Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

There is nothing in the text that equates to your claim that only Jews are eligible for self-government.
Trying to put aside all your ridiculous, pedantic use of language...

There is nothing in the text except the Jewish people, Jewish agencies, Jewish administration, Jewish government, Jewish claim to resources, utilities, services, Jewish national homeland, Jewish immigration, Jewish independence.

You can whine all you want about it. You can claim there were two distinct groups who were named, or ten, or forty. There is still only one.
it is what it is, not what you think it does.
Would you argue that the effects of the Nazi ideology on others, are nothing to do with the Nazi ideology?
nothing on that page did what you claimed. Care to do better than link to a random page?

Does the man's testimony reveal anything about the nature of the Nazi ideology? Do these snippets tell us anything about the Jewish experience of Nazism?

Yes, that is right. When I arrived at the ghetto I saw the following scene: Martin Weiss came in with a young Jewish girl. When we went in farther, he took out his revolver and shot her on the spot. The girl's name was Gitele Tarlo.
I must state that the Germans organized the ghetto only to exterminate the Jewish population with greater ease. The head of the ghetto was the expert on Jewish questions, Muhrer, and he issued a series of mad orders. For instance, Jews were forbidden to wear watches. The Jews could not pray in the ghetto. When a German passed by, they had to take off their hats but were not allowed to look at him.
Muhrer came to the hospital in Street Number 6 and said that an order had come from Berlin to the effect that Jewish women should not bear children and that if the Germans found out that a Jewish woman had given birth, the child would be exterminated.
It seems that when she had had her baby, the Jewish doctors of the hospital had already received the order that Jewish women must not give birth; and they had hidden the baby, together with other newborn children, in one of the rooms. But when this commission with Muhrer came to the hospital, they heard the cries of the babies. They broke open the door and entered the room. When my wife heard that the door had been broken, she immediately got up and ran to see what was happening to the child. She saw one German holding the baby and smearing something under its nose. Afterwards he threw it on the bed and laughed. When my wife picked up the child, there was something black under his nose. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw that my baby was dead. He was still warm.

Are you - a Jew - seriously trying to argue that these experiences are unrelated to the Nazi ideology? that these experiences do not define the Nazi ideology? Perhaps like Nazinyahu you believe it was the Arabs that were the true cause of Jewish misery, that Hitler never really wanted any of this to happen?

You're a desperate man, desperate to polish the turd Zionism so much that you are willing to decouple the Nazi ideology from its effects, you should hang your head in shame.
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No, it happened as a result of your illegal migration into the area.
Ah. So the entire problem is caused by the Jewish people simply living in their own homeland. The audacity of wanting to return to your homeland. What kind of terrible, horrible human beings would want to do that?! Oh wait ...
Ah. So the entire problem is caused by the Jewish people simply living in their own homeland. The audacity of wanting to return to your homeland. What kind of terrible, horrible human beings would want to do that?! Oh wait ...
They were European Jews, what do you mean their homeland? they had as much connection to the middle East as i have which is NO connection.
No it didn't the Zionists were attacking Arabs before other Arab Countries became involved, it's why they became involved.
I'm ot denying the civil war prior to Israeli independence. The scale and scope changed with the Arab invasion.
Trying to put aside all your ridiculous, pedantic use of language...

There is nothing in the text except the Jewish people, Jewish agencies, Jewish administration, Jewish government, Jewish claim to resources, utilities, services, Jewish national homeland, Jewish immigration, Jewish independence.

These are each of the phrases that contain "Jewish" in the text of the Mandate for Palestine:

"establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"
"historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine"
"secure the establishment of the Jewish national home"
"Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine"
"Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."
"shall facilitate Jewish immigration"
"arrange with the Jewish agency"

There is no reference whatsoever to a "Jewish government" or "Jewish independence" NONE!

You can whine all you want about it. You can claim there were two distinct groups who were named, or ten, or forty. There is still only one.

This too is, to put it mildly, wrong, the text has the phrase "rights of existing non-Jewish communities" and "civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine" and "ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced"

Only a rabid Zionist apologist could read such text and interpret that to mean that "only Jews" is referred to in the Mandate and only a rabid Zionist apologist can describe my highlighting your fanciful claims as "pedantry".

The more you and a few other apologists squirm, twist and connive the worse you'll look, you are not dealing with an ordinary member of the public madam, you are dealing with Sherlock Holmes, do not forget that.

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They were European Jews, what do you mean their homeland? they had as much connection to the middle East as i have which is NO connection.
I mean the historical homeland of the Jewish people. You know, where if you dig in the land, you find the origins of Jewish people and thousands of years of history. History that is relevant in the lives of Jewish people, no matter where they live. It is in the religion, the holidays, the life celebrations, the customs, the clothing, the traditional foods, the laws, the prayers, the songs, the stories, the language, the architecture, the art, the holy places, the graves of our ancestors, ... ... ...

That connection.
These are each of the phrases that contain "Jewish" in the text of the Mandate for Palestine:

There is no reference whatsoever to a "Jewish government" or "Jewish independence" NONE!

This too is, to put it mildly, wrong, the text has the phrase "rights of existing non-Jewish communities" and "civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine" and "ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced"

Only a rabid Zionist apologist could read such text and interpret that to mean that "only one" group is referred to in the Mandate and only a rabid Zionist apologist can describe my highlighting your fanciful claims as "pedantry".

Your pedantic denial of reality is weird.

There is one group specifically mentioned in conjunction with the future independent state in the Mandate territory. Only one. The Mandate doesn't name any other group (yes, it talks about inhabitants and non-Jews). But it doesn't name any other group.
Your pedantic denial of reality is weird.

And your penchant for paraphrasing is suspicious, once again thoroughness and accuracy in textual analysis is extremely important, lambasting that as "pedantry" shows you don't really care what the text says, you only want to talk about what you think it says.

There is one group specifically mentioned in conjunction with the future independent state in the Mandate territory. Only one. The Mandate doesn't name any other group (yes, it talks about inhabitants and non-Jews). But it doesn't name any other group.

The term "independent" or "state" does not appear in the text though.

You said this a few posts ago

You can whine all you want about it. You can claim there were two distinct groups who were named, or ten, or forty. There is still only one.

Well, first I never did claim there were "two distinct groups", if I'm wrong then I'll admit it, so feel free to show me such a post.

Second, you did say "doesn't mention any people eligible for self-government but the Jewish people" yet the term "self-government" isn't in the text, there's nothing that couples "self-government" and "Jewish people", I told you this earlier.

The text does say this though

nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine

Now it is rather obvious that "existing non-Jewish communities" refers to multiple groups that are non-Jewish so the document refers to an undefined number of groups and calls out "Jewish" only so far as is necessary to ensure that a "national home for the Jewish people" is explicitly stated as an objective.

Frankly I can see that you are very familiar with the text but have interpreted it in a fanciful way that amounts to a misrepresentation of the mandate. Any arguments you present here that use the mandate as a support are therefore specious as is the entire Zionist rationale for their despicable ideology.
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These are each of the phrases that contain "Jewish" in the text of the Mandate for Palestine:

There is no reference whatsoever to a "Jewish government" or "Jewish independence" NONE!

This too is, to put it mildly, wrong, the text has the phrase "rights of existing non-Jewish communities" and "civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine" and "ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced"

Only a rabid Zionist apologist could read such text and interpret that to mean that "only Jews" is referred to in the Mandate and only a rabid Zionist apologist can describe my highlighting your fanciful claims as "pedantry".

The more you and a few other apologists squirm, twist and connive the worse you'll look, you are not dealing with an ordinary member of the public madam, you are dealing with Sherlock Holmes, do not forget that.

Just watching a program and it's sobering, if Britain had been bombed like Gaza the equivalent per head of population would be 7 million dead Brits, and they said after the Holocaust in WW2 never again, well it is happening again no matter what the disgusting Genocide apologists say.
I mean the historical homeland of the Jewish people. You know, where if you dig in the land, you find the origins of Jewish people and thousands of years of history. History that is relevant in the lives of Jewish people, no matter where they live. It is in the religion, the holidays, the life celebrations, the customs, the clothing, the traditional foods, the laws, the prayers, the songs, the stories, the language, the architecture, the art, the holy places, the graves of our ancestors, ... ... ...

That connection.
I never bought that as a excuse for the way Israel has conducted itself for decades, there is a good chance my historical land is Scandinavia if i go back to the 10th Century and possibly France and Ireland on my Mothers side, that doesn't give me the right to take land from people living there it's a ridiculous notion. so ridiculous we have cases like that arsehole from Brooklyn telling a Palestinian Woman if he didn't steal her house someone else would, that clown belongs in a Loony bin, if i tried that stunt at his home in Brooklyn that is where i would end up or knowing the US probably shot, he deserved to be shot.

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