Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Here's a stunning example of a dingbat named Tom Connel (Sky News), who like Shusha, is satisfied that Israel acts ethically until he gets slapped down and rightly ridiculed for his staggering stupidity, here he goes on about "but Israel asked them to leave, they weren't actually targeting civilians" another lie oft repeated by the Zionist tribalists here:


Nobody with a conscience should trust the Israeli authorities, and nobody should defend them.
Jews have been accused of murdering gentiles and using their blood for Passover wine, poisoning water wells of Palestinians and harvesting their organs, and now… another example of this reprehensible antisemitic trope, being accused of “genocide” of Palestinians.

This outrageous lie is used to further hate against Jews, as is the similar antisemitic comparison of Israel to a Nazi Germany - particularly heinous given what antisemites did to Jews there.

The “genocide” accusation is a vicious lie. If the Jews really wanted to genocide Gazans, they would have all been dead by mid-October 2023. That 99.5% remain alive, DESPITE the terrorists using them as body armor and hoping to drive the number higher, is a testament to Israel’s restraint.

Anyone who promotes the genocide lie is intentionally trying to drive hate for Jews, and will be called out for his antisemitism.

Before statehood Israel murdered over six hundred British peacekeepers. What do you call that?
...the depths to which Zionists have sunk. They are human filth, greedy, murderous, violent, racist, ruthless and it is sickening to then hear you play the victim card.

See? This is the monster you are creating inside your own head. And no matter how reasonably, calmly, and expertly I answer your questions or respond to you, it always comes to this vile diatribe against Jews. You have no capacity to have a discussion with real Jews, you only want to put the monster on display.
Here's a stunning example of a dingbat named Tom Connel (Sky News), who like Shusha, is satisfied that Israel acts ethically until he gets slapped down and rightly ridiculed for his staggering stupidity, here he goes on about "but Israel asked them to leave, they weren't actually targeting civilians" another lie oft repeated by the Zionist tribalists here:

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Nobody with a conscience should trust the Israeli authorities, and nobody should defend them.

Oh, seriously. The evacuation of non-combatants from areas of battle is accepted when everyone else in the world does it. Oh, except Jews. Double standards. The "no where to go" argument is lame. Egypt had the capacity, location, and obligation to provide a safe haven for refugees fleeing from conflict. And when that option was denied, Israel did the correct thing by internally moving non-combatants away from areas of battle.
See? This is the monster you are creating inside your own head. And no matter how reasonably, calmly, and expertly I answer your questions or respond to you, it always comes to this vile diatribe against Jews. You have no capacity to have a discussion with real Jews, you only want to put the monster on display.
Nothing an antisemite loves more than to taunt and infuriate a Jew.
What's your definition of a Zionist?
As Noam Chomsky has explained, he used to be a Zionist back in the late 30s but he no longer is. Not because he's changed but because Zionism has changed.

Zionism is best defined by what it represents today, what has Zionism led to since the Balfour Declaration, Israel is a Zionist state, the result of militant Zionism that began under the British mandate.

This embraces a fierce nationalism, a racial supremacy, a devotion to "blood and soil" and a state determination to seize territory.

So for me Zionism is the ideology manifest by the state, and a Zionist is a person who supports and defends that ideology.

I mostly say "militant Zionism" to distinguish it from the earlier Zionism which was primarily to create a place/state where Jews could be guaranteed freedom and safety from antisemitism.
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Oh, seriously. The evacuation of non-combatants from areas of battle is accepted when everyone else in the world does it.
As was explained Gaza has the highest population density in the world and asking people to "move south" or whatever in such a situation when they are also hemmed in by a barbed wired wall is frankly and obscenity.

If it were Jews in that situation I think we both know very well what it would be described as.
Oh, except Jews. Double standards. The "no where to go" argument is lame.
Don't start with the persecution complex again, grow up.
Egypt had the capacity, location, and obligation to provide a safe haven for refugees fleeing from conflict.
That's right, blame the Egyptians for not allowing Israel to ethnically cleanse Gaza.
And when that option was denied, Israel did the correct thing by internally moving non-combatants away from areas of battle.
The word "correct" and "Israel" do not go well together.
As was explained Gaza has the highest population density in the world and asking people to "move south" or whatever in such a situation when they are also hemmed in by a barbed wired wall is frankly and obscenity.

No, it is common, accepted practice. It was astonishingly well-executed by Israel in this war, despite the limitations placed on the people of Gaza by Egypt.

And Gaza has no where near the "highest population density in the world".
No, it is common, accepted practice. It was astonishingly well-executed by Israel in this war, despite the limitations placed on the people of Gaza by Egypt.
Its also common accepted practice where I come from to oppose bullying and racism and racial supremacist ideologies, we had enough of that in WW2, embellishing your replies with superlatives to describe the hellhole make it sounds like the Nazis with an emphasis on "astonishingly well executed" when thousands of people are being slaughtered day after day.

Such a detached matter of fact perception of millions of desperate, injured, starving, dying people is one of the things that characterized the Nazis.
And Gaza has no where near the "highest population density in the world".
I stand corrected, the Gaza strip has a density of 15,603 people/sqm, exceeded only by Macau and Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong, thriving metropolitan areas not subsistence level facilities hemmed in by a barbed wired wall and managed like an open prison.
Such a detached matter of fact perception of millions of desperate, injured, starving, dying people is one of the things that characterized the Nazis.

I see that we have reached the point of the day or the conversation where you have nothing but personal attacks.

Don't mistake my ability to calmly and rationally respond to specific topics as asked with an inability to be upset and emotional about the suffering in Gaza that Hamas has caused.
As Noam Chomsky has explained, he used to be a Zionist back in the late 30s but he no longer is. Not because he's changed but because Zionism has changed.

Zionism is best defined by what it represents today, what has Zionism led to since the Balfour Declaration, Israel is a Zionist state, the result of militant Zionism that began under the British mandate.

This embraces a fierce nationalism, a racial supremacy, a devotion to "blood and soil" and a state determination to seize territory.

So for me Zionism is the ideology manifest by the state, and a Zionist is a person who supports and defends that ideology.

I mostly say "militant Zionism" to distinguish it from the earlier Zionism which was primarily to create a place/state where Jews could be guaranteed freedom and safety from antisemitism.

This doesn't make sense.

If No'am Chomsky didn't change,
and you use his definition of early Zionism,
while also framing it as militant, then does it make Chomsky an "early militant Zionist"?

Sadly you turn another interesting discussion into vulgar demagoguery void of meaning.

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