According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

You don't know what happened and neither do I. However, I expect if Brown simply requested to speak to an attorney he would be alive today.

I have a great idea of what happened. I have witnesses that have the almost identical story and past experience. You have no clue of what would have happened had the 18 year requested his attorney. Evidently the cop broke all protocol by grabbing the kid around the neck and pulling a gun on him for nothing. What makes you think asking to speak to an attorney would have stopped him?

HA HA HA!! This is too IDIOTIC to be dignified with a response. Seriously. :lol:

Since I wasnt talking to you that would make you an idiot for addressing it. :lol:
You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?

Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.

Is that what you just did? Yet you are complaining about him doing it?


What are you talking about? Why would I complain about him? He is a joke not someone that is actually relevant.
Where is the proof the kid was a criminal? The cop was indeed acting like a vigilante by accosting him with no reason to do so. I keep hearing he was trying to rob a store but I dont see any proof of that.

Where is YOUR proof that the cop was "accosting him with no reason to do so" ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. You don't have any.
The witnesses accounts are a conflicting mish-mash. Some of them say Brown was "tusseling" with the cop. That is a crime (resisting arrest, if not felonious assault on a police officer)

In time, forensics will provide some answers. If Brown's fingerprints or DNA are found on the police car or the cop's uniform, that will give some indication that there was a crime going on here, also indicating a possible valid reason for shooting.

My proof is the witness that was walking with him. So far that's the only proof out there. How would DNA on the cop prove a crime was going on when the cop grabbed him and tried to pull him into the car? I know you are stupid but you do realize DNA doesn't explain how it got there?

That witness' testimony isn't worth a dime. and neither are all the Brown sympathizers. What is worth more is the witnesses (all Black) who say they saw Brown "tussleing " with the cop (which agrees with the cops' version). It's beginning to look lke this will be what will get a grand jury to say > Forget it. No case. End of story. Just another dumb kid who wasn't bright enough to stay away from somebody with a gun, and not tussel with him. You fight with a cop, you get shot. Period.

As for the DNA, there's no reason why Brown's DNA would be on the police car or the uniform if Brown was just following the cop's directions, and allowing himself to be peacefully questioned. Also, the cop happens to have a 6 year impeccable record. That makes the likelihood that he started the altercation very unlikely.

Unless this (like what happened in the Zimmerman case) gets politically twisted by race-hustler Al Sharpton, who has made his gracious appearance, this thing will die in the grand jury (if it even makes it that far).

In the meantime, all those protestors looting, fighting, shooting at a police helicopter, committing arson on the convenience store, and whatever other crimes they committed, should be hunted down, and arrested. For those who say "No justice, no peace", if they disturbed the peace, they'll get THEIR justice all right. In a jail cell.
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I was not talking about my familiarity with fear. i was talking about pansies like you and your racist buddies that talk a big game on the messageboards or running in the other direction to a started waiting vehicle. I understand you are well acquainted with fear be it in the military or around Black guys. However, I was in the military and I was never afraid because I have been in worse situations were I grew up. I can honestly say I dont fear anything except death by drowning.

You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?

Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.

I talk tough on the message board ? HA HA. That's what YOU do, Tinkerbell.

Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:
Where is YOUR proof that the cop was "accosting him with no reason to do so" ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. You don't have any.
The witnesses accounts are a conflicting mish-mash. Some of them say Brown was "tusseling" with the cop. That is a crime (resisting arrest, if not felonious assault on a police officer)

In time, forensics will provide some answers. If Brown's fingerprints or DNA are found on the police car or the cop's uniform, that will give some indication that there was a crime going on here, also indicating a possible valid reason for shooting.

My proof is the witness that was walking with him. So far that's the only proof out there. How would DNA on the cop prove a crime was going on when the cop grabbed him and tried to pull him into the car? I know you are stupid but you do realize DNA doesn't explain how it got there?

That witness' testimony isn't worth a dime. and neither are all the Brown sympathizers. What is worth more is the witnesses (all Black) who say they saw Brown "tussleing " with the cop (which agrees with the cops' version). It's beginning to look lke this will be what will get a grand jury to say > Forget it. No case. End of story. Just another dumb kid who wasn't bright enough to stay away from somebody with a gun, and not tussel with him. You fight with a cop, you get shot. Period.

As for the DNA, there's no reason why Brown's DNA would be on the police car or the uniform if Brown was just following the cop's directions, and allowing himself to be peacefully questioned. Also, the cop happens to have a 6 year impeccable record. That makes the likelihood that he started the altercation very unlikely.

Unless this (like what happened in the Zimmerman case) gets politically twisted by race-hustler Al Sharpton, who has made his gracious appearance, this thing will die in the grand jury (if it even makes it that far).

In the meantime, all those protestors looting, fighting, shooting at a police helicopter, committing arson on the convenience store, and whatever other crimes they committed, should be hunted down, and arrested. For those who say "No justice, no peace", if they disturbed the peace, they'll get THEIR justice all right. In a jail cell.

Why are the witness testimonies not worth a dime? Where are the links to the other Black witnesses testimony that apparently merit worthiness to you?

As for the DNA, if the officer grabbed him and pulled him into the car as the witnesses said that would place DNA on the officer and the car nimrod. :lol:

Again you dont have to allow yourself to be questioned by the cops. Thats your right as a US citizen. Did you go to school or did you flunk out?
Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.

Is that what you just did? Yet you are complaining about him doing it?


What are you talking about? Why would I complain about him? He is a joke not someone that is actually relevant.

That's what YOU are. And everyone know it. You're the laughingstock of this forum, didn't you know ?
You talk a good fight on this message board where your safe, but if you were staring into my eyes in person, you'd probably faint, which would relieve me of the chore of handing you your ass, punk.

So what branch of the military were you in ? And when ?

Like I said you can talk tough on the message board but everyone knows you would be meek as a kitten in person. Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

What do you want to know what branch I was in and why is that relevant? I could have been in the Air Force but that wouldn't make you less of a pussy.

I talk tough on the message board ? HA HA. That's what YOU do, Tinkerbell.

Pussies like you all talk tough. As long as you are safe on the internet. :lol:

Well you are safe then. No worries. Tell us again how you have to answer a cops questions. :lol:
Whatever it is, its sure scary to you isnt it?

I'm beginning to think you believe that the majority of Whites are afraid of Blacks. I have no clue where you got this idea but you are mistaken. Having dark skin does not make a man stronger or more feared, nor does light skin make a man smarter or more moral. Skin color does not define a man. There are both White and Black heroes and cowards just as there are both White and Black geniuses and fools. You would have to look far and wide to find any man – Black or White – who would be afraid of the young man in the picture. He's a good looking youngster but he is obvious out of shape. If he wants to scare anyone he better start hitting the gym.

For the record, I am White and have never been afraid of any man's skin pigment. I'm sure that applies to all my friends, both Black and White.

I wasnt talking to you but I sure must have touched a nerve.

I get that clue from the countless coward white racists that have nothing to say except while accelerating away in pickup trucks. Never has one said anything to my face.

The fact that a gesture is supposed to be a gang sign because a Black kid does it is more proof of that fear.

I dont think a majority of whites are afraid. I know all the racist ones are.

You think you touched a nerve with me? Wrong again. You need to quit thinking that everything you say has people running for cover or that they are somehow suffering from the strength of your argument. You're good but not that good.

Although you did not address me by name, there was a suggestion that the lad in the picture would cause a White man to be afraid just because the young man is Black. As a White man, I decided to set the record straight by pointing out there was nothing to fear from an out-of-shape 18-year old regardless of his race.

Finally, you say: "I dont think a majority of whites are afraid. I know all the racist ones are."

I would make two points which I thought should be obvious:

1. Most Whites are not afraid of Blacks. Period. I have never met a White man who was afraid of another man simply because that man was Black Only fools (both Black and White) think that darker skin equates with superior strength or courage. I never bought into that bullshit. Did you?

2. I have no idea where you got the idea that all racists were afraid of Blacks, but once again you are wrong. There are racists that are not the least afraid of Blacks. There have been more than a few news stories over the years which told of radical racists targeting Blacks and attacking them, often violently and sometimes deadly. I doubt they were afraid of those they attacked.

That "fear of Blacks" thing is a myth. A joke. Sometimes I think that some Blacks enjoy the perception that they strike terror in the hearts of Whites, but that perception is based on ignorance and pure ego.

I'm done with this thread so you can have the last word.
What makes you think it wasn't captured on video?

i'm hoping it was.
dashboard cam, body cam, or someone's cell phone.

If it was a cell phone and it proved the cop did something wrong, it would have already been in the media.

Police cams are not released until after the investigation is completed.

I'm willing to bet if such a video does exist, it will show the officer acted appropriately.

Ferguson police units are not equipped with dash cams.
White people are not afraid of blacks. That's flat silly. What they are now is highly suspicious. Whites aren't afraid that they might be attacked. They expect it. Because they expect it they behave accordingly.
I'm beginning to think you believe that the majority of Whites are afraid of Blacks. I have no clue where you got this idea but you are mistaken. Having dark skin does not make a man stronger or more feared, nor does light skin make a man smarter or more moral. Skin color does not define a man. There are both White and Black heroes and cowards just as there are both White and Black geniuses and fools. You would have to look far and wide to find any man – Black or White – who would be afraid of the young man in the picture. He's a good looking youngster but he is obvious out of shape. If he wants to scare anyone he better start hitting the gym.

For the record, I am White and have never been afraid of any man's skin pigment. I'm sure that applies to all my friends, both Black and White.

I wasnt talking to you but I sure must have touched a nerve.

I get that clue from the countless coward white racists that have nothing to say except while accelerating away in pickup trucks. Never has one said anything to my face.

The fact that a gesture is supposed to be a gang sign because a Black kid does it is more proof of that fear.

I dont think a majority of whites are afraid. I know all the racist ones are.

You think you touched a nerve with me? Wrong again. You need to quit thinking that everything you say has people running for cover or that they are somehow suffering from the strength of your argument. You're good but not that good.

Although you did not address me by name, there was a suggestion that the lad in the picture would cause a White man to be afraid just because the young man is Black. As a White man, I decided to set the record straight by pointing out there was nothing to fear from an out-of-shape 18-year old regardless of his race.

Finally, you say: "I dont think a majority of whites are afraid. I know all the racist ones are."

I would make two points which I thought should be obvious:

1. Most Whites are not afraid of Blacks. Period. I have never met a White man who was afraid of another man simply because that man was Black Only fools (both Black and White) think that darker skin equates with superior strength or courage. I never bought into that bullshit. Did you?

2. I have no idea where you got the idea that all racists were afraid of Blacks, but once again you are wrong. There are racists that are not the least afraid of Blacks. There have been more than a few news stories over the years which told of radical racists targeting Blacks and attacking them, often violently and sometimes deadly. I doubt they were afraid of those they attacked.

That "fear of Blacks" thing is a myth. A joke. Sometimes I think that some Blacks enjoy the perception that they strike terror in the hearts of Whites, but that perception is based on ignorance and pure ego.

I'm done with this thread so you can have the last word.

Its evident I touched a nerve or you would not have responded in the manner you did. It has nothing to do with me being good or not. I dont need to quit thinking anything. I'm an adult and will think as I choose.

You said nothing about what shape the kid was in. You simply jumped in at the suggestion that white people are afraid of Black people to the point that they would label a gesture a gang sign simply because the kid was Black.

I agree that not all whites are afraid of Blacks but there are a lot. I have white friends that have told me lots of whites are afraid of Blacks so I think I will believe them over you. I have met many white racists that would not fight back even when I slapped them hard enough to turn them red trying to provoke a reaction. What would you call that?

As I said above I got that conclusion by personal experience, hearing stories from my grandfather and father, and other Black men accounts from their run ins with white racists.

There is nothing great about having people fear you. It only comes in handy when dealing with people that would attempt to do you harm. Yes that portion of it is funny to me but with white people that are not racist its a burden.

Thanks for letting me have the last word.
The police get out of their car to question someone or speak to them through the window. You don't grab them by the neck and pull a gun on them. You are full of shit as usual.

Police don't have the responsibility to stop and question someone unless there is a reason to. Being Black is not an acceptable reason. Also the person being questioned doesn't have to say anything except I need to speak to my attorney.

Yes we do know what happened. I have heard from at least 3 witnesses.

He didn't stop and question Brown because he was Black. He did it because the 2 guys were walking IN THE STREET, you boob! You know.... where cars need to drive ? Pedestrians are supposed to be on the sidewalk (unless they're crossing the street), not walking right out in the lane of traffic, in front of cars, where cars would have to stop for them.

Yes, the person DOES need to speak. They only have the right to remain silent if they're being arrested, which was not the case initially.

And your 3 witnesses are worth about as much as a rock in the bottom of a pond. They have other witnesses who contradict them and agree with the cops' version, I sense this is where the truth is.

You dont grab people through a window because they were walking in the street you retard.

No the person doesnt need to answer any question. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol:

- You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
- You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
- If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.
- You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
- Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.

I have only heard from 3 witnesses. Where are the other witnesses?

Man you really are stupid, aren't you ?


1. You are shooting your mouth off while being ignorant of all the various witnesses who have come foward, and what they've said. :lol: This is too funny.

2. You don't have a shred of evidence that the cop grabbed Brown through the window (which is highly unlikely noting the cops' good 6 year record) Black protest sympathizers don't qualify as credible witnesses. We don't even know for sure if they were even there at the time (you got a video ?)

3. YES, the person DOES need to answer the cops' questions. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol: As I just educated you > Miranda rights only apply when an arrest is being made (but that wasn't the case initially) Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle :eusa_whistle:) Some people have to be told twice.

4. You do NOT have right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself or your car, once an officer has established probable cause to detain you, which was established by the 2 idiots walking in the street disrupting traffic.

5. NO, you do not have the right to calmly leave while a cop is questioning you.

6. If you don't act correctly, when you are stopped, you run a big risk of being arrested for obstruction of justice, and I just might have saved you from going to jail one of those days, You're welcome. :badgrin:
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Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Well I've seen reports from other witnesses who say that kid reached for the cops gun.

Who does one believe??
Everyone around here with these things already has them in their hands. Can't take that long to start recording video.

IF there is anyone with a video of the incident which 'proves' the cop was in the wrong that video would be in the hands of the FBI by now. There were dozens of Black 'children' roaming the streets.......all "just on their way home".
No video will ever surface b/c 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'. It's the mantra of every inner city thug.
The first words a Black baby learns are 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES'.....from their 'baby-mama'. Who knows who 'daddy' is? All the other Black members in the family are either in jail, about to be put in jail or just about to get out of jail.
On the street if a Black MFer hasn't spent time in jail by the time he's sixteen there's something wrong with the dude.

Who was Mike Brown? Profile of black teenager shot in Missouri -

Any evidence this kid had a criminal record? i understand there is so much about this case yet to come out in the evidence, but it really seems bothersome to me that a cop needs to shoot someone 8 times in the middle of the street. Youve already shot the kid once or twice, you have your gun drawn on him and if his not moving, why not give him an order to lay on the ground.
White people are not afraid of blacks. That's flat silly. What they are now is highly suspicious. Whites aren't afraid that they might be attacked. They expect it. Because they expect it they behave accordingly.

Not all white people are afraid of Black people. I have/had white male friends that were not afraid. I know a lot of white women that are not afraid. However a lot of white people are afraid of Black people. In my experience most of them are backwards thinking racists. That's why they label people as thugs for what they wear and hand gestures.
He didn't stop and question Brown because he was Black. He did it because the 2 guys were walking IN THE STREET, you boob! You know.... where cars need to drive ? Pedestrians are supposed to be on the sidewalk (unless they're crossing the street), not walking right out in the lane of traffic, in front of cars, where cars would have to stop for them.

Yes, the person DOES need to speak. They only have the right to remain silent if they're being arrested, which was not the case initially.

And your 3 witnesses are worth about as much as a rock in the bottom of a pond. They have other witnesses who contradict them and agree with the cops' version, I sense this is where the truth is.

You dont grab people through a window because they were walking in the street you retard.

No the person doesnt need to answer any question. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol:

- You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
- You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
- If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.
- You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
- Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.

I have only heard from 3 witnesses. Where are the other witnesses?

Man you really are stupid, aren't you ?


1. You are shooting your mouth off while being ignorant of all the various witnesses who have come foward, and what they've said. :lol: This is too funny.

2. You don't have a shred of evidence that the cop grabbed Brown through the window (which is highly unlikely noting the cops' good 6 year record) Black protest sympathizers don't qualify as credible witnesses. We don't even know for sure if they were even there at the time (you got a video ?)

3. YES, the person DOES need to answer the cops' questions. Dont you know your rights you clown? What kind of a moron are you? :lol: As I just educated you > Miranda rights only apply when an arrest is being made (but that wasn't the case initially) Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle :eusa_whistle:) Some people have to be told twice.

4. You do NOT have right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself or your car, once an officer has established probable cause to detain you, which was established by the 2 idiots walking in the street disrupting traffic.

5. NO, you do not have the right to calmly leave while a cop is questioning you.

6. If you don't act correctly, when you are stopped, you run a big risk of being arrested for obstruction of justice, and I just might have saved you from going to jail one of those days, You're welcome. :badgrin:

I asked for links to the other witnesses. Did you think I forgot because you went on a rant? BTW the ACLU and my attorney disagrees with your interpretation of your rights. You really cant be this dumb can you?

Stay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.
Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.
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White people are not afraid of blacks. That's flat silly. What they are now is highly suspicious. Whites aren't afraid that they might be attacked. They expect it. Because they expect it they behave accordingly.

Yeah. And this is the "accordingly". Waiting for the first idiot who decides to play the knockout game.

Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Well I've seen reports from other witnesses who say that kid reached for the cops gun.

Who does one believe??

Could you kindly provide a link?
White people are not afraid of blacks. That's flat silly. What they are now is highly suspicious. Whites aren't afraid that they might be attacked. They expect it. Because they expect it they behave accordingly.

Yeah. And this is the "accordingly". Waiting for the first idiot who decides to play the knockout game.


I told you that you were scary. You need a gun. :lol:

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