't mean we all have unfettered access to it. i can't go hang out in the federal courthouse at 3 am just because i'm part of the public.

but let's not derail the thread.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

I find it rather interesting that when a black on black shooting happens, not a single witness will come forward to testify on what he or she saw. Am I wrong?
All the alledged witnesses to an alledged murder and no one thought, "Hey that racist cop is harassing that black guy, I should document this with my cellphone."

Would love to poll the residents to find out how many in the vicinity own cellphones with capability. Bet it's a lot, but no footage? Hmm, could it be they did document it but it only confirms the officer's account? Hence why 'no footage available?'
All the alledged witnesses to an alledged murder and no one thought, "Hey that racist cop is harassing that black guy, I should document this with my cellphone."

Would love to poll the residents to find out how many in the vicinity own cellphones with capability. Bet it's a lot, but no footage? Hmm, could it be they did document it but it only confirms the officer's account? Hence why 'no footage available?'

sometimes things happen quickly.

and i don't see how you could think someone would have gotten video of the first encounter.
i know it shouldn't, but sometimes your total, willful ignorance just pisses me off.

i assume you're referencing bundy - nobody took his land nor were they going to. His cattle were trespassing on federal land.

jesus, just try for once to have facts in your hand before you speak.

Federal land is public land. Bundy is part of the public.

don't be an idiot. just because a place is public doesn't mean we all have unfettered access to it. i can't go hang out in the federal courthouse at 3 am just because i'm part of the public.

but let's not derail the thread.

Why doesn't it? Who does the land belong to? We the people, that's who.

Federal courthouse is closed at 3 am and it's quite different than a pasture.

However you can hang out in a federal building all day long during business hours.

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