Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

When you call Israel “the Jew Supremacy State,” your antisemitism is screaming from the roof.

And Israel is NOT out of touch with 99.9% of the human race. That’s just more of your antisemitism showing.
From the desert to the sea, Israel will be free. Israel will be free, from the desert to the sea.
I have been trying to explain that to him but he insists that the victims get to define a word, so only an Arab who feels victimized by Israel can say what Zionism is. Or something insane like that.
That's insane. But coming from a democrat, you can't expect better.
That's because he has no idea what Zionism is.
It emerged in Europe not Palestine, Israel would not exist today but for British support for colonialism. Jews were never colonizers, it was never a characteristic of Judaism, go and read Herzl's pamphlet. Zionism was driven by secular Jews and largely attributable to increasing antisemitism - again, in Europe.

I quote from Wikipedia

Political Zionism was in some respects a dramatic break from the two thousand years of Jewish and rabbinical tradition. Deriving inspiration from other European nationalist movements, Zionism drew in particular from a German version of European enlightenment thought, with German nationalistic principles becoming key features of Zionist nationalism.

To assert that political Zionism is Jewish is to oversimplify things and over emphasize the degree to which Jewish culture spawned these ideas, the ideas that are today destroying Palestine.

You would do well to read your own cherished literature too - Proverbs 18:13



That's why you do not understand my words, you are a fool, you spoke before asking me, you assumed and you were wrong, if you rely on Zionist propaganda then of course it will mislead you, they are master liars, master propagandists.
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It emerged in Europe not Palestine, Israel would not exist today but for British support for colonialism. Jews were never colonizers, it was never a characteristic of Judaism, go and read Herzl's pamphlet. Zionism was driven by secular Jews and largely attributable to increasing antisemitism - again, in Europe.

I quote from Wikipedia

You would do well to read your own cherished literature too - Proverbs 18:13

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That's why you do not understand my words, you are a fool.
oh look -- a wiki post which specifies "Political Zionism." Is that what you are talking about? You chose not to be precise in your use of the word.
You seem overly fixated on the topic. Out of all proportion.

First of all, I was responding to another person's comment and, secondly, that's just a different way of saying that I've researched the material beyond rebuttal.
First of all, I was responding to another person's comment and, secondly, that's just a different way of saying that I've researched the material beyond rebuttal.

You don’t need to explain or justify your bullshit to me.

I’ve heard it all before.
I have been trying to explain that to him but he insists that the victims get to define a word, so only an Arab who feels victimized by Israel can say what Zionism is. Or something insane like that.
I think the victims of an ideology are unlikely to misrepresent it's more salient features, asking a Holocaust survivor to define Nazism seems to me to be something we'd attach great importance to, at least they did at the Nuremberg trials.

You object here - in my opinion - primarily because you refuse to admit that there are victims of Zionism, preferring the lie that it is all the fault of the victims, you are a turd polisher first class.
And yet, you cannot prove your claim that Israel is engaged in "the world's longest and most brutal foreign funded genocide".

The fact. that you can't think of another one is proof enough.

Now, run along and prove that that there was a longer, more brutal, foreign funded genocide if you can.
Why am I not surprised that you would find a bogus map that is just another Hasbara deception?

You've debunked nothing but your own credibility by posting that transparently deceptive rubbish.

In 1946, Palestine had almost twice as many Muslims as Jews :

  • Religious breakdown: 1,061,270 Muslims, 553,600 Jews, 135,550 Christians, and 14,100 "others"
  • (AI Overview)
Your deliberately deceptive map might as well be of Mars.
Again, you are conflating self-determination and sovereignty with individual residency and property ownership by ethnic or religious group. It doesn't work that way. If it did, and you weren't deliberately deceitful, you would have to color ALL your maps by residency and property ownership, not just the first one and one QUARTER of Israel "proper" would be colored green to represent the Arabs living there. Each map in the set you presented, illustrates a different measurement.

Map 1: population by religious/ethnic group
Map 2: a suggestion which was never implemented and therefore totally irrelevant
Map 3: military control immediately after war
Map 4: partial (incorrect) overview of negotiated treaties between the relevant parties

The maps I present illustrate a consistent idea: to what extent did "Palestine" (and others) have political (or legal sovereignty) control over any of the territory? The maps are an accurate reflection of this concept. You don't have to like what these maps measure, but it would be entirely disingenuous to claim that they are not accurate (Hasbara deception).

Your maps are nothing more than wishful thinking, showing what the Arab Palestinians wished they had, instead of what they have actually managed to achieve (or not).

I've got a better idea.

The West must stop all this whining about Jewish "loss" during the Holocaust alongside German aggression, crate up the world's glut of Holocaust theme parks and dump them on the Knesset steps where the "lessons of the Holocaust" are most needed.
Nakba denial is no less repulsive than Holocaust denial and suggesting that Palestine's existing residents didn't lose life, land and limb to foreign Zionist terrorist gangs exemplifies Zionist arrogance and delusion.
I have never, ever denied the Nakba, nor denied the suffering of the Arab Palestinian people.

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