Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Nope….anyone who likens Israel to the SS is antisemitic, in accordance with the accepted definition.
There are similarities though, why pretend there aren't?
If you want to spew your Jew-hating lies, don’t then demand for decent people to say it’s not antisemitic. You will be called out.
Lies, oh yes like the lies about Zionist Jews using biological warfare against Palestinians in 1948? that's a lie is it? The Nazis also poisoned their victims, so right there is another similarity - Zionism and Nazism resorted to biological weapons as part of their political goals.

Now if that's being "antisemitic" then its also being teutophobic, so is it wrong to accuse Nazis of using chemical weapons?

Jews are people, some are good and some are evil, some are as evil as Heydrich was, evil is evil and knows no racial boundaries, don't be fooled, being born a "Jew" does not guarantee you won't be evil, just look at the rag tag bunch of racist slobs that permeate the Knesset.
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The genocide carried out by the Nazis is the gold standard Zionists use as their benchmark. The insinuation is that unless it mimics the numbers, rates and techniques of the Nazis then it's not really genocide and so therefore Israel is not committing genocide.

But the history of the term "genocide" is important here, the term was coined before the Nazis mass extermination campaigns became known to the world at large. It was a Jew - Raphael Lemkin, who created the word, here's his definition:

"The destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group" in which its members were not targeted as individuals, but rather as members of the group. The objectives of genocide "would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups".

I think any sensible mind will agree, the things taking place in Gaza tally with Lemkin's definition, we can see too that Genocide has been under way in one form or another decades before the recent Oct 7th reprisals carried out by the Zionist regime.
Just like the Nazis, press freedom cannot be tolerated in the "modern" Israel with it's "democratic" institutions, they don't want the public to know what they're up to in the West Bank. The Israelis are often paranoid, evil tends to be like that.

We are talking about two different things. But as far as the 99.5%, yes….that is the percentage of Gazans who are still alive after a year of war. That, combined with the knowledge that Israel could kill all of them within a week, is evidence that this is not a genocide.

And anyone saying it is is an antisemite, or in a small percentage of cases, just ignorant.
So if I said that after WW2 almost 70% of Jews were "still alive", would that mean there was not actually a genocide? How could it be a genocide if only 30% of Jews were exterminated?
I don't know about you, but I don't bookmark every article or video I've ever come across that contradicts the official version of events. Apparently I should have done that.... but I'm starting to get the feeling that no matter what I share, you'd probably find a way to deny it or explain it away.

There's just WAY too much stuff to get into. Starting from the creation of "Hamas" itself. But I will share a short clip on that. Again, direct quotes from those in the know....

View attachment 1015987

Here, in case anyone is interested, this is a large collection of sources that I have accumulated since Oct 7th that relate to Israel's crimes in one way or another:

Yes anyone who says anything against Israeli war crimes is a antisemite, got it.
But you haven't SAID anything about Israel's actions in the war, nor given any evidence for your accusations. You have just flung mud around.
45,000 people are dead! How is that not genocide?
Because there is no intent to destroy a group of people based on their racial, ethnic, religious, or national identity. There is only the intent to return the hostages, destroy Hamas' military infrastructure, and dismantle Hamas' ability to repeat the October 7 invasion. As I've been saying, the threshold for genocide is not in numbers or percentages -- it is intent.
The genocide carried out by the Nazis is the gold standard Zionists use as their benchmark. The insinuation is that unless it mimics the numbers, rates and techniques of the Nazis then it's not really genocide and so therefore Israel is not committing genocide.
Only if you entirely ignore everything the "Zionists" actually say on this thread and others, and put words in our mouths. What we are actually doing is differentiating a war (a just and necessary war) and a genocide.
I think any sensible mind will agree, the things taking place in Gaza tally with Lemkin's definition, we can see too that Genocide has been under way in one form or another decades before the recent Oct 7th reprisals carried out by the Zionist regime.
Another inversion of the truth. Israel's actions in Gaza are demonstrably NOT attempting to destroy members of a national or ethnic group based solely on their membership in that group. Israel is demonstrably targeting Hamas and Hamas infrastructure.
Only if you entirely ignore everything the "Zionists" actually say on this thread and others, and put words in our mouths. What we are actually doing is differentiating a war (a just and necessary war) and a genocide.

Another inversion of the truth. Israel's actions in Gaza are demonstrably NOT attempting to destroy members of a national or ethnic group based solely on their membership in that group. Israel is demonstrably targeting Hamas and Hamas infrastructure.
Only a deranged right wing nationalist can say that destroying Palestinian men, women and children, schools, hospitals, water pumps, journalists, ambulances, apartments, doctors and nurses, is not destroying.

Killing ten women and children while "targeting" one has the same outcome as targeting eleven people.

Let me ask you if a 10:1 casualty rate of civilians to terrorists is acceptable, is there an upper limit? if Israel killed 500 civilians in order to also kill 1 terrorist, would you say "Stop this is too much"? or do you simply not give a f*ck how many people the Israelis kill?
But you haven't SAID anything about Israel's actions in the war, nor given any evidence for your accusations. You have just flung mud around.
What mud? i have called Israel out for it's war crimes in Gaza the West bank and Lebanon.
Only a deranged right wing nationalist can say that destroying Palestinian men, women and children, schools, hospitals, water pumps, journalists, ambulances, apartments, doctors and nurses, is not destroying.
Can you read? Israel is absolutely destroying Hamas and Hamas infrastructure. Israel is demonstrably NOT intentionally destroying a national group. Don't twist my words. If you have to twist my words in order to produce an argument, it is only proof that you have no argument.
Let me ask you if a 10:1 casualty rate of civilians to terrorists is acceptable, is there an upper limit? if Israel killed 500 civilians in order to also kill 1 terrorist, would you say "Stop this is too much"?
Of course, there is a point where the proportional risk of harm to non-combatants is greater than the military advantage achieved. Of course, there is. That is WHY Israel goes to such lengths to gather accurate intelligence, to measure this risk, to apply a legal and moral assessment, and to only carry out a targeted attack when the proportionality is within acceptable limits. NO ONE HERE IS SAYING that Israel should ignore the IHL custom of proportionality and disregard the moral equation.

You are accusing us of immorality and evil intent based on your false perceptions of us, rather than on the evidence before you about what we actually say. That is the core of antisemitism. You imagine us as monsters, then force us to defend ourselves against your imaginary creation.
Only if you entirely ignore everything the "Zionists" actually say on this thread and others, and put words in our mouths. What we are actually doing is differentiating a war (a just and necessary war) and a genocide.

Another inversion of the truth. Israel's actions in Gaza are demonstrably NOT attempting to destroy members of a national or ethnic group based solely on their membership in that group. Israel is demonstrably targeting Hamas and Hamas infrastructure.
Right!! got it.
What mud? i have called Israel out for it's war crimes in Gaza the West bank and Lebanon.
You accuse Israel of war crimes without discussion. It's an empty accusation. Just mud.

Edited to add: See? Look at the photo posted above. Just mud. Destroyed buildings are NOT evidence of genocide or war crimes.
Can you read? Israel is absolutely destroying Hamas and Hamas infrastructure.
Yes but you are a liar, clearly an apologist, no matter who dies, no matter what is destroyed, you will always distort the truth to portray the actions just unavoidable consequences of "targeting Hamas".
Israel is demonstrably NOT intentionally destroying a national group. Don't twist my words. If you have to twist my words in order to produce an argument, it is only proof that you have no argument.
So what is it doing to them then?
Of course, there is a point where the proportional risk of harm to non-combatants is greater than the military advantage achieved. Of course, there is.
Anyone engaged in mass slaughter could also contrive justifications like that, it is word salad, that because I say I am acting legally then I am.
That is WHY Israel goes to such lengths to gather accurate intelligence, to measure this risk, to apply a legal and moral assessment, and to only carry out a targeted attack when the proportionality is within acceptable limits. NO ONE HERE IS SAYING that Israel should ignore the IHL custom of proportionality and disregard the moral equation.
Israel does none of those things, they are unleashed killers, if they had any competence at all in these matters then 1,000+ Israelis would not have died on Oct 7th, so don't pretend.
You are accusing us of immorality and evil intent based on your false perceptions of us, rather than on the evidence before you about what we actually say. That is the core of antisemitism. You imagine us as monsters, then force us to defend ourselves against your imaginary creation.
Most of the world is accusing Israel, not simply me.

What they "actually say" is no more relevant than what the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg said. The evidence includes the long list of UN resolutions that Israel refuses to comply with and the settler violence, the Human Rights organizations reports about apartheid, home demolitions, segregation, sniper incidents, killed journalists, huge numbers of amputees in Gaza and so on and so forth.

Justifying all of these things takes a lot of doing, the Zionists are very adept at lying but the scale of what's unfolding is far beyond having any reasonable ethical explanation, it is wanton mass murder.

Doing all of these things and much more too and then claiming that objections to this mass slaughter proves "antisemitism" only proves the depths to which Zionists have sunk. They are human filth, greedy, murderous, violent, racist, ruthless and it is sickening to then hear you play the victim card.

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