Trump hater gets instant karma

I wonder when Democrats smash windows, set buildings and cars on fire, riot against the police, how Democrats live with themselves?
What's your point? We know what happened at the capitol. Are you saying the actions of somebody else means the capitol attack didn't happen?
What's your point? We know what happened at the capitol. Are you saying the actions of somebody else means the capitol attack didn't happen?
Geez that’s old news, you might as well be talking about the civil war.

We live in the present, where demafasict violence and hate run rampant and assassination attempts
Why did Democrats hide those alleged fake ballots? Had they produced them, it would have helped Democrats.
I'm guessing you have been living in a cave or on an island somewhere that doesn't get regular news broadcasts. Fake electors cast fake ballots in an attempt to overthrow an election. They were caught and many of them are now either in prison, or in court over those fake electors' ballots. The courts have possession of all known evidence.
Obviously a faked video. Why do MAGAs lie about everything?
It because Trump lies to them constantly and now it is part of their identity to stage a play and post it.

Yeah like the guy has a front window video cam and someone is recording in the car. Who still wears COVID mask while driving in their car.

How convenient to have Trump signs in a row

Well let see what Karma has to say next month.

can we flip the script

when Trump loses then this will be a funny video
I'm guessing you have been living in a cave or on an island somewhere that doesn't get regular news broadcasts. Fake electors cast fake ballots in an attempt to overthrow an election. They were caught and many of them are now either in prison, or in court over those fake electors' ballots. The courts have possession of all known evidence.
So you never saw any fake ballots yet you believe those exist? What about fairies?
Sure, I’ve also come to know a lot of dems stealing signs and vandilizng property is normal for the left
You’ve considered the possibility that things on the internet aren’t real. And yet you’re stupid enough to believe this video is actually real.

Here’s another one of their videos.

You people are gullible fools.
You’ve considered the possibility that things on the internet aren’t real. And yet you’re stupid enough to believe this video is actually real.

Here’s another one of their videos.

You people are gullible fools.

Typical dem behaviors
What's your point? We know what happened at the capitol. Are you saying the actions of somebody else means the capitol attack didn't happen?
I will spell out what happened at the Capitol. Some of Trumps fans walked to the Capitol and all of a sudden for no reason we know of, cops hurled flash bang bombs back of the crowd trying it looked like to cause them to rush into the Capitol. Females in the group would likely panic pretty fast. But cops opened doors to the capitol and the vast majority entered the building clearly in peace. They did not vandalize. They saw police inside and some offered the cops water in bottles. Reporters went in and one saw Ashli Babbitt get murdered. She was tiny. She had no arms on her person that were weapons. She had herself been an experienced law person. I was not able to clearly see the man who lifted her up and shoved her at the broken out window, but she had moments before hit the man for his destruction. She was murdered by a cop. I saw cops attacking visitors.
Yeah? How many democrat signs were the rioters displaying during the Floyd protest or riots. How many Trump signs and Rebel flags did the Trump Chumps parade around the Capitol?
Trump signs are normal for such events. Rebel flags are not for the old confederates, but show a distrust for Democrat politicians.
They’re not real videos. This is obvious to anyone with common sense.

You people are incapable of distinguishing between what’s real and what’s fake. Sad.
Of course it’s a “real” video

Haha wow

Now if the dembots were actually doing what the video shows or it was acting, hard to say, certainly seems like a typical dem move

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