According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

2m7999s.gif add insult to injury, they left that young man laying in the street for four hours. no ambulance. no medical personnel. Just left him laying there. That cop murdered him, and his buds tried to cover it up.

According to one of the witnesses at the scene, neither the shooter or any of the responding officers attempted to perform CPR or to resuscitate Brown in any way.
it, reportedly, took 35 to 40 minutes for an ambulance to get there and not ONE cop, checked for vitals. The police officers standing guard over the scene also prevented anyone else from approaching and offering medical assistance to Brown. add insult to injury, they left that young man laying in the street for four hours. no ambulance. no medical personnel. Just left him laying there. That cop murdered him, and his buds tried to cover it up.

According to one of the witnesses at the scene, neither the shooter or any of the responding officers attempted to perform CPR or to resuscitate Brown in any way.
it, reportedly, took 35 to 40 minutes for an ambulance to get there and not ONE cop, checked for vitals. The police officers standing guard over the scene also prevented anyone else from approaching and offering medical assistance to Brown.

Yes... those were the same people who ASSURED us that Brown was the salt of the earth and that there was NO CHANCE that Brown was robbing, accosting and threatening innocent people.

Last edited by a moderator: add insult to injury, they left that young man laying in the street for four hours. no ambulance. no medical personnel. Just left him laying there. That cop murdered him, and his buds tried to cover it up.

According to one of the witnesses at the scene, neither the shooter or any of the responding officers attempted to perform CPR or to resuscitate Brown in any way.
it, reportedly, took 35 to 40 minutes for an ambulance to get there and not ONE cop, checked for vitals. The police officers standing guard over the scene also prevented anyone else from approaching and offering medical assistance to Brown.

Yes... those were the same people who ASSURED us that Brown was the salt of the earth and that there was NO CHANCE that Brown was robbing, accosting and threatening innocent people.

i knew through the daily cos

reported that he had "shop;lifted"

but strong armed robbery is quite different

for a gentle giant
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This is a tough call. I know there are "bad" cops out there, but it's also pretty scary to be a cop I imagine, if you think a perp is reaching for a weapon to shoot you or something. I don't know how much thought I would give if I thought a person was going to shoot me or something.

I don't know why anyone would think a cop would do this on purpose though. I'm quite SURE he is aware of the ire it would cause and that it is pretty much guaranteed to destroy his career as a police officer. I think it's very FEW officers that would shoot and kill a suspect "just because." I believe that most of these are accidental shootings.

Can't say about this one yet, as there really aren't enough definitive details available yet. I would like to wait and hear what evidence comes out of the investigation once completed.
This is a tough call. I know there are "bad" cops out there, but it's also pretty scary to be a cop I imagine, if you think a perp is reaching for a weapon to shoot you or something. I don't know how much thought I would give if I thought a person was going to shoot me or something.

I don't know why anyone would think a cop would do this on purpose though. I'm quite SURE he is aware of the ire it would cause and that it is pretty much guaranteed to destroy his career as a police officer. I think it's very FEW officers that would shoot and kill a suspect "just because." I believe that most of these are accidental shootings.

Can't say about this one yet, as there really aren't enough definitive details available yet. I would like to wait and hear what evidence comes out of the investigation once completed.

Evidently you dont have the exposure to cops that do crazy stuff like this. I'm going to guess you did not grow up being harassed by cops and having things planted on you?
This is a tough call. I know there are "bad" cops out there, but it's also pretty scary to be a cop I imagine, if you think a perp is reaching for a weapon to shoot you or something. I don't know how much thought I would give if I thought a person was going to shoot me or something.

I don't know why anyone would think a cop would do this on purpose though. I'm quite SURE he is aware of the ire it would cause and that it is pretty much guaranteed to destroy his career as a police officer. I think it's very FEW officers that would shoot and kill a suspect "just because." I believe that most of these are accidental shootings.

Can't say about this one yet, as there really aren't enough definitive details available yet. I would like to wait and hear what evidence comes out of the investigation once completed.

Evidently you dont have the exposure to cops that do crazy stuff like this. I'm going to guess you did not grow up being harassed by cops and having things planted on you?

Planting something on someone and killing someone are two entirely different things.
This is a tough call. I know there are "bad" cops out there, but it's also pretty scary to be a cop I imagine, if you think a perp is reaching for a weapon to shoot you or something. I don't know how much thought I would give if I thought a person was going to shoot me or something.

I don't know why anyone would think a cop would do this on purpose though. I'm quite SURE he is aware of the ire it would cause and that it is pretty much guaranteed to destroy his career as a police officer. I think it's very FEW officers that would shoot and kill a suspect "just because." I believe that most of these are accidental shootings.

Can't say about this one yet, as there really aren't enough definitive details available yet. I would like to wait and hear what evidence comes out of the investigation once completed.

Evidently you dont have the exposure to cops that do crazy stuff like this. I'm going to guess you did not grow up being harassed by cops and having things planted on you?

Planting something on someone and killing someone are two entirely different things.

Not really. Planting a murder weapon on someone pretty much ends their life. If you are a cop and you have lost your integrity whats to stop you from shooting someone in cold blood?
Evidently you dont have the exposure to cops that do crazy stuff like this. I'm going to guess you did not grow up being harassed by cops and having things planted on you?

Planting something on someone and killing someone are two entirely different things.

Not really. Planting a murder weapon on someone pretty much ends their life. If you are a cop and you have lost your integrity whats to stop you from shooting someone in cold blood?

What stops you? Exactly what is going on now with this cop. What motivation would he have for destroying his life and career?
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Piaget was the first person I saw in a televised interview, on her balcony describing what she saw. Subsequent witnesses basically said the same thing. Unless there is some vast conspiracy that came together very, very quickly in Ferguson, the cops are lying their asses off. Big surprise.

A friend of mine is a retired television news director from Philadelphia. He has told me int the past that the way police treat blacks is beyond reprehensible.

Another friend of mine was the editor for "Real Stories of the Highway Patrol". He quit after 10 episodes because he said he couldn't stomach their brutality and racism. He was told to cut out any scenes that made them look bad. Big surprise.
Planting something on someone and killing someone are two entirely different things.

Not really. Planting a murder weapon on someone pretty much ends their life. If you are a cop and you have lost your integrity whats to stop you from shooting someone in cold blood?

What stops you? Exactly what is going on now with this cop. What motivation would he have for destroying his life and career?

Stupidity and poor training. add insult to injury, they left that young man laying in the street for four hours. no ambulance. no medical personnel. Just left him laying there. That cop murdered him, and his buds tried to cover it up.

According to one of the witnesses at the scene, neither the shooter or any of the responding officers attempted to perform CPR or to resuscitate Brown in any way.
it, reportedly, took 35 to 40 minutes for an ambulance to get there and not ONE cop, checked for vitals. The police officers standing guard over the scene also prevented anyone else from approaching and offering medical assistance to Brown.

Yep, that's what is being reported. And so much for Obama handing out all those free cell phones to black people because no one has come forward with video. Or else the cops do what they always do and gather up cell phones of any witnesses.
Not really. Planting a murder weapon on someone pretty much ends their life. If you are a cop and you have lost your integrity whats to stop you from shooting someone in cold blood?

What stops you? Exactly what is going on now with this cop. What motivation would he have for destroying his life and career?

Stupidity and poor training.

That can definitely play a role in some accidental shootings. Just look to the NYPD for proof of poor training and stupidity. Lol.

NYPD Gunfire In Empire State Building Shooting Wounded All Nine Bystanders, Says Ray Kelly
I think most shootings by the cops are probably justified, because the officer really did fear for his or others' safety at the time. I think the second most common type of police shooting is probably due to accidental causes, and that intentional shootings of innocent citizens is most rare.

Sure, cops can be tyrannical jerks, but that doesn't make them murderers.

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