According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

at this point i am skeptical about the cops story

but i have not heard much

from what i gather

this is going to the grand jury

as for the aftermath

i dont know how many have been raising concerns over the

militarization of local police departments

It all stinks.. the whole damn thing ... and someone paid with their life.. We all need to demand justice.

i want to see all the facts in the case

but it does not look good for the cop

at this point

They'll have their day in court to defend this cops actions but in the meantime we're watching this Police dept shred the Constitution ... I promise you, this can be in any city USA so anyone making this about race, needs to wise the hell up and realize the dangerous precedent this sets.. Every person in this country regardless of race should be worried..
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

yeah, and I bet every single "witness" was black too.:eusa_hand:

So what? Is there a rule that says the witnesses have to be a certain race.

CNN Poll on the OJ Simpson verdict, October 6, 1995:

Jury did the right thing

Whites 41%
African-Americans 88%

Opinion of O.J. Simpson

Whites African-Americans
Guilty 62% 14%
Not guilty 21% 66%

2nd witness is interviewed live on Lawrence O'Donnell show!

Eyewitness to Brown shooting tells her story | MSNBC

For those who were apprehensive about the witnesses in the Michael Brown shooting click on the link and put those doubts aside. Meet Tiffany Mitchell: A bright, articulate beautiful, self-confident and courageous Black woman. She made me proud!

The silk skinned black diva looked right into the camera during her interview on the Lawrence O’Donnel show. Fashionably garbed in a Black dress that could have been worn by royalty, Tiffany’s presence was the abject essence of class! The high forehead and large wide set eyes announced her high cognitive ability before she spoke a single word. When she did part her luscious lips to speak, there was not even a hint of hip-hop gangsterism or Ebonics.

Tiffany didn’t know Michael Brown and did not even live in that part of town. She just happened to be driving by when the whole thing started. She got out of her car and was in close proximity to the incident. Her story echoes that of the other witness.

Damn, you'd have a great career as a writer for Cosmo or some fashion magazine. Maybe Ebony.

This interview is probably going to be bad news for the prosecution at trial for if she changes any point between now and then then that puts her credibility in question and that's going to be Mission #1 for the defense.

What she describes is Brown fleeing the officer. The officer alleges assault. That right there gives the officer cause to purse and quite possibly to shoot.

The problem for the officer's position occurs right at the last - did he gun down an already wounded and surrendering Brown? Was it an execution. She makes it sound like an execution.

Forensics don't lie and will tell the truth as to whether or not he was shot in the back and then gunned down like a dog.

whether he was shot in the back or not

it still looks like he was gunned down like a dog

the body seems pretty far away from the cops car
It all stinks.. the whole damn thing ... and someone paid with their life.. We all need to demand justice.

i want to see all the facts in the case

but it does not look good for the cop

at this point

They'll have their day in court to defend this cops actions but in the meantime we're watching this Police dept shred the Constitution ... I promise you, this can be in any city USA so anyone making this about race, needs to wise the hell up and realize the dangerous precedent this sets.. Every person in this country regardless of race should be worried..

you are preaching to the choir
yeah, and I bet every single "witness" was black too.:eusa_hand:

So what? Is there a rule that says the witnesses have to be a certain race.

CNN Poll on the OJ Simpson verdict, October 6, 1995:

Jury did the right thing

Whites 41%
African-Americans 88%

Opinion of O.J. Simpson

Whites African-Americans
Guilty 62% 14%
Not guilty 21% 66%

You forgot to mention the reputation of the LAPD. It played a large part in that stupid.
So what? Is there a rule that says the witnesses have to be a certain race.

CNN Poll on the OJ Simpson verdict, October 6, 1995:

Jury did the right thing

Whites 41%
African-Americans 88%

Opinion of O.J. Simpson

Whites African-Americans
Guilty 62% 14%
Not guilty 21% 66%

You forgot to mention the reputation of the LAPD. It played a large part in that stupid.

What does that have to do with some black viewer in Atlanta having a different opinion from a white viewer in Atlanta? They're not dealing with the LAPD.

The problem here is racial solidarity. Blacks showed a remarkably degree of racial solidarity during the OJ fiasco. Forget the LAPD, CNN asked people's opinion of OJ - 62% of whites thought he was guilty compared to only 14% of blacks. Everyone saw the same damn evidence presented at trial so WHY did whites and blacks reach such diametrically opposite conclusions as to OJ's guilt?

If a lot of black residents have a hate-on for the Ferguson PD because of their own interactions with the department, this presents a perfect opportunity to stick it to the man. Racial solidarity before truth and honor. You asked what the race of the witnesses had to do with anything - well this is what is in play. Knowing how important racial solidarity is to the community how can outsiders parse what is true from what is false in statements arising from this kind of environment. Witnesses with axes to grind are not the most reliable witnesses.
CNN Poll on the OJ Simpson verdict, October 6, 1995:

Jury did the right thing

Whites 41%
African-Americans 88%

Opinion of O.J. Simpson

Whites African-Americans
Guilty 62% 14%
Not guilty 21% 66%

You forgot to mention the reputation of the LAPD. It played a large part in that stupid.

What does that have to do with some black viewer in Atlanta having a different opinion from a white viewer in Atlanta? They're not dealing with the LAPD.

The problem here is racial solidarity. Blacks showed a remarkably degree of racial solidarity during the OJ fiasco. Forget the LAPD, CNN asked people's opinion of OJ - 62% of whites thought he was guilty compared to only 14% of blacks. Everyone saw the same damn evidence presented at trial so WHY did whites and blacks reach such diametrically opposite conclusions as to OJ's guilt?

If a lot of black residents have a hate-on for the Ferguson PD because of their own interactions with the department, this presents a perfect opportunity to stick it to the man. Racial solidarity before truth and honor. You asked what the race of the witnesses had to do with anything - well this is what is in play. Knowing how important racial solidarity is to the community how can outsiders parse what is true from what is false in statements arising from this kind of environment. Witnesses with axes to grind are not the most reliable witnesses.

The difference is a history of cops framing and abusing blacks.
CNN Poll on the OJ Simpson verdict, October 6, 1995:

Jury did the right thing

Whites 41%
African-Americans 88%

Opinion of O.J. Simpson

Whites African-Americans
Guilty 62% 14%
Not guilty 21% 66%

You forgot to mention the reputation of the LAPD. It played a large part in that stupid.

What does that have to do with some black viewer in Atlanta having a different opinion from a white viewer in Atlanta? They're not dealing with the LAPD.

The problem here is racial solidarity. Blacks showed a remarkably degree of racial solidarity during the OJ fiasco. Forget the LAPD, CNN asked people's opinion of OJ - 62% of whites thought he was guilty compared to only 14% of blacks. Everyone saw the same damn evidence presented at trial so WHY did whites and blacks reach such diametrically opposite conclusions as to OJ's guilt?

If a lot of black residents have a hate-on for the Ferguson PD because of their own interactions with the department, this presents a perfect opportunity to stick it to the man. Racial solidarity before truth and honor. You asked what the race of the witnesses had to do with anything - well this is what is in play. Knowing how important racial solidarity is to the community how can outsiders parse what is true from what is false in statements arising from this kind of environment. Witnesses with axes to grind are not the most reliable witnesses.

White viewers in Atlanta would have no knowledge of racial brutality in LA like most whites that thought Black people were lying before video came out. Most Black people know other Black people and news spreads quickly not to mention the history every since the 60's.

Sorry you cant make me forget the LAPD. The whole force was rotten to the core. I'm not concerned with what you think of the witnesses reliability. You wont be juror so I could give a shit what you think.
Damn, you'd have a great career as a writer for Cosmo or some fashion magazine. Maybe Ebony.

This interview is probably going to be bad news for the prosecution at trial for if she changes any point between now and then then that puts her credibility in question and that's going to be Mission #1 for the defense.

What she describes is Brown fleeing the officer. The officer alleges assault. That right there gives the officer cause to purse and quite possibly to shoot.

The problem for the officer's position occurs right at the last - did he gun down an already wounded and surrendering Brown? Was it an execution. She makes it sound like an execution.

Forensics don't lie and will tell the truth as to whether or not he was shot in the back and then gunned down like a dog.

whether he was shot in the back or not

it still looks like he was gunned down like a dog

the body seems pretty far away from the cops car

Police are permitted to chase criminals. Who knows how Brown escalated his crimes. First it was walking in the street. Then he refused to follow a lawful order. Then there was a scuffle with the officer. Was that resisting arrest? We don't know. The officer thought the incident required pulling his firearm and that's always a paperwork headache for police officers. Then he fired. This is more headache for the officer so it's likely a justified action. Now we're into assault of a police officer territory, then fleeing. That definitely warrants a pursuit.
Forensics don't lie and will tell the truth as to whether or not he was shot in the back and then gunned down like a dog.

whether he was shot in the back or not

it still looks like he was gunned down like a dog

the body seems pretty far away from the cops car

Police are permitted to chase criminals. Who knows how Brown escalated his crimes. First it was walking in the street. Then he refused to follow a lawful order. Then there was a scuffle with the officer. Was that resisting arrest? We don't know. The officer thought the incident required pulling his firearm and that's always a paperwork headache for police officers. Then he fired. This is more headache for the officer so it's likely a justified action. Now we're into assault of a police officer territory, then fleeing. That definitely warrants a pursuit.

It doesnt warrant shooting even if everything you said was actually true. This fucker is going down. Start crying now.
Forensics don't lie and will tell the truth as to whether or not he was shot in the back and then gunned down like a dog.

whether he was shot in the back or not

it still looks like he was gunned down like a dog

the body seems pretty far away from the cops car

Police are permitted to chase criminals. Who knows how Brown escalated his crimes. First it was walking in the street. Then he refused to follow a lawful order. Then there was a scuffle with the officer. Was that resisting arrest? We don't know. The officer thought the incident required pulling his firearm and that's always a paperwork headache for police officers. Then he fired. This is more headache for the officer so it's likely a justified action. Now we're into assault of a police officer territory, then fleeing. That definitely warrants a pursuit.

we will have to wait and see the facts

early reports said the cop was there

responding to quicktrip reporting a shoplifting add insult to injury, they left that young man laying in the street for four hours. no ambulance. no medical personnel. Just left him laying there. That cop murdered him, and his buds tried to cover it up.
Did that guy just say the shooting was likely justified because cops hate paperwork. Really??!?!

:lol: How racists justify their thought process is hilarious. What an idiot....but, he fits in well at USMB
whether he was shot in the back or not

it still looks like he was gunned down like a dog

the body seems pretty far away from the cops car

Police are permitted to chase criminals. Who knows how Brown escalated his crimes. First it was walking in the street. Then he refused to follow a lawful order. Then there was a scuffle with the officer. Was that resisting arrest? We don't know. The officer thought the incident required pulling his firearm and that's always a paperwork headache for police officers. Then he fired. This is more headache for the officer so it's likely a justified action. Now we're into assault of a police officer territory, then fleeing. That definitely warrants a pursuit.

It doesnt warrant shooting even if everything you said was actually true. This fucker is going down. Start crying now.

As I already said in response to that female witness video - everything the cop did could be justified, including the first wounding of Brown. Once Brown was surrendering is where the cop's position deteriorates (if the witness accounts are accurate) because now it looks like an execution of a suspect who was surrendering after giving up on fleeing.
Police are permitted to chase criminals. Who knows how Brown escalated his crimes. First it was walking in the street. Then he refused to follow a lawful order. Then there was a scuffle with the officer. Was that resisting arrest? We don't know. The officer thought the incident required pulling his firearm and that's always a paperwork headache for police officers. Then he fired. This is more headache for the officer so it's likely a justified action. Now we're into assault of a police officer territory, then fleeing. That definitely warrants a pursuit.

It doesnt warrant shooting even if everything you said was actually true. This fucker is going down. Start crying now.

As I already said in response to that female witness video - everything the cop did could be justified, including the first wounding of Brown. Once Brown was surrendering is where the cop's position deteriorates (if the witness accounts are accurate) because now it looks like an execution of a suspect who was surrendering after giving up on fleeing.

As I already said in response to that female witness video

she said didnt see what happened in the beginning

that led up to the first shot from the vehicle
Did that guy just say the shooting was likely justified because cops hate paperwork. Really??!?!

What's so hard to understand? When a cop fires a gun at someone there are consequences for the cop. This means that cops aren't frivolously firing their guns. For this cop to fire his gun suggests that he believed doing so was warranted by the circumstances.
Did that guy just say the shooting was likely justified because cops hate paperwork. Really??!?!

What's so hard to understand? When a cop fires a gun at someone there are consequences for the cop. This means that cops aren't frivolously firing their guns. For this cop to fire his gun suggests that he believed doing so was warranted by the circumstances.

:lol: No it doesn't. Ridiculously pathetic argument on your part to say the cop must be innocent because he didn't want to do the paperwork. Simply fucking pathetic.

That cop must have been a white angel...hell, he shouldn't have to do any paperwork...he only shot a ******.
Did that guy just say the shooting was likely justified because cops hate paperwork. Really??!?!

What's so hard to understand? When a cop fires a gun at someone there are consequences for the cop. This means that cops aren't frivolously firing their guns. For this cop to fire his gun suggests that he believed doing so was warranted by the circumstances.

or the system is corrupt beyond the wildest dreams

i do find it strange that the cops there

do not have dash cams
It doesnt warrant shooting even if everything you said was actually true. This fucker is going down. Start crying now.

As I already said in response to that female witness video - everything the cop did could be justified, including the first wounding of Brown. Once Brown was surrendering is where the cop's position deteriorates (if the witness accounts are accurate) because now it looks like an execution of a suspect who was surrendering after giving up on fleeing.

As I already said in response to that female witness video

she said didnt see what happened in the beginning

that led up to the first shot from the vehicle

But she described what happened at the very end - that's the heart of this issue. Even if the cop's story is correct and verifiable from the beginning but the end happened as she described, how does the cop justify shooting at a man who is down or has his hands up?

What happened in those last moments is the key to the whole outcome.
Did that guy just say the shooting was likely justified because cops hate paperwork. Really??!?!

What's so hard to understand? When a cop fires a gun at someone there are consequences for the cop. This means that cops aren't frivolously firing their guns. For this cop to fire his gun suggests that he believed doing so was warranted by the circumstances.

:lol: No it doesn't. Ridiculously pathetic argument on your part to say the cop must be innocent because he didn't want to do the paperwork. Simply fucking pathetic.

That cop must have been a white angel...hell, he shouldn't have to do any paperwork...he only shot a ******.

You're not big on reading comprehension, are you? Give it another try.

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