ACLU Leader Changes Tune on Bathroom Law When Her Daughters Saw Men in the Ladies Room

How did she know they were men? Did she look up their skirts?

They were probably wagglin' their wieners at the little girls.

You know, shakin' off in the sink maybe.
Well that didn't happen. So it seems this woman had no idea what was under those people's skirts.

You were there?
I wouldn't have known either if I had been there, because I wouldn't have demanded to look at their crotches.

I sure the little girls didn't either.
How did she know they were men? Did she look up their skirts?

They were probably wagglin' their wieners at the little girls.

You know, shakin' off in the sink maybe.
Well that didn't happen. So it seems this woman had no idea what was under those people's skirts.

You were there?
I wouldn't have known either if I had been there, because I wouldn't have demanded to look at their crotches. Would you have made them drop trou?
You are so right!!
They could have been women transitioning into men!!
But they were obeying the law!!.

Buck Angel comes to mind here!
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday, she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

As Federalist Papers reported:

The ACLU has been increasingly focusing on transgender issues, advocating for "gender neutral" restrooms and permitting biological males to use women’s restrooms, LifeSiteNews is reporting.

"I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered," she wrote.

"My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer," she continued. "I found myself principally and philosophically unaligned with the organization."

"I understood it to be the ACLU’s goal to delicately balance competing rights to ensure that any infringements are narrowly tailored, that they do not create a hierarchy of rights, and that we are mindful of unintended consequences," she said.

"I believe there are solutions that can provide accommodations for transgender people and balance the need to ensure women and girls are safe from those who might have malicious intent," she said.

She has started a new website,, that seems to look for a middle ground between privacy rights and transgender rights.

But you know liberals. For putting her daughters above "fundamentally transforming America," Smith is now receiving vicious hate from her fellow travelers. She is a traitor to them now.

Cheryl Courtney-Evans, writing on her blog "A Bitch For Justice," railed against Dillard Smith, saying she should "STFU," calling her a "bitch" and "stupid as sh*t.""
Those who promote lies have no place at the ACLU table. See ya, bitch.
You are truly one of the most horrible people I have ever met on the internet.
She was the interim director for the state of Georgia.

I find it interesting that non-vetted blog-type wingnut sites are running the story, but not a single actual news site is.

Makes me wonder if the non-vetted blog-type wingnut sites are circlejerking something that didn't really happen.
If you are prepared to prove this story is a work of fiction, then go ahead and prove it.
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday,
she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

There is no middle ground.

Men just need to stay the hell out of women's restrooms and similar facilities. Period.

It doesn't matter what sexual perversions or mental illnesses they have, how they claim to “feel” or “identify”, or what surgical mutilations they have undergone. They do not have any business claiming to be women,and they do not have any business violating the privacy of genuine women.
She was the interim director for the state of Georgia.

I find it interesting that non-vetted blog-type wingnut sites are running the story, but not a single actual news site is.

Makes me wonder if the non-vetted blog-type wingnut sites are circlejerking something that didn't really happen.

No, it's because the liberal media act as watchdogs over Dems and refuse to report anything that might make them look bad. Seems the libs are always late in reporting things on Hillary's email scandal and the details about shooters, etc. If you want to get facts then you need to go to sources who aren't afraid of the Obama administration and are willing to report the truth. Libs are always afraid they will offend them.
There is no middle ground.

Men just need to stay the hell out of women's restrooms and similar facilities. Period.

It doesn't matter what sexual perversions or mental illnesses they have, how they claim to “feel” or “identify”, or what surgical mutilations they have undergone. They do not have any business claiming to be women,and they do not have any business violating the privacy of genuine women.

I think the middle ground is giving them their own bathroom.
Leftists are fair at excitedly planning ahead to forward their political nonsense, but in terms of real life cannot see beyond their eyelashes to fathom the consequences until they are slapped upside the head with them.

Then they whisper "Oh ... I didn't know."

Even then, leftists wrongists rarely will admit the connection between their bad policies, and the bad consequences that follow. This is a pretty rare example, of a wrongist making that connection and admitting to it.
She should have stayed in the ACLU and dissented from within, and tried to change their position. Now she is just another outsider with an opinion that doesn't matter to ACLU.
This experience will be repeated all over America, converting millions of liberals to conservatives overnight. This is better than a tax increase for converting people to conservativism.
What is all the fuss about? When you got to go you go. Act of God.
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday, she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

As Federalist Papers reported:

The ACLU has been increasingly focusing on transgender issues, advocating for "gender neutral" restrooms and permitting biological males to use women’s restrooms, LifeSiteNews is reporting.

"I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered," she wrote.

"My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer," she continued. "I found myself principally and philosophically unaligned with the organization."

"I understood it to be the ACLU’s goal to delicately balance competing rights to ensure that any infringements are narrowly tailored, that they do not create a hierarchy of rights, and that we are mindful of unintended consequences," she said.

"I believe there are solutions that can provide accommodations for transgender people and balance the need to ensure women and girls are safe from those who might have malicious intent," she said.

She has started a new website,, that seems to look for a middle ground between privacy rights and transgender rights.

But you know liberals. For putting her daughters above "fundamentally transforming America," Smith is now receiving vicious hate from her fellow travelers. She is a traitor to them now.

Cheryl Courtney-Evans, writing on her blog "A Bitch For Justice," railed against Dillard Smith, saying she should "STFU," calling her a "bitch" and "stupid as sh*t.""
Those who promote lies have no place at the ACLU table. See ya, bitch.
You are truly one of the most horrible people I have ever met on the internet.
Actually I'm just honest. To your kind that is the same thing.
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday,
she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

There is no middle ground.

Men just need to stay the hell out of women's restrooms and similar facilities. Period.

It doesn't matter what sexual perversions or mental illnesses they have, how they claim to “feel” or “identify”, or what surgical mutilations they have undergone. They do not have any business claiming to be women,and they do not have any business violating the privacy of genuine women.
XX male.jpg
All this is good.

Today the men's room at the coffee shop was being cleaned.

So I used the other one.

It's a single-seater with a locking door so no danger of any innocent entering accidentally.

When I had finished and put the seat back down (I am nothing but courteous) a manager chastised me. But quickly backed down when I urged her to rage on because it would help advance my suit over violation of The Great Shithouse Liberator's edict allowing such use even when there's no locked door and multiple stalls.

It was delightful.
If my wife, daughter, or sister was in the ladies' room and a man went in there, I would follow him in and yank him out. If the police arrested me, I would refuse to cop a plea but insist they give me a trial by jury. I would put up my own defense, and in closing arguments I would point out that the prosecution had the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that there was no doubt in my mind that the man was a transgender, and I had no reasonable fear that he would harm my wife, daughter, or sister. If that argument didn't work, I would hire male private investigators to enter the women's restrooms of the courthouse while female jurors were in there, and I would hire female private investigators to enter the men's restrooms of the courthouse while male jurors were in there. If anyone complained I was tampering with the jury, I would ask them to explain how hiring private investigators to do what was legal was tampering in any way with the justice system.
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday, she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

As Federalist Papers reported:

The ACLU has been increasingly focusing on transgender issues, advocating for "gender neutral" restrooms and permitting biological males to use women’s restrooms, LifeSiteNews is reporting.

"I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered," she wrote.

"My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer," she continued. "I found myself principally and philosophically unaligned with the organization."

"I understood it to be the ACLU’s goal to delicately balance competing rights to ensure that any infringements are narrowly tailored, that they do not create a hierarchy of rights, and that we are mindful of unintended consequences," she said.

"I believe there are solutions that can provide accommodations for transgender people and balance the need to ensure women and girls are safe from those who might have malicious intent," she said.

She has started a new website,, that seems to look for a middle ground between privacy rights and transgender rights.

But you know liberals. For putting her daughters above "fundamentally transforming America," Smith is now receiving vicious hate from her fellow travelers. She is a traitor to them now.

Cheryl Courtney-Evans, writing on her blog "A Bitch For Justice," railed against Dillard Smith, saying she should "STFU," calling her a "bitch" and "stupid as sh*t.""

ACLU Leader Quits Over 'Transgender Bathroom Rights' Flap

Wow! Someone at the ACLU finally got it right! whoo hoo!

Maya Dillard Smith called it quits on Thursday, saying the transgender ruling comes at the expense of women's civil rights.

"If our goal is to advance the rights of equality of transgender folk, how do we do that, and advance the rights of all people?" Dillard Smith said

I either want to hire this [person or go work for wherever they end up next].

NOTE to Jack4jill Thanks for the correction. I was reading too fast
when I first came across this and misread the name as "Dillard Smith" which sounded male.

And just because someone is out of a job doesn't mean you can't go
work for a law firm or team that takes on this issue. At this point I
figured I'd have to create my own legal foundation, group or school
that teaches Constitutional law and mediates conflicts by consensus.

Sorry this wasn't clear in my response that I was serious on a higher level,
even it means creating the jobs and organizing the funding and resources to
pay for mediation and correction to unconstitutional legislation this admin keeps pushing....
Last edited:
Funny that transgenders make up only .03% of the population and people rarely saw them, or didn't know they did, in the past. Suddenly, there are men in restrooms everywhere. Either they are just taking advantageous of the situation or a lot of people suddenly realized they were transgender.

She's right that we need to find a middle ground instead of exposing children to men using the restrooms.

"There’s an easy way to turn a liberal into a conservative: introduce them to the real world.

That happened to Maya Dillard Smith, former director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU.

Smith, like so many in the ACLU, the left, and the Democrat party, pushed hard for "transgendered" bathroom rules…the kind that Obama recently ordered schools across the nation to obey.

But yesterday, she stepped down — after seeing her daughters "frightened" by biological males using the women’s restroom.

As Federalist Papers reported:

The ACLU has been increasingly focusing on transgender issues, advocating for "gender neutral" restrooms and permitting biological males to use women’s restrooms, LifeSiteNews is reporting.

"I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered," she wrote.

"My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer," she continued. "I found myself principally and philosophically unaligned with the organization."

"I understood it to be the ACLU’s goal to delicately balance competing rights to ensure that any infringements are narrowly tailored, that they do not create a hierarchy of rights, and that we are mindful of unintended consequences," she said.

"I believe there are solutions that can provide accommodations for transgender people and balance the need to ensure women and girls are safe from those who might have malicious intent," she said.

She has started a new website,, that seems to look for a middle ground between privacy rights and transgender rights.

But you know liberals. For putting her daughters above "fundamentally transforming America," Smith is now receiving vicious hate from her fellow travelers. She is a traitor to them now.

Cheryl Courtney-Evans, writing on her blog "A Bitch For Justice," railed against Dillard Smith, saying she should "STFU," calling her a "bitch" and "stupid as sh*t.""

ACLU Leader Quits Over 'Transgender Bathroom Rights' Flap

Wow! Someone at the ACLU finally got it right! whoo hoo!

I either want to hire this guy or go work for him.
It's a woman, dummy, and she's out of a job.
ACLU Leader Quits Over 'Transgender Bathroom Rights' Flap

Wow! Someone at the ACLU finally got it right! whoo hoo!

I either want to hire this guy or go work for him.

Thing is she had done her job and pushed for transgenders being able to use any restroom. She didn't see any problem with it until her two young daughters felt really uncomfortable being in a restroom with several men. Suddenly, it dawned on her why so many had issues with it.

Transgender people only make up a tiny percent. ,03%, of the population yet suddenly they are everywhere. That certainly indicates that most of the men in women's bathroom are not transgender.

And any parent is going to be concerned over that. It's not about being a bigot, it's about understanding that the odds of encountering a pervert are far greater than encountering a true transgender. We met them before, but were unaware. Men are being really bold now and many don't dress like women.
If my wife, daughter, or sister was in the ladies' room and a man went in there, I would follow him in and yank him out. If the police arrested me, I would refuse to cop a plea but insist they give me a trial by jury. I would put up my own defense, and in closing arguments I would point out that the prosecution had the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that there was no doubt in my mind that the man was a transgender, and I had no reasonable fear that he would harm my wife, daughter, or sister. If that argument didn't work, I would hire male private investigators to enter the women's restrooms of the courthouse while female jurors were in there, and I would hire female private investigators to enter the men's restrooms of the courthouse while male jurors were in there. If anyone complained I was tampering with the jury, I would ask them to explain how hiring private investigators to do what was legal was tampering in any way with the justice system.


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