Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

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The Jewish people were the only recipients of the territory of the Mandate for Palestine (after Jordan was carved off).

What, exactly, are you using to support your assertion that the Mandate territory was further divided?
Bullshit! The Balfout Declaration said you could have some if the land as long as you did not disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population, but that's not what you did!
Bullshit! The Balfout Declaration said you could have some if the land as long as you did not disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population, but that's not what you did!
Great! Thanks for sharing. Please provide the primary source documents which delineate the portion of land that went to the Jewish people for their self-determination and the portion of land that went to the Arab people for their self-determination. The Mandate for Palestine doesn't mention any people eligible for self-government but the Jewish people. So, I'd be curious what legal document names another people and apportions the territory. long as you did not disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population, but that's not what you did!
Specifically, the Mandate says that (Israel) will not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities. Which Israel has scrupulously adhered to.
Great! Thanks for sharing. Please provide the primary source documents which delineate the portion of land that went to the Jewish people for their self-determination and the portion of land that went to the Arab people for their self-determination. The Mandate for Palestine doesn't mention any people eligible for self-government but the Jewish people. So, I'd be curious what legal document names another people and apportions the territory.
Nothing changes the fact that there were people already living there when YOU FUCKER'S MOVE IN!

Get this through your fucking selfish head, you fuckers are the settlers, they're the natives!
Specifically, the Mandate says that (Israel) will not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities. Which Israel has scrupulously adhered to.
Driving out 750,000 of them at the point of a gun is "adhering" to the declaration?

What you fuckers did at Deir Yassen was "adhering" to the declaration?

Taking more land than you were given, is "adhering" to the declaration?

God, you are so full of shit!
Driving out 750,000 of them at the point of a gun is "adhering" to the declaration?

What you fuckers did at Deir Yassen was "adhering" to the declaration?
It was the result of a war of annihilation on the part of the Arabs and the surrounding Arab nations.
Taking more land than you were given, is "adhering" to the declaration?
Sigh. But this is the whole POINT of this part of the discussion. You are claiming that the Jewish people were "given" a specific territory. We agree. They were. You don't seem to be able to point to where, exactly, the boundaries of that land for Israel are. I can.
Nothing changes the fact that there were people already living there when YOU FUCKER'S MOVE IN!

Get this through your fucking selfish head, you fuckers are the settlers, they're the natives!
Where am I denying that people were living there? I've never said that no one was living in the Ottoman territory. Of course people were living there.

But the Jewish people are decolonizers and liberators of an indigenous people in their homeland.
Great! Thanks for sharing. Please provide the primary source documents which delineate the portion of land that went to the Jewish people for their self-determination and the portion of land that went to the Arab people for their self-determination.

The Mandate for Palestine doesn't mention any people eligible for self-government but the Jewish people. So, I'd be curious what legal document names another people and apportions the territory.

The term "self-governing" appears but once in the text, article 12:

The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations (12 August 1922)2 establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.

The "establishment of the Jewish national home" and the "development of self-governing institutions" are distinct responsibilities of the mandatory. The text does not conflate these two as you do. There is nothing in the text that equates to your claim that only Jews are eligible for self-government. It says nothing whatsoever about "eligibility" at all in fact, that term too does not appear in the text.

You are interpreting the text with a huge sense of entitlement, this is the way of the Zionist, twisting words, conflating unrelated concepts, your entire interpretation is bizarre, fanciful and smacks of racial supremacy, perhaps you don't even know you are doing that, how terribly sad.
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Nothing changes the fact that there were people already living there when YOU FUCKER'S MOVE IN!

Like this lot? The fuckers who took over these lands from people already living there?

It was the result of a war of annihilation on the part of the Arabs and the surrounding Arab nations.

Sigh. But this is the whole POINT of this part of the discussion. You are claiming that the Jewish people were "given" a specific territory. We agree. They were. You don't seem to be able to point to where, exactly, the boundaries of that land for Israel are. I can.
The Arab nations went in to restore the rights of the non-Jewish population.
You keep trying to make this about me, because you have no valid argument and you know goddamn well Palestinians are trashed constantly!
You made a claim. I showed it was wrong. You can't handle that. It isn't about you -- it is about your being wrong, and you can't stand that.

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