According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Now I know you're even dumber than I ever imagined.

Turn in one's grave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roll over in his grave | Idiom Reference

So just how stupid does this make you?:lol:

You just made yourself look like worse of a liar. :lol:

Its an NBA reference dummy. Damn you are stupid.

Charles Barkley Kicks Off The NBA Season In Controversial Style | Awful Announcing

he man was going to the basket, Stackhouse hit him, and Shaq went down. Perhaps it was judged a bit more harshly because it looks worse when such a huge man lands awkwardly. Rick Mahorn's gotta be rolling over in his grave.

You dumb fuck....
It's not an NBA reference just because someone in the NBA used it.
Thats no more an NBA reference than jimmy cracked corn is.:cuckoo:

Yeah it pretty much points out you are clueless about the NBA and the vernacular used. Even casual fans know what it means retard.
You just made yourself look like worse of a liar. :lol:

Its an NBA reference dummy. Damn you are stupid.

Charles Barkley Kicks Off The NBA Season In Controversial Style | Awful Announcing

You dumb fuck....
It's not an NBA reference just because someone in the NBA used it.
Thats no more an NBA reference than jimmy cracked corn is.:cuckoo:

Yeah it pretty much points out you are clueless about the NBA and the vernacular used. Even casual fans know what it means retard.

So I guess casual fans in the NFL,NHL and every other alphabet league use's it to right? over in his grave NFL reference

And movie stars....

I could go on forever but you're starting to bore me.
You dumb fuck....
It's not an NBA reference just because someone in the NBA used it.
Thats no more an NBA reference than jimmy cracked corn is.:cuckoo:

Yeah it pretty much points out you are clueless about the NBA and the vernacular used. Even casual fans know what it means retard.

So I guess casual fans in the NFL,NHL and every other alphabet league use's it to right? over in his grave NFL reference

And movie stars....

I could go on forever but you're starting to bore me.

You could go on forever and still not be able to explain the fact that you didnt know it was used predominantly in the NBA because Chuck and Kenny used it a few years back. You should stop embarrassing yourself. You got caught lying. Practically anyone can see that. You are starting to bore me with your lies. Next time dont start something you cant finish.
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One thing that stands out to me...? When there is a shooting in a black neighborhood and the shooter is black? No one saw anything.
Cop does the shooting and you have a million "witnesses"...funny that.

Indeed. Blacks shooting each other so often it isn't even news in many cities any more, but suddenly there are riots over this one? Doesn't pass the smell test, and neither do the so-called 'eyewitnesses' claims.

I've done lots of work in poverty areas, and it's immediately obvious to anyone who causes the problems and crimes and violence, and it isn't 'white people' or 'Da Pigs', and while the media was talking about 'white flight' out of this little combat zone, they take care not to point out that blacks who can afford to flee from these Hoods evacuate them even faster. Obviously they're 'racists' too, apparently.
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Not true-

Where race of the murderer is known, in 2012, 53.4% of murderers where black. Where race of the victim is known, 51% of the victims were black.

In 2012, more than 15 black men were murdered every day in the United States (and almost always by another black man). When was the last time these murders made National News?


They make the news whenever Al Sharpton smells a photo op and a possible multi-million dollar settlement. This is the only time Black Leadership' ever demonstrates any concern at all for 'The Children', and that goes for those who are supposedly the parents of these thugs. There was one 'cop shooting' in Dallas a while back, where a 9 year old was hit by a stray bullet in a gunfight. He was out playing at 2 am in the morning, among the street walkers and drug dealers, on a Tuesday night, during a school year .... See something wrong with that picture? Al didn't show up for that one, for some reason; nobody did.
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Are they showing the victims pictures from when he was 11 years old?

lol ... that will have to wait for the lawyers in Sharpton's 'network' to show up and handle PR for the 'family'. We can be sure it will be soon, though, and Huffington Post will run them forever, just as they still run the Saint Trayvon pic. I saw it on a local news cast just a couple of months ago. The media is still in shock they couldn't lynch Zimmerman; it was a slap in the face and a rebuke of their power, and they hate it, and they will stalk Zimmerman forever to get revenge. The very idea of some poor white prole escaping their censure is too much to bear.
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Oppression of a classification of HUMANS has it's recoils.

Wonder what would have happened with acceptance?
Oppression of a classification of HUMANS has it's recoils.

Wonder what would have happened with acceptance?

Obviously, you are not looking where the race of individuals doesn't matter and character does. Maybe the saying, you reap what you sow applies here, don't know.

But where I come from, I have warm black friends who have charming and funny children who excel in school and black neighbors and colleagues I call friends.

Every race has ne'er do wells and it has nothing to do with their race, but their character. Get out of the gutter and start meeting some real people. You'll see another side of life.
Funny how people bash cops until they come calling for them when an injustice is perpetrated against them. I mean, it's quite telling how the attitude changes. If the cop did something stupid and killed this kid for no reason, throw the book at him. But if it turns out this kid was asking for trouble, people shouldn't be railing on cops here.

Lets not jump to any conclusions here, okay?
One thing that stands out to me...? When there is a shooting in a black neighborhood and the shooter is black? No one saw anything.
Cop does the shooting and you have a million "witnesses"...funny that.


Maybe it would help if you were to think of it this way...

Look at the police as Big Government and civilians as Big Business.

Does that help any?
One thing that stands out to me...? When there is a shooting in a black neighborhood and the shooter is black? No one saw anything.
Cop does the shooting and you have a million "witnesses"...funny that.


Maybe it would help if you were to think of it this way...

Look at the police as Big Government and civilians as Big Business.

Does that help any?
Lets not jump to any conclusions here, okay?

This outlook is fine for the Burbs, but all it will do for you in a combat zone is get you in the hospital or killed. Cops are pretty much going to have a different approach and attitude in some areas than they would have in other environments, it's just necessary; just because they're cops doesn't mean they're somehow supposed to give up their right or sense of self-preservation.
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Lets not jump to any conclusions here, okay?

This outlook is fine for the Burbs, but all it will do for you in a combat zone is get you in the hospital or killed. Cops are pretty much going to have a different approach and attitude in some areas than they would have in other environments, it's just necessary; just because they're cops doesn't mean they're somehow supposed to give up their right or sense of self-preservation.

Not sure if I know what you mean...
Yes you are wrong. I had a actual friend that was VL and he never held his hand like that. Yes you are a dipshit. :lol:

Really? Got any pictures?:lol: No?
What a clown.
Those pics come from the vice lords own website YOU MORON. Website

Why would I take pictures of him flashing a gang sign clown? I wasnt a VL and it was not a big deal to me. I know its fascinating to scary white guys like you. That way you can claim anyone that happens to make the same gesture is a gangsta. You must live in a constant state of fear. :lol:

Well, that much is true. Fear runs RAMPANT in the extreme right.

Uh Oh!

Watch out. She is a gangsta! :lol:

Lets not jump to any conclusions here, okay?

This outlook is fine for the Burbs, but all it will do for you in a combat zone is get you in the hospital or killed. Cops are pretty much going to have a different approach and attitude in some areas than they would have in other environments, it's just necessary; just because they're cops doesn't mean they're somehow supposed to give up their right or sense of self-preservation.


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